Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Blood Oath By Christopher Farnsworth

Have you read about Blood Oath yet?

I haven't had the chance to read it yet- but it is sitting there, taunting me, practically begging me to read it.

Here's the info about it-

BLOOD OATH by Christopher Farnsworth is a political thriller featuring a vampire who serves the President of the United States, and comes out May 2010 from Putnam.

Farnsworth, a long-time avid comic book reader and collector, superhero enthusiast, and devourer of pop culture, got the idea for BLOOD OATH after reading an obscure fact about President Andrew Johnson pardoning an accused bloodsucker in 1867. He imagined a very special secret agent: a vampire named Nathaniel Cade, who was bound 140 years ago to serve the President by a blood oath. And to protect the United States, Cade battles enemies far more bizarre—and more dangerous—than civilians have ever imagined.

In BLOOD OATH, Cade is paired with a new liaison to the Oval Office, a cocky young political operator named Zach Barrows. While Zach struggles to understand Cade’s existence, and how to navigate a partnership with a blood-sucking immortal, he and Cade uncover a grisly plot to use the corpses of American soldiers as undead biological weapons. To stop it, they must vanquish both its mastermind, an immortal scientist who inspired the story of Frankenstein, and the sinister secret government agency that protects him. But Cade and Zach are about to find out that they have an even more serious opponent, a traitor who has access to the highest levels of power – the White House itself.

Forget the War on Terror. This is the War on Horror, and it’s only just begun. And never forget: there’s no such thing as a good vampire.

Sounds like a great read doesn't it?

Not my normal Paranormal romance or urban fantasy but horror combined with political intrigue....fascinating.

And a must read.

What do you think?


The Scarf Princess said...

This does sound intriguing. When you do a mash-up like this it does capture your attention. These mash-ups always scream movie to me too. I can just see some guy in Hollywood putting this on the big screen (or depending on the craziness of the mash-up) or direct-to-video.

Unknown said...

This one sounds interesting. I hope you read and review it soon.