Monday, June 29, 2015

Guest Blog and Giveaway: Hunter of Her Heart by Kaylie Newell

The importance of junk food consumption while writing…  I think this is a sorely overlooked literary topic.  Yes, us romance writers will be the first to tell you via blog post how crucial coffee is.  How important it is to have a zen filled writing space (insert sound of crashing waves here), or even how the presence of our feline friends can actually increase word count (when they’re not napping on the keyboard).

But stuffing our face with chocolate or Cheetos, while trying not to drop any down our bra?  This is the part of the writer’s day you might not hear much about.  But it’s significant none the less. 

Take me for instance.  My junk food of choice is donuts.  And hot chocolate.  (I also enjoy Ding Dongs, but for some reason think of these as a late afternoon/early evening snack and can’t bring myself to partake before nine a.m.)  But I digress...  

My morning donut and steaming cup of cocoa are my little buddies.  They’re with me when I open my laptop, check Facebook, return emails and finally get down to the business of writing (however, they’re not with me very long.  Especially the donut).  They’re my comfort foods, the ones that I associate with romantic fiction and cellulite.  Yes, it’s a mixed bag.  It’s not all roses, especially when swim suit season comes around.  But it’s how I roll.  And I’m guessing it’s how a lot of authors roll too, even if they don’t readily admit it.

Writing can be a tough gig.  It can be a lonely gig.  Having a routine, especially one with a sugary reward, can make all the difference in the world.

So this is me, raising my donut high, dropping my hot chocolate onto my new white jeans and saying, “Thank you junk food!  For feeding my creativity every morning and leaving me more satisfied for it!”     

Hunter of Her Heart
Kaylie Newell

Release Date: 6/23/15
Genre: Paranormal

Publisher: Entangled

Tagline: To love a bad boy is to love the beast inside him…

About the Book:

Bad boy Zane Wolfe has always been wild and reckless. Even though he’s hot for his high school sweetheart, Candi Brooks, settling down has never been in his plans. Beyond that, he’s changing in strange ways—and begins to wonder if there's truth to the local folklore that claims his family is cursed to be werewolves...

There's never been a time when waitress Candi didn't have a serious weakness for Zane and his intense, dark sex appeal. She craves him. But after her life changes dramatically, and Zane won’t commit, Candi’s reached her limit. She can't wait she's taking her heart off the table before it gets good and broken.

Something mysterious is going on in Wolfe Creek, and danger stalks Candi. Zane will do anything he can to protect her. But the one person she needs protection from might just be him…

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About the Author:

For Kaylie Newell, writing ranks right up there with the things she loves most in life- falling somewhere behind her family, but ahead of Bradley Cooper (which says a lot).  She fell in lust with the romance genre when she was about thirteen and began sneaking her mother’s paperbacks from the bedside table.  After acne, college, marriage and kids, she decided to take a crack at writing one herself.  Turned out to be the best adventure she’s ever taken.  When she’s not dreaming up her next book, she’s usually eating chocolate or walking the family mutt.  In that order.

Author Website/Blog:

Author Twitter: @KaylieNewell

Author Goodreads:

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