Monday, July 13, 2015

Interviews with Three Authors from Corvidae

Edited by Rhonda Parrish

Publication Date for Corvidae: July 7, 2015  
Fantasy / Horror
$12.95 trade paperback, 234 pages   
$5.99 ebook
ISBN: 978-0692430217

Associated with life and death, disease and luck, corvids have long captured mankind’s attention, showing up in mythology as the companions or manifestations of deities, and starring in stories from Aesop to Poe and beyond. In Corvidae birds are born of blood and pain, trickster ravens live up to their names, magpies take human form, blue jays battle evil forces, and choughs become prisoners of war. These stories will take you to the Great War, research facilities, frozen mountaintops, steam-powered worlds, remote forest homes, and deep into fairy tales. One thing is for certain, after reading this anthology, you’ll never look the same way at the corvid outside your window.

Corvidae features works by Jane YolenMike AllenC.S.E. CooneyM.L.D. CurelasTim DealMegan EngelhardtMegan FennellAdria LaycraftKat OtisMichael S. PackSara PulsMichael M. RaderMark RapaczAngela SlatterLaura VanArendonk Baugh, and Leslie Van Zwol.

Rhonda Parrish is a master procrastinator and nap connoisseur but despite that she somehow manages a full professional life. She has been the publisher and editor-in-chief of Niteblade Magazine for over five years now (which is like 25 years in internet time) and is the editor of the benefit anthology Metastasis, as well as the World Weaver Press anthologies FaeScarecrow, and Corvidae. In addition, Rhonda is a writer whose work has been included or is forthcoming in dozens of publications including Tesseracts 17: Speculating Canada from Coast to Coast and Imaginarium: The Best Canadian Speculative Writing. Her website, updated weekly, is at

Quick Author Interviews

Today we have Fang-tastic interviews with three of the authors from Corvidae. 


Author Name: Leslie Van Zwol
Social Media Links:
Twitter: @bobbistylz

What is it about corvids that inspired you to write about them?    
Corvids are too smart for their own good, and their high intelligence often comes out in mischievous ways – this is what I love about them. You often see a group of corvids picking on a lone dog, a bird of prey, a human, or even a wolf. They just don’t care about anything. They lack the natural fear you see in most species. They are the embodiment of the ‘idle hands’ warning – too smart, too cunning, too bored!

Was there one corvid characteristic you wanted to highlight more than others?

I wanted to highlight their faults and their talents. Corvids are notoriously resourceful and fearless, but they are not very physically strong. I really wanted to show how they use their skillset to get around their weaknesses – not much slows a corvid down.

Do you think you were successful?

I think I did a good job… well I hope so.

If you were a covid, what would you build your nest out of?

Anything I could find, but I would lean towards the side of ‘things that did not stink’. No garbage. I would use mint gum as an adhesive, and find the prettiest accessories and add some bling around the edges.

What’s your favourite ‘shiny’ thing?

I am a fan of sequins and glitter, but I don’t like them in high concentration, more like a tasteful sprinkle. I am most assuredly not a corvid.

Author Name: Adria Laycraft

Website Address:
Social Media Links:
Twitter: aklaycraft

What is it about corvids that inspired you to write about them?

I love birds in general, but corvids hold a special place in my heart for their intelligence and tenacity. I think they appear in so many mythologies and legends because they are worthy of it!

Was there one corvid characteristic you wanted to highlight more than others?

I wanted a modern riff off old myths, highlighting Raven’s trickster ways, his laziness, and the fact he is seen as Creator in so many West Coast stories.

If you were a corvid, what would you build your nest out of?

The feathers of my foe. Mwhahahaha...

What’s your favourite ‘shiny’ thing?

As many are aware, I collect crystals and minerals. They are my ‘shiny’ treasures, my precious.

Author Name: Michael S. Pack

Website Address:
Social Media Links:
Twitter: @Michael_Pack

What is it about corvids that inspired you to write about them?

Ravens have interesting ambiguity when they appear in myths and folklore. They can represent wisdom, but also destruction. They can be messengers of the gods or forerunners of war—or both. They create, but they also play the role of the trickster. The uncanny intelligence of ravens has led people around the world to imbue them with supernal, almost mystical, cunning. And, in many myths the raven literally exists in a state of ambiguity: a part of our “real” world as well as a part of the spirit world. 

Was there one corvid characteristic you wanted to highlight more than others?

The sound of their wings in flight.

If you were a corvid, what would you build your nest out of?

Twigs. I’m all for tradition.

What’s your favourite ‘shiny’ thing?

Firefly. ;)

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