Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Brewing by Julia Talbot and B.A. Tortuga

Rainbow Brew
Book One
Julia Talbot and B.A. Tortuga

Genre: M/M, Magical Realism/
Contemporary Fantasy

Publisher: ARe Books

Date of Publication: November 1, 2015

Word Count: 18,000

Cover Artist: Erin Dameron-Hill

Book Description:

Harris must learn to believe in magic before it’s too late.

Harris, a buttoned-up Santa Fe architect, is having a crappy day until he ducks into the Rainbow Brew coffee shop to get out of the rain. He meets a quirky artist named Jayden and embarks on a four-day binge of sensual adventures, leaving the real world behind.

Jayden knows he can't live in the world Harris inhabits, but for this wonderful man he'll try, even if it ruins him.

Jayden is like no one Harris has ever met, but can Harris let go of the real world to love him?


There was a…tall bird of a man behind the counter, head bobbing and hair tied up in a gigantic tall ponytail like some sort of samurai warrior. The guy caught sight of Harris and waved. “Come in out of the rain! It will stop soon.”

“Yeah, as soon as I’m not in it.” He tried for a smile, but Harris knew it was sour.

“Well, you’re welcome here, and we’ve got all the things to make a bad day better.”

“Promise me something amazing in the way of pastry. Nothing plastic.” He did grin then, looking at the coffee menu.

“I have a chocolate croissant that’s made in-house. It’s like sex in pastry form.”

Sex? Harris wasn’t sure he remembered that anymore.

“Yeah? I’ll take it.” He was so tired of bad doughnuts and shitty pseudo-Danishes from big box stores.

“What would you like to drink?”

“Mexican chocolate latte?” Harris asked. A little spice might warm him.

“Absolutely. I’m on it. Have a seat.”

“Thanks.” Harris sat at the counter, taking the pressure off his sore ankle. The chrome and vinyl was more diner than coffee shop. He really liked the vibe.

A wild man pushed through the door, dark hair interspersed with tiny strands of pure silver. He wore a t-shirt and a pair of jeans that appeared three sizes too big and patched with at least two dozen colorful pieces of fabric. “Jack! Jack, I need coffee! Stat!”

The barista chuckled, the sound fond and warm. “Jayden. Sit.”

“Seriously. Inspiration has struck. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak!” The guy flopped on a stool next to Harris.

“Poor flesh.” Jack winked at Harris, handed him the most luscious-looking pastry in known history and a coffee that smelled like heaven. “Drip coffee, honey?”

“A triple espresso with a float of hazelnut, please.”

“You’re on a mission, Jayden.”

“Uh-huh.” The man pulled out a sketchbook, opened it up and started drawing everything. The coffee maker appeared, then the pastry case. It was like magic.

Harris knew he was being rude with the staring, but he couldn’t help it. He’d always wanted to be artistic but he’d ended up imminently practical.

The cup landed in front of Jayden, the hazelnut syrup floating on the top almost glittering. Kind of mesmerizing the way it swirled.

“Hello, beautiful,” Jayden said, grabbing the cup.

Harris took a sip of his drink, closing his eyes at the flavor.

“It’s like magic, huh?” Jayden nudged him with one elbow just as if they were old buddies.

“Yeah. I mean, wow, that’s good.” Harris was amazed.

“No shit.” One paint stained hand was offered over. “Jayden.”

“Harris. Nice to meet you.” Harris didn’t talk to people in coffee shops. He usually brought his laptop and buried his head in plans and schematics.

“Harris. That’s a cool name. Sort of tough, totally masculine.”

“Thanks. My dad is a Leslie, so he wanted me to have something chest beating, manly good.”

Jayden nodded. “Leslie is a softer name. My father is a Daniel. Biblical.”

“God is my judge,” Harris said, pulling that arcane knowledge right out of his ass. “You’re an artist, huh?”

“Yeppers. I’m a painter. You?” Those eyes were almost black, like obsidian. Stunning combination with Jayden’s pale skin. And the man’s face was unlined, but he had silver in his hair.

“I do restoration architecture. Structural stuff mostly.” Sounded so boring.

“Oh, cool. Architects are hot. They understand lines and curves.”

Harris blinked, then took another sip of coffee. “Want to share my sweet?”

About the Authors:

Once upon a time, Julia Talbot and B.A. Tortuga fell in love and got married. Texan B.A. and mountain girl Julia live in the high desert of New Mexico with their two basset hounds, a crazy house full of rainbows and collections, and a lot of yard art. Together they’ve published more than 400 stories.

For more information on other books by B.A. and Julia, visit their websites:  and

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