Friday, November 13, 2015

The Soulfully Sexy Men of Lost Reaper by Shelley Russell Nolan

The Soulfully Sexy Men of Lost Reaper

From the moment the idea for Lost Reaper came to me, I knew the men who would vie for Tyler’s heart had to be pretty amazing. First I came up with the names, Detective Sam Lockwood and Chris Bradbury, and made notes about who they were and what they looked like.

Sam – handsome, steadfast, honest, his calm and considered manner makes him an oasis of safety in a world that is rapidly spinning out of Tyler’s control. But can she ever tell him the truth about being a reaper?

Chris – gorgeous, wealthy and powerful, he knows what he wants and makes it quite clear that what he wants is Tyler. But is his interest more for her or the power contained in the necklace that makes her a living reaper?

Two very different men staking claim on Tyler’s heart, both dangerous but for different reasons.

Then, as you do, I got to thinking about who would play them if Lost Reaper were ever to be made into a movie and realised that inspiration was already present in their names.

Sam (Worthington) Lockwood and Chris (Hemsworth) Bradbury.

Who better to portray Tyler’s men than two of the hottest and talented actors in the world? How could any woman not be thrilled to have those two men fighting over her?

Okay, so there is no movie planned (Hey, Hollywood, anybody there want to make a movie?) and my Sam and Chris are different men from the actors I would choose to play them, but I can totally see it. So, as you read Lost Reaper, reading on as both Sam and Chris fight for her heart, I want you to picture Worthington and Hemsworth playing their roles on the big screen.

FYI – Nina Dobrev would make a fantastic Tyler. After all those years on The Vampire Diaries, she got a lot of practice being torn between two totally different men. (I was Team Damon)

So, who else thinks Dobrev, Worthington and Hemsworth would make a great love triangle? On-screen only, of course. I would love to hear who you think would be great playing Tyler, Sam and Chris.

Lost Reaper
Reaper Series
Book One
Shelley Russell Nolan

Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance

Publisher: Ormiston Press

Date of Publication: 23rd October 2015

ISBN: 9781311053688

Number of pages: 240 Kindle
Word Count: 83,000 words

Cover Artist: Two Decade Designs

Book Description:

The first dead body I ever saw was my own

For twenty-five year old Tyler Morgan, being murdered was easy. Easy in comparison with working for the Grim Reaper. Jonathon Grimm may have brought her back from the dead in exchange for working as a reaper for her home town, Easton, but she has to find his lost reaper before she can enjoy her second chance at life.

Only … the lost reaper isn’t actually lost. He has a new body, a new life, and no intention of turning himself in.

Tyler begins the grisly task of reaping the souls of Easton’s dead while searching for the reaper. He could be anyone – the intriguing detective, Sam Lockwood: the handsome, wealthy Chris Bradbury; or the serial killer stalking the women of Easton. Women who bear an uncanny resemblance to Tyler.

As the killer closes in and Grimm’s deadline draws closer, Tyler discovers she is fighting a much bigger threat than the Grim Reaper and time is running out for everyone.


I opened my eyes and found myself somewhere else, looking through a window at my body on the service station floor. Blood coated the front of my t-shirt, darkening the cloth. My caramel-coloured skin was pale, heart-shaped face slack, long black hair matted with blood. 
I put a hand on my chest. My heart beat faster and faster. It should have reassured me, but I couldn’t ignore the evidence of my own eyes. I was dead.
I clutched my stomach and found my ruined clothes had been replaced by a long white gown, the silken fabric soft and cool against my body. My feet were bare but I could feel nothing beneath my toes. Around me was a dark void, the only light coming from the room where a horrible scene was playing out.
Behind the counter, the owner had pulled himself to his feet and was frantically pushing buttons on an ancient telephone, gnarled hands shaking, horror etched on his face when his call wouldn’t connect.
To the left of my body, the man who’d tried to give me a chance to escape slumped at the end of the aisle closest to the counter. He struggled to his knees, oblivious of the monster standing over him.  
I heard the knife thud home and wanted to turn away but my body seized up. Helpless, I watched the owner scramble out from behind the counter, making for a door marked ‘Staff Only’. The monster got to his feet and stalked after him, whistling as he prepared to kill again.
I sobbed, hands covering my mouth, tears streaming down my face.
‘It doesn’t have to end this way, Tyler.’
I dropped my hands and spun around.
A man shrouded in mist appeared out of the darkness, the light from the service station creating shadows that cloaked his features as he glided towards me.
The mist flowed around him like a living thing, keeping his shape indistinct until he stood in front of me. Then it parted.

About the Author:

Shelley Russell Nolan is an avid reader who began writing her own stories at sixteen. Her first completed manuscript featured brain eating aliens and a butt kicking teenage heroine. Since then she has spent her time creating fantasy worlds where death is only the beginning and even freaks can fall in love. With books for both young adults and adults in the works, Shelley plans on writing for as longs as she has the power to type and looks forward to the day when her stories will be published.

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  1. Thanks for letting Lost Reaper and I visit Fang-tastic Books. Hope your followers like reapers.

  2. Thanks, Mary. I'm glad you like the sound of my Reaper series. It has been a lot of fun to write.
