So... I am setting all my professional and personal goals I would like to accomplish in 2010.
One of my goals is making Fang-tastic Books bigger and better.
I already have a site makeover planned and I am going to design some promo materials that you'll be able to purchase through a Cafe Press store.
I would also like to get Fang-tastic links and promo mentions on all the sites that I can. So if you want to exchange links please send me an email with your site url showing me the Fang-tastic Books link and in exchange I'll add your link here.
A big thing I would like to do is schedule even more authors and offer many more fang-tastic giveaways throughout the year. So any authors...contact me for a guest spot. It's free and great publicity.
Still looking for some new blood to add here to Fang-tastic Books, too. I still need a few e book reviewers and a contributor or two or would love to post vampire/paranormal/urban fantasy news here. It's no biggie just a post like once a week that rounds up news that can be found at VampChix, Vampire Wire, SciFiGuy and a handful of other genre sites around the web. I can even provide you with a list of places to gather news.
Another big goal I have for Fang-tastic Books is to boost my number of followers. Currently I have 238. I would like to double that- technically a little more than double because my goal is at least 500 in 2010.
All of you faithful readers can help with at least a couple of these goals by adding my link to your blog or website and by spreading the word and getting more followers here at Fang-tastic.
When FB reaches 500 followers I am going to have a big giveaway with books, author goodies and whatever fun stuff I can scrounge up. I am going to start planning now and adding stuff to a box so when we reach the 500 follower goal you'll have a chance to win an awesome prize pack.
So start spreading the word now and the sooner we reach the goal the sooner we can have the big 500 Follower Giveaway!
Most of my other goals for 2010 involve writing stuff: finishing my novels, getting an agent, and book deals, book deals and more book deals.
Of course I actually have to finish my novels and book proposals before that happens (which is definitely on my goal list).
I also hope to grab a few more regular paying writing gigs. I would love to get a column- a paying column- at a website, ezine, or gasp a print publication (are those still out there? I have heard they are on the endangered list).
I would love to write an awesome column writing about supernatural sex- wouldn't that be fun? I could write about fang bangers, fur lovers and all those people that lust after the paranormals; [ixies infatuted with fairies, trolls loving gnomes, vampires in love with werewolves, witches seriously crushing on demons...can you imagine the problems they face? And of course normals in love with "others".
Can you picture it:
Dear Roxanne,
I think my boyfriend's a vampire. When we make love he bites me and I think he drinks my blood. I am starting to feel weak all the time and I can't stand being in bright light. What do I do?
Bitten but not quite smitten
Dear Bitten,
First of all check yourself for bite marks and visit your doctior to get checked for anemia.
Then see if your boyfriend has a problem with crosses, silver, garlic or holy water and check to see if he has a reflection.
You might also want to invest in a good wooden stake. If he shows signs of actually being a vampire you may have to decide if you want to stake him or join the ranks of the undead.
I can dream right? I suppose if all else fails I could always offer the column here for those lovelorn souls dealing with creatures of the otherworld.
Anyway don't forget I need your help to spread the word about the 500 follower giveaway.
It's going to be good, it's going to be big...I just don't know when it'll be. It all depends on when we hit 500 followers.
So tell me what are your New Year goals or resolutions?
I'll randomly pick a comment and the winner can pick their choice of ebooks from my back list.
Get 5 extra entries for being a follower.
Be sure to include email contact info with your comment.
Thanks, good luck and Happy New Year!
A loverlorn column on the site would be great. I have a question for you.
Dear Roxanne, My boyfriend, mi vampiro, will only have sex between 9 pm and 11pm because he likes a bit of extra sleep. I mean it's never dark after 7 here. And sometimes I have needs during daylight hours. Is it ok to have a daywalker boyfriend as well?
this doesn't suck enough
Happy New Year! Japan has already rung in the new year. My resolution this year is to see more of my family, travel and try to be good to others - I have a mean streak sometimes!
I wish you all the best and hope you realise all your goals for 2010!
I really like your idea of running the paranormal love column on this site!
My goals for the new year are surprising similar to yours: organize my blog, organize my writing & submit!
Happy New Year!
mdwartistry at yahoo dot com
I don't make many resolutions because I usually break them. I would love to lose weight and be nicer to everyone. Spend more time with my family.
Happy New Year to you Tamsyn, that's so cool- Japan. I didn't know I had readers from Japan.
I am seriously considering the lovelorn thing. And iasa I am pondering your question as I type- hmm,
Dear this doesn't suck enough,
I guess it depends on how serious you are with your vampire but in the end it comes down to satisfaction. If he can't satisfy- your needs- well go and get the needs met. Go find a daywalking boyfriend. Keep the night sleeping vamp if you want and have the best of both worlds.
Ok I'm sitting here LOL! I'd love for you to do a column like that on here! I would so be checking it out!
Let me know if you'd like to come to a guest post or other cool things at my blog one day! I'd love to have you since your one of the first blogs I started following!
I love the paranormal column idea as well. I think it would be great!
My resolutions for the new year...
Find a job, get in shape, work on my blog regularly, keep myself more organized, and read read read!
I hope everyone has or had a great New Years!
Your ideas are vamptacular! My resolutions for 2010 are small peas, because let's face it...I'd like to "actually" accomplish them, for once! Love more, regret less, give more hugs, etc.etc.
I "AM" a witch in love with a demon. (lol)
Happy 2010 Roxanne! I'm a follower.
My New Years resolution is to try harder in school to get better grades.
I'm a follower!
lilazncutie1215 @ yahoo.com
My goal is to spend more time with my family.
Happy New Year!
I am a follower.
kissinoak at verizon dot net
My resolution is to do volunteer work. I would like to spend time reading to residents at nursing homes.
Happy New Year to All.
I am a follower.
Tracey D
booklover0226 AT gmail DOT com
I don't normally do resolutions since they're too easy to break. But in the new year I've been thinking of starting my own blog (or I'm offering my services here--just email me--I've done a few reviews for Harper Collins, a few on Amazon, but nothing large scale). I just-literally just-got an ebook reader so I'm looking forward to spending even more time reading.
I'm already a follower.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Happy New Year everyone!!
wonderful resolutions and goals to all of you- I definitely want to be a happier person this year and spend more quality time with the family- I see them all the time but it is always rush, rush, rush you know so more quality time and of course the basics: get in shape, lose weight, blah, blah and thanks to the encouragement I think the column will be a go so anyone who wants paranormal love questions answered send me a note.
Oh witchy woman, I know how you feel, I am a witch who gave *birth* to a demon- swear to you my youngest has horns- really our nick names for him are Satan and demon, even my mother, the saint, calls him monster mash
Great goals, Roxanne. Keep doing all you do for paranormal writers and readers. I'm 100 percent behind you. My resolution for 2010is to quell the gossip, that means any and all gossip. It's destructive, and even when it's true, my responsibility is to cut the chain, not add a link.
Happy New Year! I think the column is a hott and very funny. For me this year, I just want to get healthy. So that is my goal
debby236 at att dot net
I think your advise column would be great. The one thing I would like to do this year is eat healthier. I have a horrible snacking problem and drink too much pop.
seriousreader at live dot com
I actually started my New Years resolution early of going to the gym and getting in shape. Although, its really just a 'plan' because resolutions often disappear before the month of Jan is over. I know its a cliche plan, but its what I need most.
I'm a new follower, and you are almost halfway at 243 followers. :)
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