Kiss Me Deadly by Michele Hauf
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New Fang-tastic Ebook Reviewer Karen Gives It 5 Fangs
Death cocktail is what the vampires call a witch's blood. It's poisonous a drop will destroy a vampire within minutes. Nikolaus Drake is the rare vampire who has survived his first taste. Now he's on the hunt for the witch who almost brought him to his demise Ravin Crosse.
A witch who spends her nights hunting vampire tribes, Ravin has three obligations to fulfill to set her soul free. One of those obligations crafting a love spell twists her world upside down when Nikolaus draws the spell from her veins. Natural enemies rarely make the best bedfellows--but is it possible their intentions are really, truly the same? Can Nikolaus's tribal loyalty survive if he surrenders to desires far darker than his own?
Karen says:
I couldn't put it down.
He went to kill the witch. A spell makes him fall in love with his worst enemy. She ends up loving him, she hates him. She wants him dead, and wants him with her forever.
Can they find true love?
Its a great read.
Until the next book, be careful who you let in after dark. It might be your true love!

4 Fangs from Karen
That’s the response Ben Gongliewski receives, when he asks Miranda Dandridge how long she’s been a vampire. He doesn’t expect the word “forever” in her reply, but then again, Ben never imagined meeting vampires, let alone demons and werewolves, during his time in the Polish Resistance during World War II. Far from being horrified, Ben discovers that Miranda and her friends have very useful … talents … especially when it comes to saving children from concentration camps. After all, in these desperate times, while the line between good and evil is clear, the one between heroes and monsters is very, very blurred.
The last thing Miranda wants at this point in her immortal life is a human lover, but as she and Ben perform rescue after daring rescue, she can’t help but be drawn to his passion to save his fellow Jews. As the War draws to a close Miranda must choose her love for Ben or her duty to her race. Ben is blindsided by a betrayal that no one sees coming, which leads to a danger where all hell is about to break loose … literally.
Price £4.99 available only from ebookundead.com
Set during World War 11 the vamps are down to earth and they are just like you or me. They love and feel hurt.
I really enjoyed the vamps being the good guys trying to save the world.
I loved reading these books. Can't wait for more to come.
Thank you for the reviews for these 2 books. I have both and have not read them, yet.
(hangs head in shame...)
Tracey D
Thanks hun for the heads up on these. I will have to download them. ♥ Parajunkee
I read Kiss Me Deadly a long time ago, it was one of the first books I ordered on my Kindle. I loved it! A heroine who's a witch, of course' I read it!!! I don't have Release though, thanks for the heads up.
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