Hello! My name is E.J. Stevens and I would like to take you all on a journey today for a guided tour into my Bestiary. The creatures here prefer the dark so do be sure to shutter your lanterns and do not stray from the path. Ah, and you may wish to arm yourself with a pouch of rowan berries, garlic and cold iron.
Beware all who enter here!

Ah, yes we have come to the right place! Behind this door lay madness, melancholy, love, lust, and longing. Ready? Splendid!
First we will encounter the creatures of Air and Spirit. See the black dogs to our right? Barghest and Mauthe Dhoog the great beasts of legend. You do see them? How dreadful. You may wish to notify your next of kin since these black dogs are both harbingers of death. Which leads us to our next exhibit The Reaper. Fierce isn't she? Do stay clear of her scythe though. Now then, any men with us today? I highly recommend covering your ears 'till we've passed the Sirens. Perhaps keeping your ears covered a bit longer would be a good idea since you probably do not want to hear what the Woman in White has to say to you. She still hasn't quite got over what her husband did those many years ago.
Do you feel the heat? The creatures of Fire and War are just around the bend. Next we have the Basilisk though I don't recommend looking him in the eye unless of course you don't mind being turned to stone. The Phoenix though is lovely to see as she turns brilliantly to fire and ash only to rise up again. Behind this curtain we have a meeting of the Vampire Court whose daily machinations for power can be felt far outside the walls of The Bestiary. They are a truly intriguing specimen to observe! The Dullahan is next though I do not suggest we loiter since he takes umbrage at those who observe him at his work and is known to take the eyes of those who witness his dark deeds. The Morrigan though are lovely to watch on the battlefield ahead.
The creatures of Earth and Below are just down this passageway. Be careful not to eat or drink anything you find since here dwell many of the Sidhe. Ah, hear that howl? That would be our Werewolf or Loup Garou. I do hope it's the Werewolf pining for his lost love since I would rather avoid the Loup Garou when hungry. Speaking of hungry, perhaps we should walk a bit more quickly as we pass the zombie's grave. He hasn't come out to eat since he crawled into the ground with his wife so he will be bound to be hungry. If we hurry we may catch a glimpse of the beautiful Queen of Elphame astride her white horse.
Lastly we come to the creatures of Water and Ice. Do keep your children from the water's edge since the Grindylow may be hungry. Hear that creak of mast and rigging? The Ghost Ship must be sailing near. If you wait for the mist to clear you may catch a glimpse of the Selkie maidens swimming in its wake. It is time to bundle up now as we approach the land of the Winter Queen. We will visit her throne of ice but do be wary of frost minions and if you see the Wendigo I do suggest you run.
The creatures we visited today are just a few of the magical creatures of folklore, myth and legend that you will encounter in E.J.'s new book of paranormal poetry Shadows of Myth and Legend.
E.J. Stevens is the author of From the Shadows and Shadows of Myth and Legend.
Visit E.J. at http://www.fromtheshadows.info/
Would you like to win a copy of Shadows of Myth and Legend?
I have a signed copy here waiting for one lucky winner.
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post.
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Winner Announced Next Wednesday
Good Luck
I've already won *waits happily for book to arrive!* from a previous competition. But I'd like to comment anyways! I love all of these mythical creatures. The sirens especially interest me. Can't wait to read about them.
"Shadows of Myth and Legend" has garnered some great reviews! The cover is darkly Goth and beautiful. This collection of paranormal poetry is a perfection addition to the library of a paranormal romance lover! I would be very happy to win : )
US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
WOW! This book sounds amazing. I would definitely love to read it. I love the gothic cover. Very beautiful.
pirate_pony2 at yahoo dot com
Pick me, Pick me, Pick me!
lol. I really want to read this book - poetry & myth... sounds so wonderful! Thanks for the contest.
ambience.of.rain {at} gmail.com
Sounds like a great book I would love to read it. I haven't read any poetry in a long time.
Good Morning,
I have had the pleasure reading E.J.'s writings and we have featured her on our Guild Website for April's National Poetry Month. See our guest reviewer Andrew Valentine author of Vampire Novel Bitter Things wonderful 5 star review of her work.
This sounds like an amazing read. And I really love the cover. Would make a great addition amongst my vampires and werewolves and other creatures of the dark.
Thanks for hosting a great contest.
Great post. Congrats on the release it sounds really good.
It sounds so interesting! I would love to win it.
Thank you all! I am very excited about the reception my second book has received by lovely readers like you. Shadows of Myth and Legend's official release was Sunday and, as Virginia C and Grammy have mentioned, it is receiving amazing reviews.
After reading about some of the mythical creatures in The Bestiary is there one creature you are most interested in reading more about? What paranormals are your favorite?
I'd like to be included, count me in! tWarner419@aol.com
This sounds very good . . . I love the cover!! Thanks for the contest!
rosie0512 @ hotmail . com
Great book cover EJ. Congratulations. I can't wait to read it.
I would love a copy - Thanks!
How wickedly cool! Throwing my potion bottle into the contest.
This sounds like an interesting read.
I've been seeing reviews for this book a lot lately. It sounds great!
I enjoyed reading the post and look forward in reading E.J. Stevens' works.
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
EJ I feel so dumb! I didn't realize you were an author (just an awesome blogger)! The book art is great, I would love to get my hands on it :)
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