Friday, June 17, 2011

Guest Blog and Giveaway with Sarah Makela

Thank you for having me here at Fang-tastic Books today, Roxanne!

When you think of technology, there’s something really science-y about it. My hero, Ian Bradley, gains his power through the use of technology. A power known as technomancy. A prime tool for the best of hackers.

When I set out to do research on technomancy, I found something really cool. The first is that there are actually two kinds of technomancy. One is in a universe where things are strictly scientific. There is no outright magic present. The other kind of technomancy is where magical things function like technology. For me, I don’t like absolutes much. I’d like to say my world is a blend of the two, but being a little toward the magical world.

The second thing I found was a quote by British writer and scientist, Arthur C. Clarke, who said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” That’s really fascinating. Magic being indistinguishable from advanced technology? It further spurred me toward the high-tech setting and atmosphere of cyberpunk. But as I mentioned above, just because there’s a lot of technology doesn’t rule out a more earthy magic since I’m fascinated with magic of all kinds.

That’s where Ian’s sidekick, Bernard, a gnome who can start trouble at the drop of a hat, can grow a garden or even heal. He’s a jack of most trades and adds some comic relief. He was really fun to write, and I’m definitely keeping my eye out for a garden gnome of my own.

Here’s the blurb. I hope you enjoy it! If you’re interested the excerpt is available here.

Private Investigator Hannah Franklin's life is turned upside down after being contacted by a former employee of MAX Home Security, the leader in security services. But they're not just protecting people anymore. Hannah's informant claims to have proof that MAX has ordered the assassination of politicians who stood against the corporation.

When her informant is killed and an attempt is made on her life, Hannah has no choice but to contact a freelance hacker. Her only hope now lies in the hands of a man she never expected to welcome back into her life.

Ian Bradley has lost his girlfriend and his job, as well as having acquired a very annoying gnome. Now his ex, Hannah, is in danger, and she needs his help. Ian vows to protect Hannah with every resource available to him -- and as a technomage in a high-tech world, his resources are almost endless…

If you’re interested in a chance to win a copy of Techno Crazed, make sure to sign up for my newsletter. I’ll announce the winner in it on 6/24. If you'd prefer, leave your email address in the comments, and I'd be happy to put you on the mailing list.

Techno Crazed is available now from Changeling Press!

Find me on the web at:


Becky said...

This sounds like a very interesting story. Sarah, you are a new author to me. I am going to visit your website and learn more about you and your books.

Sarah Mäkelä said...

Thank you, Becky! I'm glad you find my story interesting! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sarah. I signed up for your newsletter. Your book sounds really great. I would love to read it. Please enter me in contest.

Sarah Mäkelä said...

Thanks, Tore! I appreciate that. You're entered in the contest. Good luck!

lindalou said...

Hi Sarah! I've tried twice to sign up for your newsletter. I filled in the form and submitted it and read that I would receive a confirmation email with a link I'd need to click. I've not received any confirmation emails! AND they haven't gone into my junk mail as I've checked there too! Would you sign me up via this post? Or verify that I've been added without having to confirm via clicking on a link in an email? You are a new author to me...

Shadow said...

this sounds pretty good. id love to read it. thank you for the giveaway!

Sarah Mäkelä said...

Hi Linda, I sent you an email confirming your membership. Thank you for commenting and letting me know. Good luck with the contest!

Shadow, you're welcome! Thank you. I'm glad you like it! Good luck!