Friday, May 29, 2015

My Favorite Fantasy/Paranormal Romance Series with LA Hendricks

Hi Fang-tastic followers, I’m LA Hendricks, author of the YA/fantasy novel HALF BREED QUEEN. For my guest post today, I tried to compile a listing of my favorite fantasy/paranormal romance book series. This list was both easy and difficult to put together. I love so many books and authors in this genre that it was hard to whittle it down to such a short list. However, I think I’ve done my book collection and my local library borrowing record justice here. Maybe. But I know I have some book to re-read! 

I must add one caveat – I tried putting these in order of my adoration for the books, characters and authors, but found myself going nuts. So I present my listing, in no particular order:

1. The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop. I’ve read this so many times I’ve lost count. The story, the characters, the setting, the background – I love all of it!

2. The Sanctum Trilogy by Madhuri Blaylock. This series is by an indie author I met on Twitter. The alternate world she built has creatures of all types (vampires, trolls, fae, etc.) 
and superhuman warriors at war with each other. And the romance!?! Ugh, so many feels.

3. The DarkGlass Mountain series by Sara Douglass. This was one of the first series I read when I discovered the fantasy genre. Love, love love.  It’s at the top of my re-read list.

4. The Dark-Hunter Series by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Unlike some other long running book series, I never get tired of the sexy dark-hunters and the women who tame them. Each has such a unique backstory and storyline that these are books I tend to read in one sitting.

5. The Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning. This series has me twisted in knots. So much action and sexual tension. Whew. Just … whew.

6. The Guild Hunter Series by Nalini Singh. Angels and vampires fascinate me, and this series has both. Plus a lot of badass women in action. Who wouldn’t love that?

7. The Obsidian Universe series by Mercedes Lackey. Ok, I kinda cheated with this entry. The Obsidian Universe is actually a collection of three trilogies; each of them building on the one before. The world building in this one is phenomenal – you’d never know from reading them that elves and demons don’t really exist!

So that’s my shortened list of seven (odd number, but I tried) fantasy/paranormal romance book series. I want to thank Fang-Tastic Books playing host during my Bewitching Book Tour! 

I’m always looking for new additions to my collection. Any suggestions?

Half Breed Queen
The Skatia Narratives
Book One
LA Hendricks

Genre: YA/Fantasy

Publisher: Illipsium Media

Date of Publication: March 2, 2015

ISBN: 978-09860984-1-3
ASIN: B00U5945FW

Number of pages: 322
Word Count: 72,000

Cover Artist: LA Hendricks

Book Description:

Devastating tragedy puts 14-year-old high school freshman Marla Owens, on a fast-paced journey of survival, revival and coming of age. Driven by a force she can't begin to understand and a burning need to find out the truth, she heads toward her mother’s home in North Dakota. She soon learns more about herself and her family than she could have ever imagined — her mother was royal heir to the powerful Skatian throne! And now the Skatian people need her to protect their world from those who wish to conquer it.

In a classic tale of good versus evil, set on Earth and beyond, a young girl fights to survive to become a young woman—and the reluctant queen of Skatia.  Who can she trust? Will she be able to control her own immense abilities and justified anger to do what’s right? One thing’s for sure: Marla’s not in Texas anymore!

Available at Amazon   BN   iTunes   Kobo

Excerpt #5

She was focusing on a rather complicated answer when the warning pain struck in her gut. It was as bad as the others, but her body seemed to adjust better to the pain. She closed her laptop and shoved it in her backpack, prepared to run if necessary. She grabbed her tote and set it next to her backpack, tossing the extra water bottle in as well. She looked out the window and saw that they were in the middle of a forest, not a city or town in sight. Not even a house. She tried to open the door to the compartment and found it was stuck. No matter how hard she pulled, it just wouldn't budge. As her fear and frustration grew, she could feel the change coming on. She took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself down and keep from turning into that purple alien monster again.

Sitting in her seat, she continued the deep breathing to clear her mind. In her mind’s eye, an old police station and a man she'd never met appeared. He sat behind a large, old wooden desk; his sheriff's uniform was a bit too snug to be called comfortable. She saw him look up at her as though she were standing over him.

“Marla,” he said gently.

Marla opened her eyes and looked around her expecting to be in that same sleeper compartment.

“Marlaveenia,” he said again, with a little more force.

Marla began to blink her eyes and shake her head, anything to try to make sense of what had happened.

I couldn't possibly be here, she thought, apprehension and anxiety growing in her mind. This is impossible. I’ve lost my mind. Marla found herself becoming hysterical.

She felt the increasingly familiar and frightening rumblings of the body change coming over her and, unable to stop it, she turned to run out the door.

“Marla, wait. Stop!” The man’s voice sounded concerned, but Marla couldn’t worry about that. She needed to get someplace where she would be alone. She’d make sense of how she got here later. She ran down the street towards the woods on the edge of the little town. As she ran, she passed a sign that read “Edgemeadow, Pop. 231.” Marla stopped dead in her tracks, completely dazed by what she saw. As she turned to find the man in the sheriff’s uniform closing in on her, her legs buckled from underneath her, and she fell to the ground in a dead faint.

About the Author:

LA Hendricks is an IT project manager by day and science fiction/fantasy novelist by night. A longtime lover of words, she reads science fiction, fantasy and paranormal romance novels regularly (when there is time).

When not reading, writing or working, LA can most often be found watching football or basketball with her adorable cat, Mona.

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