Monday, July 27, 2015

Blitz First of Spring by Kelsey Jordan

 “Don’t take anyone’s writing advice too seriously.”
                                                                         – Lev Grossman
Write the Book.
I really don’t like giving writing advice, but even I must admit that there are some general rules that writers should abide by. If you’re going to be a writer you need to start by doing one thing and one thing only. You need to write the book.
This is one of the most common pieces of advice that I’ve come across from writers of all levels of experience. It is simple advice, but to me, is the one that will teach you how to become a better author in the long run. Truthfully, you have no idea what you are capable of as a writer until you finish a novel. With each successive novel you gain more and more insight into your capabilities as an author, as well as your strengths and the areas that you need to improve.
As a writer your ultimate goal should be to become a better writer. If all you seek to do is to get and stay popular, your writing will eventually become stale and forgotten. Just as you grow and change throughout the years, your writing should do the same. It should mature along with you. Frankly, if your talent is not growing and becoming better with experience, you are doing writing wrong.
To date, I have completed four books. Looking back on those novels months or even years later, there is always something that I want to change or refine. The reason being, I grow from book to book, from personal challenge to personal challenge.
In the end, completing a book allows me to understand the limits I have as a writer, as well as understand my preferred method of creation, and what my strengths and weaknesses were so that I could approach my next novel from a position of strength rather than weakness. So if I had to offer any pieces of advice, it is simply to write the book.

First of Spring
The Gardinian World Series
Book 3
Kelsey Jordan

Genre:  Paranormal Romance

Publisher:  Booktrope
Date of Publication: June 4, 2015

ISBN: 978-1620155080

Number of pages: 310

Cover Artist:  Greg Simanson

Book Description: 

Caution: The Gardinian World Novels are a trip into a paranormal world where the gods of Gardas are real, the sex can be downright raunchy, and more than a few four letter words litter the page.

Forged from a childhood filled with bloodshed and death, Trent had been raised with a blade in his hands. He lives the life of a warrior and carves through his enemies as if seeking redemption for his mother’s ultimate sacrifice. As the acting Mikko of the Order of Rockys, Trent leads the most dominant Lycans in the world. For that reason alone, he has no use or understanding for those who wallow in their vulnerabilities, rather than exercise their power over their own destiny.

Aryana doesn’t dream of everlasting love. Her life is ruled by a song that echoes from the halls of Oblivia, a fate that came to her under the thundering hooves of the Mares of Night. She is going to die, but with no clue as to when or why, Aryana is forced to do everything she can to negate the haunting words of fate,

“Weakness dies and you are weak.”

But the gods are merciless in their meddling in the lives of powerful mortals and the ones they love. How far will Trent have to fall for the weak female who steps in his life and claims his soul?

Available at Amazon   BN   iTunes

Teaser Excerpt

Aryana supposed she should be thankful that she at least got to know her Soul’s Mate. Many never were graced with the knowledge of what their mate’s soul looked like. At least she had that. If only she could live forever, know him forever. Love him forever. But her time on earth was measured in days, if not hours. She should get started memorizing every inch of the ones she loved so that they could ease her when she went to Gardas’ eternal embrace.  

About the Author:

Kelsey Jordan is the author of The Gardinian World novels. Though she has a preference for all things paranormal and romantic, Kelsey admits she just writes what her muse demands of her. It’s less painful that way. When she isn’t enjoying the momentary benefits of playing god to the many characters that live in her head, she can usually be found curled up with a book, killing something in a video game, or spending time with her family. At some point in the day she is probably drinking more than her recommended dose of coffee, but don’t tell her that. She doesn’t care about recommended servings.

As a Texas native and self-described Air Force brat, Kelsey now lives in Georgia with her husband and their tutu-wearing minion. 
To learn more, visit her at

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1 comment:

  1. Now these sound very interesting & I'm adding them to my "Got to Read" list. I'll be sure to share my review with you once I can get a hold of them. Who knows maybe fate will let me win them!

    Thank Kesley for the chance to win you books. Good Luck on the BBT tour!

    In Kind Regards,
