Monday, July 20, 2015

Cover Reveal for The Bleeding Dark by Janice Pia

The Bleeding Dark
Blood and Burn
Book One
Janice Pia

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Date of Publication: September 29, 2015

Cover Artist: Hang Le

Book Description:

Wherever Brenna de Wintros goes, violence follows. Other shifters fear her. Her brother, the Alpha, would just as soon see her dead. She’s the bad wolf of the Pack, but there might be something even darker than she is on the horizon.

Madness has infected her people, with more and more falling into its clutches every day. If they don't find a cure soon, the shifters’ secret existence will be revealed to the human world.

Roped against her will into helping hunt down the source of the mysterious malady, Brenna must team up with Seth Grayson, a stranger shrouded in secrets whom she is inexplicably drawn to.

Together, Brenna and Seth must confront the evil threatening their race before time runs out for them all.

About the Author:

An avid fan of stories that feature both the romantic and the fantastical, Janice can't remember a time in her life when she wasn't either reading a book, or dreaming of writing one. She has a weakness for strong, flawed characters who are in need of a little redemption, and she believes that the best happy endings are the ones that must be fought for.

THE BLEEDING DARK is Janice's debut novel and is the first book in an all-new urban fantasy series.

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