Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Spotlight and Giveaway The Changing Years by Amber Kell

The Changing Years
Out For You
Amber Kell

Genre: MM Paranormal

Publisher: ARe Books

Date of Publication:  6/1/15

ISBN: 978-1-936387-99-1

Word Count: 25,500

Cover Artist: Erin Dameron Hill

Book Description:

The most important show of strength is to embrace one’s true nature.

The death of his ex-wife grants Shaun McKellan custody of his only child, and the chance to know his son after years of separation. Now a full-time father, Shaun thinks his life is finally complete…then he meets the Alpha running the town where his son attends school.

Grant Thornlin has always resisted the temptation of other men. As the Alpha, he must be strong and give his pack the impression he has invincible power. Falling for a blond, blue-eyed artist with a half-shifter son has bad idea written all over it.

How can Shaun show Grant that loving another man doesn’t have to affect his position as Alpha?

Available at ARe


Grant Thornlin poured over the paperwork before him. Shit, he had too much going on to deal with a human trying to get his kid into the pack school. Each time he added a new member it seemed to triple his number of headaches. If it were just the kids it would be one thing but the parents tended to be the ones that needed all the attention. Dealing with a new parent, much less a human one, could only lead to trouble. He’d only agreed to meet with Mr. McKellan because he couldn’t resist his curiosity. Half shifters were incredibly rare. Most shifter/human bondings ended in no children. It was difficult for shifters to get pregnant by their true mates, much less by someone not bound in the way of the shifter.

He hoped McKellan didn’t take the rejection too hard. Grant had taken over the principal’s office for this visit. He visited the school regularly to check up on younger pack mates. The principal Dan Sonlan and all of the teachers had taken the day off for some sort of in service training, allowing Grant to usurp his space. It was only him and a skeleton staff.

The phone buzzed.

He pushed the intercom button.

“Mr. McKellan is here for you sir,” Joyce, the school receptionist said. She’d been in that seat for twenty years and Grant didn’t think she’d ever taken a day off. He offered her a vacation day once and from her expression he might as well have offered to skin her wolf. The subject was never brought up again.

“Send him in.” He pushed the button to disconnect the call.

The door opened and Grant’s breathing stopped. It took him a few minutes to get it started again.


 A slender man with dirty-blond hair and pale-blue eyes entered the room. Grant had never seen that color in a human before. His inner wolf howled its approval. Pushing the beast down, he fought for control. Never before had a man drawn his wolf’s attention. Sure he’d looked at a passing gorgeous man or woman but not like this. Not with the urge to pounce, mark and call a man his own.

“Hello, are you Alpha Thornlin?” His soft melodic voice rolled across Grant, stroking his inner wolf.

Would it be bad form to fuck him against the wall?

“Yes, you must be Mr. McKellan.” Grant cleared his throat then stood, grateful for his long suit jacket. If he’d dressed in more casual clothes his erection would’ve been visible.  He walked around the desk and held out his hand. A roller coaster of nerves did loop de loops in his stomach.

“Nice to meet you.” McKellan slid his hand into Grant’s. Desire shot between the palms, a lightning bolt of need and want. A whimper threatened to come out but he beat it back into submission. Alphas didn’t make pitiful, needy noises like newly shifted wolves.

“Please have a seat.” He motioned to the chair opposite from him and quickly took his seat, mindful of the comforting barrier of the desk. The more things between them the less likely he’d take the innocent human to the floor and start humping him.

Crap, this isn’t good!

 About the Author:

Amber Kell has made a career out of daydreaming. It has been a lifelong habit she practices diligently as shown by her complete lack of focus on anything not related to her fantasy world building.

When she told her husband what she wanted to do with her life he told her to go have fun.

During those seconds she isn't writing she remembers she has children who humor her with games of 'what if' and let her drag them to foreign lands to gather inspiration. Her youngest confided in her that he wants to write because he longs for a website and an author name—two things apparently necessary to be a proper writer.

Despite her husband's insistence she doesn't drink enough to be a true literary genius she continues to spin stories of people falling happily in love and staying that way.

She is thwarted during the day by a traffic jam of cats on the stairway and a puppy who insists on walks, but she bravely perseveres.

For more information on other books by Amber, visit her official website:


  1. This sounds like a very good book.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  2. I love Amber's books. this one is going to be great.
    debby236 at gmail dot com
