Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Spotlight and Giveaway Gemstone by Anastasia Vitsky

Out For You
Anastasia Vitsky

Genre: FF Contemporary/BDSM

Publisher: ARe Books

Date of Publication:  6/1/15

ISBN: 978-1-943576-06-7

Word Count: 50,000

Cover Artist: Erin Dameron Hill

Book Description:

Can lies build a foundation for love?

Gemma Parquin has a secret. By day, she’s the center of her church’s social life. By night, she’s Mistress Lorelei on Kinklife, online disciplinarian of babygirls and all who need spanking, whipping, and—her personal favorite—figging.

No one suspects, until neighbor Celine Daniels comes across Gemma’s Kinklife profile. Stunned and nursing a secret crush, she creates an account under the name starrygirl793 and “catfishes” the Mistress…and gets more than she bargained for. Before she knows it, Celine is also leading a double life.

Meanwhile, Gemma’s best friend sets her up with an online dating service. Enter Stella, who is everything Celine is not—sophisticated, successful, and straightforward. But she doesn’t understand the kink Gemma holds dear.

How can Gemma trust Celine, who has lied to her? Or give up Mistress Lorelei in order to be with Stella? Should Gemma give up on love altogether, or can she still find happiness?

Available at ARe

When Gemma peers around the white-painted screen door, I duck behind the box hedge. She rubs the edges of the door as if expecting a note, and she reaches toward the yard. Can she see me?
Calm down, Peeping Tomasina.
I should have left the flowers and run, or I should have summoned the guts to knock on her door the way I did yesterday. I practiced the lines inside of my head, the ones I never dare to say.
Hi, Gemma. These flowers are for you. The cookies didn’t work, helping you with church projects for the past year didn’t work, and brushing a hand against yours didn’t work. Are flowers enough to make you see me as a potential suitor and not a work group buddy?
At last, she tilts her head toward the front step, stiffening and looking around in shock. She stares at the flowers once more, as if she expects them to disappear. Will she find the card? No, she isn’t touching the flowers. Why won’t she touch the flowers? Does she think they’re poisonous?
Yes! She picked up the card! Does she recognize the blue sky, the heaven? Celine, meaning “Heavenly.” I wait for recognition to wash over her face, but fear crosses her features instead. Does she fear me? Does she consider me crazy to drop flowers in front of her house like a lovesick, out-of-season, May basket girl? No, that’s not it. She looks spooked or unnerved. As foolish as I feel for watching her from afar, curiosity overcomes me. When she retreats but leaves her front door open, I take it as an invitation.
Heck, it’s not as if another year of waiting will make her notice me.
“Hi, Gemma!” Think fast. What would explain showing up at her house now? Knocking on her door, I clear my throat in an effort not to squeak. I can keep calm and confident at work or in my daily life, but Gemma’s starry eyes reduce my knees to jelly every time I see her. I dream about her at night, and I think about her all the time.
I’ve tried to give in to this silly crush, but I don’t know how. I tell myself that a good friend is better than a bad ex, but my heart thumps with delight and my arms ache to hold her.
Idiot. Grow up and act thirty-three instead of thirteen.
“Oh, Celine! You startled me!” Gemma glances up from her computer, and her slight frown relaxes into a smile. “Sorry, you wanted the lesson plans for Sunday. Thanks for taking the adult forum this week. Pastor Mark said to stick to the lectionary. Every time we try to bring up something topical, Nate gets on his soapbox.”
Indeed he does. Milly’s husband has an opinion about everything and wisdom about nothing. He is certain immigrants are ruining America, kids these days are spoiled brats, and everything would be solved by returning to good old-fashioned times when everyone knew the rules. “Poor Milly. She loves him so much and yet at every class she wants to stuff a sock into his mouth.” As long as I focus on Milly and Nate, I can keep calm. I try, but I can’t help fishing for a response. “Oh, you got flowers!” I don’t say how pretty they are.
“Yes!” Gemma’s eyes light up before she frowns once more. “I wish I knew who they’re from. I just sent a...” She blushes.

My heart leaps in my chest. “What did you send?” Did she know it was me? Did she send an email already? Had she guessed my intentions? I want to shake my head at my overeager, pathetic desperation. No wonder Gemma doesn’t notice me. If I ever earn her respect, I need to stand strong and confident. Gemma likes powerful women. She’s not as intimidating in real life as she is online, but she’s unapproachable in a different way. 
 About the Author:

Anastasia Vitsky –cookie queen, wooden spoon lady, and champion of carbs - specializes in F/F fiction. She hates shoes and is allergic to leather. When not writing about women who live spankily ever after, she coordinates reader and author events such as Spank or Treat, Love Spanks, and Sci Spanks. Her favorite event is Ana’s Advent Calendar, a month-long celebration of books, community, and making a difference.

She is too afraid to watch Doctor Who, but she adores The Good Wife and anything with Audrey Hepburn. In her next life, she will learn how to make the perfect pie crust.

For more information on other books by Anastasia, visit her official website:

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