Monday, August 3, 2015

A Review of Frozen in Amber by Phyllis Ames

Frozen in AmberFrozen in Amber by Phyllis Ames
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Frozen in Amber is formulaic urban fantasy featuring shifters.

Amber is the typical self loathing protagonist of the genre, hates her "monster" self due to a "mystery" incident that went horribly wrong and cost her the man she loved.

She lives and works in the shifter world but wants as little to do with it as possible, which means she never reaches out for help or approaches her family with questions. Her stubbornness leaves her in the dark and vulnerable to the danger surrounding her.

She hates her Wer self and changes into Cougar form as little as possible. She learns of a possible cure to make shifters human and decides she wants to track it down- but has she already received the treatment unknowingly? When her senses start to fade she realizes how much she relied on them- and how much she needs them to keep her safe.

Mystery, intrigue, conspiracies, secrets and lies abound in this book but unfortunately don't provide anything new to the genre.

Strong premise, good characters, the overall story is predictable but not awful. If you like shifter urban fantasies you may enjoy Frozen in Amber.

View all my reviews

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