Monday, August 17, 2015

Interview and Giveaway with Cari Silverwood

Can you tell readers a little bit about yourself and what inspired to write in this particular genre?

I’ve always loved scifi and fantasy so now that I’m also writing erotic stories it was natural that I’d try erotic space opera.

Please tell us about your latest release.

It’s a mashup of scifi space opera with paranormal and fantasy, with also the sexual relationships being the main spine of the plot. The Earth has been invaded by an enemy that’s hidden themselves underground for decades while they repair and learn about us. Four earth women discover they have paranormal powers and a type of magic.
Talia and her two alien men, Dassenze, a man-god, and Brask, an Igrakk warrior, are the central characters. To grow her powers to the utmost, she finds she must mate with at least one of them, perhaps both, only she detests alpha men. Both are very dominating men, alas for her!

Is there a character that you enjoyed writing more than any of the others?

Talia. She’s very gung-ho warrior sort, a forensic pathologist, and an expert in Japanese sword fighting even before her powers over edged weapons manifested. Since she is smart and feisty, when she realizes she may have to mate with two aliens to help save the Earth from destruction, her conflicts became fun to write.

Do you have a formula for developing characters? Like do you create a character sketch or list of attributes before you start writing or do you just let the character develop as you write?

I think I create story and characters in tandem. They grow from each other. Characters change a little, mature, become more detailed and interesting, the further I write into a story.

What is your favorite scene from the book? Could you share a little bit of it, without spoilers of course?

The final fight scene against the factory queen is up there. I can’t reveal anything much of that.

Another would be when Dassenze first really becomes aware his attraction to Talia is overwhelming him even though he knows it could harm both him and the people who rely on him to protect them. Being almost a god, having anything overcome his resistance makes him rather grumpy. So he’s tempted and tries half measures.

Which, when it comes to having sex without quite having sex because he knows mating with her is bad, you can use your imagination as to how he tries to solve that one.

Did you find anything really interesting while researching this or another book?

The supervoid in outer space. Lol Bet you didn’t expect that answer. It’s this enormous 1.8 billion light year gap of blankness in space that scientists found and they don’t know why it’s there. I give a reason in my story.

What is the most interesting thing you have physically done for book related research purposes?

Ahhh, ye old question for erotic romance writers. Let’s just leave it at searching the internet for weird erotic activities.  

Can you tell readers a little bit about the world building in the book/series? How does this world differ from our normal world?

Most of this series is set on present day Earth, but it’s an Earth that was long ago visited by aliens who burrowed under the ground to lick their wounds and repair after a space battle. Jump forward decades to now and we have the enemy of that enemy here and they have a habit of making any new species they encounter into sexual pets. One difference – we don’t make good pets and the alien men find they are falling in love.

So the main difference is in who is here and also, in this last novel, war breaks out on our planet, cities are nuked, and we have an almost apocalyptic setting.

With the book being part of a series, are there any character or story arcs, that readers jumping in somewhere other than the first book, need to be aware of? Can these books be read as stand alones?

You can enjoy this as a standalone but there are multiple characters from the previous two books and they do feature a lot in this book. This story is where all four Earth women with magic/ paranormal powers come together to try to defeat the enemy. So it is best to read the first two, but Book 1, Precious Sacrifice, is now free and the second book is discounted.

Do you write in different genres?

Many erotic genres, yes, and mostly kinky. Historical, erotic parody, scifi, urban fantasy, and also contemporary BDSM. Under another pan name I have a YA epic fantasy published.

Do you find it difficult to write in multiple genres?

No. I do it to stop my brain exploding. One genre is boring.

When did you consider yourself a writer?

After my first book was published. It was by Lyrical Press (bought out by Kensington)  and a fantasy.

Book 3
Cari Silverwood

Genre: erotic scifi/ fantasy

Publisher: Cari Silverwood

Date of Publication: July 28th, 2015

ISBN: 9781310083327
ASIN: B0115U83RU

Number of pages: 156
Word Count: 77,000

Cover Artist: Cari Silverwood

Book Description:

Our Earth is on the edge of destruction, our cities are pocked with missile craters, and beneath the surface the alien factory queen lurks.

Four women of power may be our saviors. The last is Talia. Gifted by earth magic with a mastery of edged weapons, she’s a katana-wielding, geek chick with a loathing of alpha men. Although mating enhances magic, she knows bonding with aliens must surely be wrong. Besides, her destined bond mate, Brask, is an Igrakk warrior of the caveman persuasion. One dominant male is bad enough. Dassenze, the alien man-god in the flesh, also desires her and no isn’t a word he appreciates.

As they near their target, Talia’s man problems become the lesser of many evils, for the factory queen awaits them with her nerve chewers and her drills. The price for being avenging, kickass heroines could be a messy death.

Warning: Dominance and submission themes, hot aliens, and violence. Mild horror too if you're squeamish.

Available at     Amazon     iTunes     BN


Talia approached the door, chair in hand, feeling like a lion tamer, and wedged the chair against the door knob. It worked in the movies.

“Go away! I’ll come and see you after I’m done. To talk about whatever it is you want to talk about.”
“If you’re there, on the other side, you can let me in.”

He was going to wait for her to let him in? Ho hum and yawn.

“No, I cannot. Asshole.” She said that to herself as she backed away, grinning. There was a thrill to calling Brask bad names, akin to poking a monkey with a stick. A big, slightly-annoyed monkey.
His sigh sounded exasperated. “Do you have any idea how good my hearing is? Or whatever this other sense is. I can tell when you’re aroused.”

She snorted. “Tough.”

His next move was to smash his fist through the door, sending splinters flying, then he shoved aside the chair and opened the door from the inside.

“Damn,” she muttered. “Impressive.”

Running on ceilings was impressive too but this was a whole other realm – a man who would smash down a door to get to her.

Scary as hell.

Keeping her expression defiant was difficult. She found herself cycling between a smirk and an oh-shit-what-have-I-done expression. Fear had some plusses. Excitement for one. He wouldn’t hurt her and she wasn’t going to hurt him, but her heart was pounding away like it wasn’t sure.

Now she had an annoyed Brask on her side of the door. He kicked it farther open and took a step inside as the handle hit the wall and the door swung back in a foot.

“I see you’re ready for me. Nice underwear.”

Breathless, she gathered her reply. “I wasn’t expecting guests. Maybe you should leave?”

“I only just arrived. But if you insist.” But then he stepped closer, until she had to tilt her head back farther to keep the encounter eye-to-eye. Between the width of his shoulders, general body bulk, and the way his blond spiky hair seemed ready to brush the ceiling, he was making her feel like a small female snack.

Never look away from a predator, right? On shuffling back a step, she found the coffee table pressing at her bare legs.

Insolently and probably stupidly, she angled a brow. “Leaving means going in the other direction.”

“It does?”


He crowded her some more until only inches separated them and she could feel his body heat. She didn’t dare shut her eyes. She was faster than him, but that wasn’t everything. Not at all. But he didn’t lunge at her, instead he very deliberately reached out and around her, with both hands, and took a grip of the back of her hair. Then he screwed both hands in and twisted, thoroughly trapping her.

Something stopped her resisting. Probably raw unadulterated lust. She licked her lips, waiting. When he remained silent, she couldn’t resist asking a question.

“Now what are you going to do? My hairstyle?”

About the Author:

Cari Silverwood is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of BDSM stories and dark erotic fiction.

Cari Silverwood is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling writer of kinky darkness or sometimes of dark kinkiness, depending on her moods and the amount of time she's spent staring into the night. She has an ornery nature as well as a lethal curiosity that makes her want to upend plots and see what falls out when you shake them.

When others are writing bad men doing bad things, you may find her writing good men who accidentally on purpose fall into the abyss and come out with their morals twisted in knots.

This might be because she comes from the land down under, Australia, or it could be her excessive consumption of wine.

Freaking out readers is her first love and her second love is freaking out the people living in her books. Her favorite hobby is convincing people she has a basement...though she really doesn’t. Promise.

If it existed it would be a terrifying place where you would find all the dangerous things that you never knew you craved.

To join Cari Silverwood's MAILING LIST and keep up to date with her upcoming books go to:

Twitter: @CariSilverwood

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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