Friday, August 28, 2015

Top Ten Alien Invasion Movies- Guest Blog and Giveaway: Gamma Rift by Kalli Lanford

Hi, my name is Kalli Lanford, author of new adult novels with a sci-fi twist. In my new release, GAMMA RIFT, my main character, America, is abducted by aliens and taken to the planet, Enestia, where she is held captive. I’m a sci-fi, fantasy, paranormal freak, so writing, reading, and watching movies in this genre is what I love to do.

Thinking about aliens, I’d like to give you my top ten list of alien invasion movies.

1. Aliens. Who doesn’t love Sigourney Weaver as the heroine, Ripley? I love the fact that the main character is a woman who kicks ass. In addition, the aliens are friggin scary.

2. Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Yeah, I’m aging myself. I still remember the five-note sequence of beeps the aliens use to communicate with the humans, and Richard Dreyfus was amazing in his role.

3. Invasion of the Body Snatcher (1978). I’m definitely aging myself again with this one. That dog with the face of a hobo totally freaked me out.

4. War of the Worlds (1953) No, I was not born yet, lol. I saw it on a Sunday afternoon when I was about ten years old. The aliens are never shown except at the very end when a green alien hand falls limply from the spaceship door – but still – this is a classic and the first alien invasion film I ever saw.

5. Independence Day. Love Will Smith in this one. The aliens are creepy, and the special effects used in the White House obliteration scene are over the top.

6.  The Abyss. Underwater aliens made this movie unique.

7. E.T. Okay, some people might think I rated this one a little low, but there was so much hype behind this movie, and when I eventually saw it, it wasn’t as good as I expected. I had also stood in line outside the theater for a couple hours beforehand, so I’m sure that affected my judgement. E.T. was loveable and good. I think that’s the main reason why this movie was so successful.

8. Signs. This one has crop circles. I know that some years ago a couple of men in England confessed to being the circle makers, but some of those patterns are so large and intricate, I have trouble believing them.

9. Predator. The alien is almost as ugly as the aliens in Alien. This alien scared the crap out of people.

10. Men in Black. Yes, it is a comedy, and not as scary or deep as some of the others, but it’s in my top ten. My favorite part is when Kay (Tommy Lee Jones) kicks a male alien in the groin, and the alien doesn’t even flinch. Jay (Will Smith) shouts out, “Kay, he’s a ballchinian.” Without going into detail about this alien’s unique anatomical feature, I’ll say that Kay then kicks the alien in the chin, and the alien is debilitated.

My list is pretty diverse, from older classics to remakes, originals, and even a comedy. The special effects are dated in many of them, though at the time, they were top notch, but I think all of them are unique and entertaining. I can’t wait to write the next book (GAMMA RIFT 2) in the Trans-Galactic Insurrection series. I’m still working on a title, and re-watching some of the movies on my list will get my creative juices flowing.

I haven’t seen every alien invasion movie, so I’m sure I’m missing some good ones. If you have any recommendations, I’ll take them.

Gamma Rift
Kalli Lanford

Release Date: August 18

Genre: New Adult 

Publisher: Entangled Embrace Imprint

Book Description:

His secret (alien) crush...

I may be a Prince, but there are things that trouble me about my father's royal rule-the forced abduction, experimentation, and torture of alien creatures. The king has a new prisoner who's a carefully kept secret...

There's a young female who belongs to a little-known civilization I have been studying extensively. They are human, belonging to a small, undeveloped planet called Earth. She is pretty in a way I find unusual and compelling. Sometimes I sneak into the adjoining cell and we talk about everything and nothing, even as I find myself yearning to touch her strange, soft skin.

Skin that is being subjected to invasive tests and experiments. A body that's scheduled for a live dissection in fifteen days. And a life that will be terminated unless I risk my future and life to help her escape...

Book Trailer:

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About the Author:

Kalli Lanford, a native of San Diego, California, grew up hanging out at the beach and playing sports.  When she’s not nerding out at San Diego Comic-Con, she can be seen doing normal-people stuff like teaching high-school English, cooking delicious meals for her family, and attending her son’s football games.  In her spare time, she writes new adult fiction and loves listening to hard rock.  She hopes to live long and prosper, and that you will, too.

Author Website:

Author Twitter: @kallilanford

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