Monday, September 28, 2015

Top 10 Aliens of All-Time: Guest Blog and Giveaway Under His Skin by Stacey O’Neale

Hey, Roxanne. Thanks for inviting me to post about my new book, UNDER HIS SKIN. There have been so many aliens in television, books, and movies. I thought it would be fun to create a Top Ten list for you.

1. Superman. I mean, who else could be #1? Truth, justice, and the American way. Plus, he’s all types of sexy. He is responsible for the success of comic books. I’m not sure they would’ve been around today without him.

2. Alien Huntress series by Gena Showalter. There are too many yummy characters in this series to name just one. That’s why I’m putting them all in my #2 slot. If you haven’t read the series, I highly recommend that you do.

3. Movie: E. T. – the Extra-Terrestrial. Oh, come on, he’s totally adorable. Who wouldn’t love him? Remember the glowing finger? Ugh…I could go on forever.

4. Stitch from Lilo and Stitch. My daughter loves this movie. She insisted he make the list, so here he is. Besides being adorable, he tries his best to be a good guy. And I love him with Lilo.

5. Marvin the Martian. He was my favorite cartoon character when I was a child. Besides the crazy voice, he was just too cute. He did want to take over our planet, but whatever, we forgive him.

6. Daemon Black from the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. He’s not the friendliest guy when we first meet him, but he’s certainly hot. And as the story progresses, he also warmed my heart.

7. Mork from Mork & Mindy. For many, that’s when the world discovered Robin Williams. My heart still hurts over his passing. I couldn’t possibly complete this list without including him.

8. Mr. Spock from Star Trek. TV Science fiction wouldn’t be the same without him. He was what put Star Trek on the map. It’s amazing to see the following the show/movies have, even after all these years. 

9. Alf – Okay, I know I’ve just aged myself here. Yup, I was a kid in the 80’s. I had my own Alf doll, and I loved the show. 

10. Gonzo from The Muppets – Again, another 80’s show. But this one has stood the test of time. The Muppets are still fun for children. I enjoyed their silly humor. Gonzo, of course, was the best.

Under His Skin
Alien Encounters
Book One
Stacey O’Neale

Release Date: 9/21/15

Genre: Adult Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Entangled Covet

About the Book:

Bakery owner Annabelle Sparks’ business is booming ever since she won reality TV's Cupcake Wars. The one thing deflating her happy soufflé? The extremely sexy Kaden Chance only sees her as a best friend–and Annabelle wants so much more. After waiting a year for him recognize their chemistry, she’s giving up and dating other people.

What she doesn't know is Kaden's heart doesn't actually beat. He's not human. Heck, he's not even from Earth. To retain his intergalactic immunity, no one can ever know he is an extraterrestrial. But when Annabelle starts dating, something strange happens to Kaden's unmoved heart: it begins to beat. Now he faces an impossible choice—tell Annabelle the truth and be deported–or lose his last chance at love.

Goodreads     Amazon     BN      Entangled

Excerpt 2

          Mate. He’d told Hayden he would stick to his routine. That meant watching the game at her apartment on Sunday and maintaining their friendship. His logical mind fought against his growing urges. Last night, he couldn’t have a simple conversation without touching her. And she didn’t make things any easier. He could smell the desire pouring out of her. It took every ounce of his self-control to hold himself back. At times, it was painful. “I know what I’m doing. I’ve got the situation under control.”
          Cam laughed. “Like you did yesterday? Dude, we both know it’s only going to get worse. You’re like a ticking sex bomb.”
          Deep down, Kaden knew he was right. Annabelle would become an irresistible, unquenchable thirst. Ordinarily, she would feel the same pull, but there was no way to know how a human would react. “There’s no such thing as a sex bomb.”
          Cam spread himself flat across the sofa with his arms crossed behind his head. “Yeah, well, there definitely should be.”
          “Be serious.”
          He sat up. “I’m trying to tell you, it’s foolish to fight the bond between you. You’d be better off going with it and letting the panties drop where they may.”
          And what would happen if he did bond with her? There was no chance it would ever work out between them. He had to hide who he was from the world. A life with him meant Annabelle would have to lie to her friends and family about their relationship. He would never be able to marry her or give her the children she wanted. They’d talked about her dreams for a white picket fence and a family. Even if she were willing to give up those things, wouldn’t he be putting her life in danger? A dull ache formed in the pit of his chest. “You know that’s not possible.”
          If he could somehow push away these human emotions of his, maybe he stood a chance of keeping her in his life. Maybe someday he could actually be happy for her if she found a suitable mate. He dug his fingernails into the palms of his hands at the thought of her with a human. “I have to go. She’s waiting for me.”
          “Don’t forget the condoms,” Cam shouted out. “Matter of fact, you might want to double up. With all your pent-up frustration, there’s bound to be an explosion.”
          “Hilarious,” he replied, shutting the door behind him as he made his way toward his truck. Once inside, he slid his seat belt on and leaned back against the head cushion with his eyes closed. Filled with self-doubt, he worried that he wouldn’t be able to handle it. But he had to.
          For the sake of everyone he loved, he had to find a way.

About the Author:

Award-winning author, Stacey O'Neale, lives in Annapolis, Maryland. When she's not writing, she spends her time fangirling over books, blogging, watching fantasy television shows, cheering for the Baltimore Ravens, and hanging out with her husband and daughter.

Her career in publishing started as a blogger-turned-publicist for two successful small publishers. Stacey writes young adult paranormal romance and adult science fiction romance. Her books always include swoon-worthy heroes, snarky heroines, and lots of kissing.

Stacey loves hearing from readers.

Follow her on Twitter @StaceyONeale, look for her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Goodreads. You can also visit her website at

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