Friday, October 23, 2015

HAUNTED VENICE, Venetian Ghosts Invade my YouTube Channel. Plus Halloween E-book Sale from 99 cents this week only

Art took on a life of its own, literally, when I stayed in the beautiful lagoon town, Venice, Italy, the setting of my novels. One day, I decided to shoot some YouTube videos and the Venetian Ghosts jumped right off the pages of my books to haunt the videos! 

That’s right! In Venice, ghosts haunt videos and change all plans. They mess with film, sound, umbrella, camera, weather. ITS TRUE I SWEAR! WATCH! They don't give a girl a break, instead they break her stuff.  Watch ghosts haunt my Venice video. PART ONE.  They haunt Venice videos, don’t they?

Haunted Venice invades my world when Ghost take over my video, WATCH THEM LURK!


Later that day, the Haunted Venice Video madness continued.  In a chapel where relics of Jesus Christ lay in a special sealed chamber, those magnetic fields somehow sent the video haywire. Did saints and ghosts lead me there?  You decide.

To see the weird but true PART TWO of Haunted Venice Videos, watch now for your Halloween viewing entertainment. WATCH THE VIDEO Now.

Ghosts take over Venice video, Part TWO, what is in store for me now?

Don’t forget the Halloween e-book sale THIS WEEK from 99 cents !!

Love Spirits
What Happens In Venice
Book One
Diana Cachey

About the Love Spirits:

When the bodies of two glass makers wash up on Murano Island, the cryptic messages persist. Louisa is drawn to the story of the Venetian ghosts and initiates a personal investigation. Reluctantly, Louisa calls upon her bad boy ex, Matteo, to help decipher the clues. Before she knows it, a flame that was never fully extinguished is unexpectedly rekindled.

Sensing that her sister is in over her head, Barbara Mangotti rushes to the rescue, only to be lured away by two hard-to-resist good-looking Venetian men.
With time running out, can these two beauties solve a crime that could threaten the city of Venice itself?

This book is like a magic carpet ride that takes you to Venice, capturing in a most wonderful way its unique allure and mystery. Part travelogue, part mystery, part romance novel, it will warm your heart, send goosebumps up your spine, and leave you breathless.

Available at Amazon

LOVE SPIRITS, Excerpt # 3 (455 words):

            Flights, hotels, apartments. Clothes, jewelry, shoes. Check, check, check. She’d tried on sweaters, jeans, jackets, surveyed each item to determine the most Italian look and picked only the most flattering combinations. She lined up toiletries, stockings, scarves, lingerie and make-up, but not too much, she’d buy better stuff in Italy. Cat sitters were called to assess availability and suitability. Processed food was sneered at in grocery stores for savoring of fresh Venetian produce. The voluntary time-off she scoffed at months earlier when offered it, turned out to be a perk, not a temporary discharge due to shortage of work.
            For Barbara, getting to Venice was easy. Finding ghosts in Venice? Harder. Fetching Louisa and releasing Matteo’s grip? Impossibile.
            Louisa would scheme and stick until everyone else became unglued. If ghosts were to be found, Louisa would find them. Barbara hadn’t stopped Louisa from going to Venice so how would she get her home? Investigate the ghosts, disprove their existence?
            Barbara imagined her own escape into those Venetian palaces, their moldy facades toppling into canals. Those quiet evenings with no traffic, strolling along sea water, visiting quaint bars or vegetable markets that hugged tiny bridges. Foggy thoughts of Venice led Barbara to recall how Louisa had written her about a fall, not into the arms of Matteo, but into a canal. She’d slipped on the algae-coated steps leading into a traghetto that ferries passengers across the Grand Canal and the only gondolas still in regular use by Venetians. This traghetto was her daily ride to work, so exposed algae didn’t concern her. Yet, one day she’d been unable to maintain her balance long enough to avoid the dive. She’d fallen into the drink, straight out of the helpful hand of the gondolier, with her expensive Italian boots, cell phone and all.
         “Venetians rallied so fast,” she’d written to Barbara. “that my shoulders barely touched the water when they lifted me out of the canal as easily as a floating plastic bag.” Her Venetian rescuers assured Louisa that all self-respecting residents fell into canals at some point in their lives. She’d been baptized, Venetian-style.
         The young gondolier, feeling somewhat responsible for not holding her securely enough, made up for it by embracing her tightly. With both arms, he enveloped Louisa in his goose down parka and rubbed her wet body vigorously and lovingly.
         Barbara smiled as she sensed Louisa’s presence deep in her heart, thousands of miles across the pond--as was the Atlantic Ocean referred to by jet-setters like Louisa.
         Don’t fall in again, dear one, Barbara quietly prayed, until I get there.

         She tried sending those words to Louisa, knowing not whether they fell onto her sister’s distant ears.

Lagoon Lure
What Happens in Venice
Book Two
Diana Cachey

About the Lagoon Lure:

Sexy sleuth Louisa is back! She captivated romance novel readers and mystery lovers in Love Spirits, the first book of the intriguing international mystery and crime series, What Happens in Venice. Book Two, Lagoon Lure, continues this seductive ghost story and resumes the carnal pleasures, conspiracy and corruption.

American in Venice, Louisa, resumes her Venetian exploits, steamy love affairs and paranormal assisted murder investigation she began in Love Spirits. The mystery and romance further ensnares her in the second book of the What Happens in Venice mystery series.

Still unnerved by the notion that Venice ghost stories are real, Louisa delves further into the mystery of the deaths of two glassmakers while juggling the lustful manipulations of her ex-lover, Matteo, whose role in the double murder grows murkier.

Meanwhile Louisa's usually shy sister, Barbara, explores her new-found sexuality with Venice's willing men, sharing her adventures with her sister but keeping one particularly mysterious man a secret. Romance novel readers will love the changes in her and the tension created by the affairs of the heart that Venice leads her into before she realizes that she's fallen hard despite the haunted happenings around her.

When Louisa's best friend, "Rouge," arrives for Carnival to sample its masked men and create her own romance novel subplots and complicates the situation further by encouraging the sisters to embrace the pleasures of secret Venice. Rouge not only steams up the landscape but she is lured into her own complicated romances and supernatural events, if not a reluctant ghost story or two.

With Venice as the lush backdrop for double murder and a web of passionate intrigue, Louisa deciphers clues planted by ghosts and struggles to resist the wicked charms of the very tempter she suspected in the crimes. Her unfinished romance and ghost story compete against her love affair with Venice and its secrets. While she tries to enjoy her days of Venice travel, food and fashion, as well as her new admirer’s own brand of magic, the mystery of the dead glass makers still looms in the lagoon.

Lively supporting characters add sex, chuckles and suspense to the already twisted plots and turned phrases when they too must navigate Venice mystery, romantic liaisons and the ghost story encounters. The gothic setting, the romance laden environment, the mysterious corners and shadowy lagoon lead everyone astray. Haunted Venice gives everyone plenty to puzzle over right until the end.

Venice cafés, restaurants, and other haunts play a prominent role in this sexy supernatural romance and international crime series about a beautiful American in Venice guided by ghosts to solve the mystery of a hushed-up crime. Paranormal clues and ghost apparitions lead Louisa deeper into the lagoon, and she is forced to reluctantly enlist Matteo's support. Can she trust him, or will this ghostly lagoon lure prove deadly?

Available at Amazon
LAGOON LURE, Excerpt #3 (830 words)

            “Sorry, hold on, she replied and ran to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face, gargle mouthwash, throw on sexier lingerie.
            “Its okay, he yelled, I love you sleepy with smeared last nights make-up.” 
            “Shut up and wait, she yelled back and reminded of the smeared make-up, she touched it up. There. It looked like she just applied it. 
            Tom obeyed the command to wait, although what was in his trousers was about to break down the door. 
            Some lip gloss. All set. She answered the door, fur draped open revealing pushed-up breasts and a peek of her rhinestoned thong. He didnt, couldnt wait for the door to shut, shoved both hands into the fur with one hand softly on each breast and his tongue down her throat.  
            They stood there long enough for her nipples to register more than the cold. She begrudgingly stopped, pushed her pelvis onto his and said, Lets not waste anymore time. She pulled him by his scarf while walking backwards towards the adjoining room and he kicked the door shut behind him. 
            They didnt make it to the bed nor the adjoining room for Rouge had felt his trouser tent and since shed put a wool blanket in the hallway to keep her feet warm, it now kept everything warm below her as they rolled onto. Entwined and breathless, he kept the top of her warm, very warm. Slowly and seductively then alternately vigorous, he filled her insides full of warmth too. Firm yet gentle, he didnt waste anymore time.
            She had not asked, Why are we wasting time? It was a command. One he obeyed. He continued to obey her commands. His lips being moved to various parts of her face, neck, breasts, tummy and on and on, all the way to her toes. She worked on him too, being a little less gentle and not using her lips but something else in all of those areas. 
            Next she demanded to be spanked, for which she returned the favor countless times before they moved to the bedroom. Since the bathroom was on the way, they stopped in for a shower, its hand shower appliance being very handy indeed. He didn't last long in the shower, but she did.
            The bed was eventually taken over with their long awaited entrance, which he staged as he draped her across it and covered her with lemon-scented tasting oil. 
            They had a lengthy day ahead of them. So they napped. Briefly. Tom couldn't sleep and he wouldn't let her. By now it was dusk and she lit candles, which gave Rouge another idea for a symphony of wax.
            Its going to be a good trip, she thought and walked to bed with the candle. 
            Toms reality reached out and scratched that record when he saw the candle. Is it dark already? I gotta go. My wife is gonna kill me, he said.
            “Oh baby. What happened?
            “Im supposed to take her friends in my boat to a Carnival ball tonight. Rouges symphony turned into nails on a chalkboard.
            I wanna go to the Carnival ball, she wanted to whimper. Instead she listened to him whine about not wanting to go. I wanna go to the ball, she kept thinking. 
            Then she remembered she did have an invite to a ball. Barbaras hot new Italian boyfriend, Massimo, was hosting a private affair. Somewhere. Where? She couldnt remember the details.  Screw this, I have to get ready for my own ball, she thought. More clever than Tom, she didnt let on. Okay, go home. Your wife scares the crap out of me.  
            “She scares the crap out of me too. She scares the crap out of everyone. He rolled over and pulled a wool blanket over his head whimpering.
            “You know, she will kill you before she kills me, Rouge said slyly. Worse. Shell let you live.” 
            “Im taking a shower and putting on Cleopatra. Its time to get my Carnival on. You driving me or not?
            “Yes, he moaned from under the covers.  
            “Then get your butt in the shower. Now.  
            “Noooo, he said. He knew he sounded infantile but these two women, his wife and Rouge, had that effect on him. It wasnt difficult for any woman to have that effect on him. See you in a few minutes? he begged and grabbed to pull her back. With what little strength he had left after their frenzy, he failed in his attempt to hold on to her. All-right, he mumbled. He dozed off thinking what a shame that they were extremely compatible but could never be together. He knew they were soul mates. Sexually.
            While he snoozed, Rouge became Cleo. Madonna went all Cleopatra at the super bowl performance, recalled Rouge. So shed been told for she couldnt force herself to go to the popular Venetian bar where Americans watch championship sports. 
            Rouge, now turned Cleopatra, was soon ready for the ball. 

Magic Island
What Happens In Venice
Book Three
Diana Cachey

About Magic Island:

Sexy sleuth Louisa is back — with Venice as the lush backdrop for double murder and a web of passionate intrigue. In this final installment of the Trinity, Louisa captivates readers by deciphering clues planted by ghosts & struggling to resist the wicked charms of the very tempter she suspects. Her unfinished love story continues to compete against her love affair with Venice and its secrets. She tries to enjoy her days of Venice travel, food and fashion and new admirer’s own brand of magic but the mystery of the dead glass makers still looms in the lagoon.

Lively supporting characters add more sex, chuckles and suspense to the already twisted plots and turned phrases as they too must navigate their own romantic liaisons and thought provoking ghost encounters. Magic Island gives everyone plenty to puzzle over right up to its surprising finish!

Available at Amazon

MAGIC ISLAND, Excerpt #2 (377 words)

At the landing point, halfway to the upper level, she felt it. A cold wind blew.
Why would the thrift shop women leave the window open during one of the coldest days of the year? Venetians, and Italians generally, were obsessed with energy conservation, not out of duty or political bent, but out of necessity or greed. Why would the darling elf-man allow it? Why hadn’t he gone up to close it?
She blinked.
In the second floor attic room, a man stood by the open window and fanned himself. He’d removed his coat, hat, scarf and shirt. Bare-chested, he was about to try on what looked to be the next best deal in the shop, a cashmere sweater with Armani label.
The room wasn’t suffering from the dreaded “they heat the place like people don’t always come in dressed for the outdoors.” It was not an unbearable oven. It was chilly. Yet sweat poured down the man’s face.
Louisa couldn’t help but stare for he stood half naked with perfect abdomen and a peek of what was below the belt. His pants hung low on his tan, tempting, tapered waist.
The man jumped and gave an unnecessary apology in thick Buranese dialect.
“My name is Antonin. Your friend, Marco, sent me,” he whispered. He made no attempt to cover up for which Louisa gave another silent nod of gratitude.
She stepped closer then remembered she was supposed to seek guidance before acting. She started to speak but he gestured for her to be quiet and pulled her to the window. He pointed to the canal.
Not exactly the answer to my prayers, but go with it, she reckoned.
She leaned squarely up against him then wrapped an arm around his waist, that tempting, tapered waist.
He felt her desire rising so he moved them both away from the window where he pulled his pants a little further down to reveal those, those whatever those lines are, those muscle things that go diagonally from the hips to the important region.
“Spetta mattimo,” he whispered, “wait a minute,” or something like that, and he pressed his hips against hers.

“Prima, guarda la,” (First, look at this) he said and nodded towards the window.
About the Author:

Diana Cachey is a licensed attorney, published academic, and former adjunct law professor. She also holds a BA in English, and while in law school, she was the first female editor in chief of her university’s law review.
The author of the novel Love Spirits, she has trained with several New York Times best-selling writers, including Robert Allen, with more than seventy-two million books sold.

For more than a decade, Cachey has been traveling to Venice, the setting of her novel, on extended trips several times a year. The cafés, restaurants, and many other haunts of Venice play a prominent role in her sexy paranormal mystery-romance about a beautiful American lawyer guided by the Ghosts of Venice in the investigation of a hushed-up crime.


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