Friday, October 16, 2015

How To Seduce A Gargoyle in 10 Days by Saranna DeWylde

How To Seduce A Gargoyle in 10 Days
Saranna DeWylde

A Wicked Tale
ARe Books

Genre: M/F, Paranormal , PNR

About the Book:

Got gargoyle?

Ginger Butterbean would like to, but she’s not sure how to go about it. Her marriage of a hundred years has crumbled to dust and she’s worried her witchy bits might be so full of cobwebs, they’ve malfunctioned.

She needs sexy gargoyle Slade Nightwing to remind her of what it means to be a witch and that love isn’t just a fairytale.

 About the Author:

Saranna DeWylde has always been fascinated by things better left in the dark. She wrote her first story after watching The Exorcist at a slumber party. Since then, she’s published horror, romance and narrative nonfiction. Like all writers, Saranna has held a variety of jobs, from operations supervisor for an airline, to an assistant for a call girl, to a corrections officer. But like Hemingway said, “Once writing has become your major vice and greatest pleasure, only death can stop it.” So she traded in her cuffs for a full-time keyboard. She loves to hear from her readers.

For more information on other books by Saranna, visit her website:

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