Friday, November 6, 2015

Calling Your Muse: 6 Tips To Bring Out Your Muse- Beware Of Warlocks Box Set by Marilyn Vix

Calling Your Muse: 6 Tips To Bring Out Your Muse

Everyone needs inspiration in anything they do. Something to inspire one’s imagination is hard to find, especially when you get writer’s block. But I have a couple secrets I like to employ to get the muse to sing within me. Here’s a list of what helps get my muse speaking to me:

1)    The Music/Video Playlist: This is my go to in creating an atmosphere that helps my mind get creative. I have different playlists on Youtube for different writing projects. From my Scottish Writing List to my NaNo Writing list, the different songs I mix together put me into a writing zone that gives me the feel of each project. While I was writing Saving My Heart, I listened to a lot of Taylor Swift or Bruno Mars. While writing Everything For Love, I have a lot of the songs and videos from Moulin Rouge and Panic At The Disco songs like “Ballad of Mona Lisa”. Music is a big draw to bring out my muse.

2)    Going for a Walk: One thing I’m thankful in getting back is my ability to walk. I’m finally able to get out on the trail near my house and walk next to the creek and under the California oaks. It helps clear my head and think through things I’m having trouble with. Not only is it good for figuring out writing issues, it’s great exercise. Something physical seems to help give my brain a rest so it can refocus on writing later.

3)    Social Media: Sometimes I just like taking a break and talking to my friends. I’m a total Facebook addict. So, I like going on-line and seeing what everyone is up to. It’s a way to take a break, and makes me forget about anything that might be bothering me for a while. Then, it’s easier to come back and fix later. If you want to connect with me and see what I’m up to, here’s my Facebook link:

4)    Shopping: I write about this a lot in my books. Sometimes shopping can bring out some ideas. Just going to the mall and walking around gets those people watching ideas flowing. I start looking at people and making up stories about why they are there, why they are wearing certain things, and making up the background of their relationships. Ok, this is what I do when I’m sitting having a cup of coffee looking at people, don’t you? Ok, that was a clear glimpse into the writer’s mind. Next.

5)     Taking A Bath: So, this is the ultimate relaxation and take on my day. I unwind in the bath and do a rehash of the day while I’m relaxing. Sometimes I’ll think through things in my books and solve them. Nothing like bubbles and scented bath crystals to coax the muse within to appear.

6)    The Cat (And other furry babies): The last ditch effort, I’ll have a cuddle with my black, furry baby. Just stroking her relaxes me. She’s also my cat editor, and will sit next to me as I’m writing. If I get stuck in the middle of writing, I turn to her and stroke her. Often, I’m rewarded with a huge purr, that relaxes me, and I can finally get my brain to function again.

These are my top tips in helping you direct your inner muse. No matter what you need to call your creativity forth to do, sewing, cooking, painting, drawing, or any other inspirational hobbies, I hope these tactics will help you to call forth your muse.

As always, love and best positive thoughts, -Marilyn

Beware Of Warlocks Box Set
Beware of Warlocks Box Set Books 1-3
Marilyn Vix

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Shadowcat Publishing

Date of Publication: 10/26/15

ISBN: 9781310016684

Number of pages: 128
Word Count: 41, 483

Cover Artist: Melody Simmons

Book Description:

Can two warlocks be too many?

Yes, if one happens to be your ex-husband trying to kill you for a witch divorce.

The other, a sexy Aussie that makes you forget all the rest.

Catherine walks in on her husband in bed with her best friend. What is a woman to do? It helps that she is a witch. Unfortunately, so is her husband. Before you can say spell battle, Catherine high tails it up the coast of California to clear her head. Lucky for her, she finds an Aussie hitchhiker. She's going to have to face her husband in the awaiting spell battle. Can she have a little fun with her newfound boy toy, or will he get scorched in the foreplay?

But nothing turns out as you think. Catherine runs to Las Vegas with Jeff finding her feelings for him the saving grace from the dangers of Las Vegas. Confused between her husband cheating and a new addition to her heart, she will have to choose between the two of them. Will she marry either, or end it all in a spell battle that will bring Las Vegas to its knees. Only time will tell. No one knows the mind of a witch better than herself. Unless, she falls in love.

This box set includes the novelette titles:

Never Marry A Warlock
Never Fall For A Warlock
Never Cross A Warlock

Book Trailers

Never Marry A Warlock:

Never Fall For A Warlock:

Never Cross A Warlock:

Excerpt from beginning of Never Marry A Warlock:

My husband’s arms were wrapped around her naked body. The blankets were strewn and interwoven between their legs. He was spooning her with his biceps draped over her. I stood in the doorway taking in the scene of my husband and my best friend. It was the end of the world, at least for me. But I wasn’t going to take it lying down. I should have known better than to have married a warlock.

I hit him with a force spell that knocked him up against the headboard. He fell back down and braced his hands out to catch his fall. Cassandra scrambled out of the bed, dragging the silk comforter with her. Bitch. She better get out of my way. She was next.

Rich was naked as he sat up to look at me. Normally, the abs-flash trick would work. But not now. I was too pissed off. I knew what spells he used to look like that. It was easy to fool a mortal and ex-best friend on the floor. But not me. Thing is, we were too evenly matched. I think that was the problem.

He threw a counter spell that lanced light through my arm, digging into the flesh as it tried to anchor and link me to him. I flicked out a removal spell that broke the connection, laced my hands together, and hit him with a burst of everything I had. He went flying backward, through the window into the pool. It was satisfying to watch. He tried to rise up and hover toward me, but I knocked him back in the water with another force spell.

He yelled from the pool. His wavy, brown hair trenched with water. “Baby, we can talk it out. It’s just a moment of weakness. You’ve had them with mortals.”

I’d drown him if he couldn’t breathe water. Blowing up the six-million-dollar house probably wouldn’t kill him either. Like I said, never marry a warlock. I shot another burst of energy, creating a field that pushed him under. He swam back up and came to the side, with both chiseled arms on the edge of the pool. His brown eyes tried to melt my insides. I wasn’t going to let him win again.

I walked through the window ledge, broken glass crackling under my heels. “It’s over Rich. Just over. I’m done with playing the games, or sharing you with the next mortal you pick up. Really, when I said my vows, it was forsaking everyone. Including mortals.”

“I haven’t touched another witch in ages, Catherine. Really. Scout’s honor.”

I blasted him into the pool again. Rich came up from the bottom, laughing. He swam back to the side and got out. He walked toward me with glistening, rock-hard muscles. I fought down the attraction, along with the writhing anger. Maybe blowing him up was too good for him. Slow, painful death. Maybe.

About the Author:

Marilyn Vix writes paranormal romances for women that want to forget the real world and find their new alpha boyfriend made to order from their deepest desires. She enjoys the characters that just don't fit in. From witches to time traveling researchers, she is letting her imagination soar to explore new worlds and write all the details down. Marilyn has traveled to Paris, London, Sydney, Las Vegas and Munich. She loves to include these in her settings. Best of all is letting her readers enjoy them through the perspective of a character. She currently lives in Northern California with her husband and cat. The cat, of course, is the center of attention.


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