Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Interview and Giveaway Breakout by Trish Arcangelo

What inspired the premise for your story?  

I was listening to the song Radioactive by Imagine Dragons when I got the story spark for Breakout.  It took off from there. 

Did you always wanted to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?  

Romance writer has always been my dream job, it was always the answer I would give people at parties if that question came up.   But I wasn’t serious about it for a long time, I treated it like it was unattainable and didn’t ever try to make it a reality.  Then a few years ago I made the decision to give it a shot and I’m so grateful I did. 

How long did it take to get your first book published? 

From the time I finished my first manuscript, Darkness Embraced, it took about six months before I received an offer for contract.  I received about a half-dozen rejections in that time.  I know many authors kept at it for years before publishing so I know I was very lucky!  I’m grateful for the opportunity every day and occasionally still pinch myself J

What were your aspirations as an author and have any of them come true?  

Sure, I would love to one day see one of my books on the best-seller lists as much as the next author, but for now I’m just focused on writing the best books I can write and connecting with readers.  The idea of sharing my stories with readers who love romance fiction as much as I do is a dream come true.   Getting published was my big aspiration that’s come true so far and right now I’m just enjoying the ride and working on becoming a better writer every day. 

What have you learned about the publishing industry since you’ve signed that first contract? 

I’ve learned to pack my patience!  It all happened relatively quickly for me (in publishing world terms) and yet it can still seem to take forever when you’re just excited to get to the next step.  The process from manuscript to contracted work to published book is a lengthy one but it needs to be so that the book is the very best it can be.  I just kept myself occupied with writing the next project while I waited to hear back on queries and now I do the same as I wait for edits, etc. 

Is there a genre you haven’t written in that one day you’d like to tackle

Right now I’m trying my hand at a three-book contemporary series.  It’s my first foray into contemporary since my first book was a fantasy romance and Breakout is post-apocalyptic. 

Trish Arcangelo

Genre: Romance, Post-Apocalyptic

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Date of Publication: 11/18/15

ISBN: 9781509204441

Number of pages: 140
Word Count: 34,775

Cover Artist: Kim Mendoza

Book Description:

A global pandemic has killed most of the world’s population. Alone, Monarch Winslow struggles to survive. An empty house, gas station food and the hope of reaching a refugee camp in Austin, Texas keep her alive. Then one night an injured man breaks into her house. A dangerously sexy man.

Monarch is wary but intrigued. Corbin claims he’s a mechanic and she can’t reach the camp without a working car. She needs his help. But he needs hers, too. As the days pass, they work together and a tenuous relationship turns to turbulent desire. But Corbin refuses to discuss his past and his secrets lie between them. Falling for a man she knows nothing about could endanger her life, as well as her heart.

Meantime, a hundred miles away, is safety, perhaps even surviving family. She hopes. But Monarch is no more sure of that than she is of Corbin...?

“What the hell do you think? You can’t treat the wound through my jeans.”
Feeling like a complete idiot, Monarch just stood there. He was right of course, it just hadn’t occurred to her. Last night she accessed the wound easily through the rip in his jumpsuit. Tonight he was wearing clothes and would have to strip down in order for her to see it. Her mouth went dry as she watched him pull his jeans down over his hips. “Well…of-of course I knew that. I just thought you might be a bit more modest about it. I mean you could lay down under a blanket and just stick your leg out or something. I don’t want to see—”
His jeans fell to his ankles. “I’m wearing boxer shorts for Christ’s sake. What are you, a nun?”
Monarch stared at his bare legs. They were thick and muscular and covered with crisp light hair. His boxers covered everything important. But it was just…it was just so intimate. Personal. They were alone, a man and a woman, and he was in his underwear.
He lay down on the couch and lifted the leg of the boxers so that the entire wound was accessible. Monarch knelt in front of him, seeing that the bandages were lightly stained with blood. She undid the bandages as delicately as possible, trying not to pull hair or skin. Her fingers shook badly and she cursed herself.
Corbin reached over and gripped one of her hands with his own, startling her. “You don’t need to be nervous. If I was gonna attack you don’t you think I would have by now?”
Monarch blanched. Of course he would bring up the elephant in the room, mannerless oaf that he was. “Why would I know that? I know absolutely nothing about you or what you are capable of. I know I don’t trust strangers.”

“Especially strangers who are convicts, huh?” Corbin said softly, and for a moment Monarch thought she detected hurt in his voice. But then his tone shifted, becoming aggressive, raspy. “I might as well be a caveman or an ape, is that it? A male with no scruples or impulse control. One who acts on his basest sexual urges whenever he feels like it, right?”

About the Author:

Trish read her first romance novel as a teenager and was immediately hooked (it was Hearts Aflame by Johanna Lindsey). An avid reader of romance fiction ever since, she nursed a long-time dream to write it as well. One day she realized there was only one thing stopping her from making that dream a reality: HERSELF. She sat down and vowed to actually finish a manuscript. After finishing her first book, Darkness Embraced, she has never looked back. She completed her second book, Breakout, and is currently working on a third.

A native Texan, Trish lives just outside Austin with her incredibly supportive husband and their two incredibly spoiled dogs. Aside from romance fiction, her other loves include wine, warm weather, playing trivia, social media, and supporting dog rescue.

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  1. A great interview thank you.I always like to know what ha inspired a book.

  2. Enjoyedd the interview and the post. Look forward to reding Trish's books.
    Caarol L
    Lucky4750 (at) ol (dot) com
