Today we are celebrating the launch of Mysti Parker's Virtual Book Tour for A Ranger's Tale with an interview to help readers get to know her a little better.
Keep reading for your chance to win a copy of A Ranger's Tale.
Now onto the interview...
Hi Mysti, thanks for joining us today. Let’s get started by learning more about you, what would you like to tell us about yourself?
First of all, a big thank you to Fangtastic Books and the fabulous Roxanne for helping me kick off the tour for my debut novel, A Ranger’s Tale.
What’s there to say about me? I live in the beautiful state of Kentucky. My husband and I have been married for almost 14 years. I’m a full-time wife, mama, and mother of three cool kiddos. Thirteen years ago, I graduated college with a biology degree and worked in both a veterinary diagnostic lab and a neurological surgery lab until our first child was born.
In 2009, I rediscovered my first love (writing) and decided to make the most of it.
Have you always wanted to be a writer or was this something that just happened?
My grandmother taught me to read and write when I was three years old. I still have the coloring book where she wrote the abc’s and 123’s inside the front and back covers. Ever since then, I have loved the written word.
I read voraciously as a child and teen. Writing went right along with it. My teen years were spent writing lots of poetry that reflected some of that angst of young adulthood. I did well in every writing assignment I was given in school, but instead of pursuing that, I chose to study biology in college. Now, I rather wish I had chosen the literary path, but I don’t regret my scientific background.
College, however, did burn me out on reading and writing anything for a good while. Then I married and had three kids, and…the hiatus continued, until about two years ago, when I wrote my first novelette and got it published right off the bat. I was hooked and am falling in love with the written word all over again.
What was your first published work?
I had a few poems published in anthologies when I was a teen, but my first novelette, “Let There Be Love”, was published in the anthology Hearts of Tomorrow by Melange Books (then Midnight Showcase Fiction) in 2009.
Tell us about your current book?
A Ranger’s Tale takes place in the fantasy world of Tallenmere, and starts off in the capital city of Leogard. Caliphany Aranea, nearly a century old, has never been allowed to travel farther than a few miles out of the city. Her father, Sirius, leads the Mage Academy, and after losing his only son, he expects Caliphany to take his place one day. The trouble is, she doesn't want to study magic and doubts she'll ever be as good a wizard as her father. She dreams of leaving Leogard to explore the world and strike out on her own--lofty goals for Sirius' daughter, who also happens to be King Leopold's niece.
When two brutes at Leogard Harbor attempt to kidnap her while she dreams of faraway lands, half-elf ship captain and ranger, Galadin Trudeaux, comes to her rescue. From their first chance encounter, to the finale, where Caliphany must decide where her heart truly lies, she and Galadin will face more adventure, more love, more heartache, than they ever thought possible. Through it all, they discover the power of forgiveness and of a love that stands the test of time.
What was the inspiration behind this book?
I’ve always been fascinated with the elves in The Lord of the Rings trilogies, and in fantasy roleplaying games. They seemed so whimsical, full of magic and lore and mystery, beyond piddly human conflicts, which wasn’t a bad thing, but I wondered what it would be like to create elves with realistic problems—ones similar to what we mere humans face. That’s when Caliphany came about. Her father is a control-freak, she’s disgruntled with her life and occupation, and she falls for a “bad” boy. What I like most about her story is that while she faces these realistic problems, she’s still in a world of fantasy. Nearly one hundred years old, she’s a wizard turned ranger with some kick-ass firepower. She battles trolls, goblins, and traitors who possess equally strong magic.
And of course, I’m a romance-a-holic, so romance plays a huge role in this story.
Can you give us a little glimpse into the book, perhaps a part of one of your favorite scenes?
One of my favorite scenes is between Caliphany and Galadin, when he first begins to train her in the ways of a ranger. This is from Chapter 7, in Galadin’s POV:
Caliphany followed me to the worn-out archery targets. Behind us, I heard a familiar step and figured that nosy wood elf wouldn’t leave well enough alone. I was prepared to ignore him, but Caliphany heard him coming and turned.
“Greetings, Captain!” Arven smoothed out his hair. All those damn elves took pride in their pretty hair; his was dark brown and hung to his shoulders. He eyed Caliphany like she was a prime cut of beef. “And who might this be?”
I stepped between her and the golden-skinned wood elf. “This would be my apprentice, Caliphany, uh—”
“Just Caliphany, thank you,” she said. “And who might you be?”
Arven laughed. “I’m Arven.” He winked. “Just Arven.” He punched my shoulder. “You’re moving up in the world, Trudeaux—got yourself an apprentice now, and a fine one at that. We don’t get a lot of lighties out here.”
I glared at him. “Watch your mouth around the lady.”
Arven bowed. “Humblest apologies, my lady. Have a look around. We have all your tracking and hunting needs right here.” He turned back to me. “We got your arrow order ready, Trudeaux.”
I nodded. “Good. I’ll get them when we’re done here.”
Arven gave Caliphany one last look-over and headed back for his cabin. She ignored it and walked over to the targets. If she’d been offended, I couldn’t tell.
“Sorry about Arven. He’s a bit rough around the edges.”
She shrugged. “I’m used to being, um, looked at. Can we start?”
I stood there like a dummy for a moment. I didn’t doubt men enjoyed looking at her. She was breathtaking, to say the least. Regardless, the woman had given me a heck of a lot of gold, so I owed her some lessons. If I enjoyed the view while we were at it, all the better. Her identity didn’t matter to me either. A few days, maybe a week or two, and she’d get bored with her little game. I’d have a hefty sack of gold to show for it. We’d both be happy.
“Here you go.” I handed her a bow.
“This is lighter than I thought.”
“It’s ebonwood—light, but sturdy and flexible. Go ahead, “ I said, handing her an arrow, “try it.”
Caliphany held the bow and tried to nock the arrow. She dropped it. I rolled my eyes, but stood still, letting her pick it up and try again. Carefully, she nocked the arrow on the string, pulled it back as far as she could, and let go.
She stuck her finger in her mouth, then pulled it out and examined the injury. Blood pooled under her fingernail. The arrow had not even made it halfway to the target. Her eyes shot daggers at me when I started laughing.
“What is so funny?”
I crossed my arms, smirking. “You. You’re doing it all wrong.”
“Well then show me, oh exalted trainer.”
I sidled up behind her, positioning my body against hers. I imagined how smooth her bare skin would feel next to mine. She was tall, like all the high elves, and matched my height. Catching a glimpse of her cheek, I noticed a blush, and my own heart sped fast as a hawk’s dive. I pressed my chest against her back. She caught her breath. I wrapped my arms around hers, positioning her hands. Caliphany might have been accustomed to men’s probing eyes, but it was clear she hadn’t been handled by too many of them.
My lips brushed her ear as I instructed her. “Here, lift your elbow, it’s like jelly. Yes, good. Now, turn your hand like this. Find a comfortable anchor point, right here under your ear, probably.” Goosebumps rose along her neck in response to my breath. I tried to remain serious, but making her react that way was quite fun. “Now, relax your shoulders, pull back, aim, and release.”
The arrow flew toward the center of the target, but bounced off. She beamed. I couldn’t help but smile as pure joy danced in her sea blue eyes. At least she was enjoying herself. Better than her cursing at me. So many of her kind wouldn’t have given me the time of day.
I gestured toward the target. “Again.”
What’s next? Do you have any upcoming releases?
I’m working on Book Two of the Tallenmere series, Serenya’s Song (coming in October), which features one of the prominent male characters from A Ranger’s Tale. Here’s the blurb as it stands (subject to editing):
Life moves at a slower pace in Summerwind. Jayden Ravenwing, former lead scout of the L.I.O., hopes to make a fresh start, away from the bustle of Leogard…and from Caliphany. He never planned to fall in love again so soon, especially with the enchanting Serenya Crowe, wife of the Earl of Summerwind. When a strange portal opens on the Crowe property, he is thrown into an investigation, knowing that if he fails, Serenya and everyone in Summerwind may die.
Raised by her stepfather after her mother died during her birth, Serenya Crowe grew up with the burden of not knowing her birth father’s true identity. With claw-like fingernails and an ability to interpret dreams, she has endured gossip and the cruelty of her husband Sebastian. All she’s ever wanted was to live a quiet life and raise a family. When she meets Jayden Ravenwing, she knows that he is her soul mate. Together, they must overcome evil forces from another realm and inside Serenya herself, if they ever hope to find true love.
When you’re not writing what are your favorite hobbies or entertaining activities?
I love to read. I also have a blog, Unwritten (at www.mystiparker.blogspot.com) where I host author interviews, post book reviews, and talk about writerly and motherly stuff. When we get a chance, the husband and I watch American Idol, House, and True Blood (whenever the season starts). We just got a membership to our local zoo; so hopefully, there will be many trips there this spring and summer with the kids!
What would readers be surprised to learn about you?
I hate liver and people who don’t put their carts back in the corrals. Oh, and I hate shopping too—probably why the cart thing irks me. I’m not a fan of jewelry either. I guess I’m not your “typical” woman. But my husband doesn’t like sports, hunting, or fishing, so I guess he’s not your “typical” man either. We’re just two atypical peas in a pod.
Just for fun lightning round:
Black or white
Black—makes you look thinner.
Red or pink
Pink—red is such an angry color.
Angels or Demons
Angels—but demons are interesting in a villain-ish sort of way.
Vampires or werewolves
Vampires—no, werewolves—no, vampires! Ahh, that one is hard! I do watch True Blood after all.
Coke or Pepsi
Wine, beer or mixed drinks
Casual or Formal
Backyard barbeque or gourmet meals
Backyard barbeque unless I go on a date without kids—then it had better be a restaurant without a buffet.
Paperback, hardcover, or digital
Paperback—though I’m going digital more and more.
Where can your book be found for sale?
You can find A Ranger’s Tale in print or digital format at Melange Books here: http://www.melange-books.com/authors/mystiparker/parkerarangerstale.html
and at All Romance e-Books here: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-aranger039stale-511665-143.html
If readers would like to learn more about you where can they find you on the web?
I’m always hanging out at my blog, Unwritten. Stop by and visit at www.mystiparker.blogspot.com.
See my author page at Melange Books here: http://www.melange-books.com/authors/mystiparker/mystiparker.html
Thank you again for joining us today at Fang-tastic Books.
My pleasure, and thanks for having me!

Author Bio:
Mysti Parker is a full-time wife, mom of three, and a writer. Born and raised in Kentucky, writing has always been her first love. After many years of pursuing other things, she began her writing career in earnest in 2009. Look for more romantic tales from her fantasy world of Tallenmere, where magic, passion, murder, and mayhem are a part of everyday life.

Book Blurb:
In the fantasy world of Tallenmere, the high elf, Caliphany Aranea, nearly a century old, has never been allowed to travel farther than a few miles out of the capital city of Leogard. Her father, Sirius, leads the Mage Academy, and after losing his only son, he expects Caliphany to take his place one day. The trouble is, she doesn't want to study magic and doubts she'll ever be as good a wizard as her father. She dreams of leaving Leogard to explore the world and strike out on her own--lofty goals for Sirius' daughter, who also happens to be King Leopold's niece.
When two brutes at Leogard Harbor attempt to kidnap her while she dreams of faraway lands, half-elf ship captain and ranger, Galadin Trudeaux, comes to her rescue. From their first chance encounter, to the finale, where Caliphany must decide where her heart truly lies, she and Galadin will face more adventure, more love, more heartache, than they ever thought possible. Through it all, they discover the power of forgiveness and of a love that stands the test of time.
This book sounds really interesting. I'm going to have to get it, as I love fantasy books and it will make a great addition.
I enjoyed this post. Mysti Parker is a new author to me and I enjoyed learning a little about her. This book sounds real good and I plan on getting it.
The book sounds great and can't wait to read it. This is a new author for me and can't wait to check out the book. I love paranormal books and love fangtastic books blog. they always have great recommendations for books and authors. Thanks for the great giveaway and hope to win.
I enjoyed the post; it was interesting and entertaining. I look forward in reading this and Misti's other works.
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
This book sounds very interesting. I love to read about elves.
Thanks so much for stopping by and for the lovely comments! Good luck and I hope you enjoy "A Ranger's Tale"!
This book looks really great. I like the different spin on fantasy.
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
You had me at Lord of the Rings. One of the first fantasy series I read. Caliphany and Galadin sound like interesting characters. Thanks for the giveaway.
Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
I've not read any of Mysti's books... but, after reading this post, I want to! I love paranormal fantasies. Please enter me in this give-a-way!
Linda T.
Mysti's book sounds really good. A whole different world I'd love to enter. It reminds me of Renee Wildes Guardians of the light series. Thanks for the chance to win and introducing me to a new author.
Hi, Mysti!
Stopping by to send best wishes for a great book tour. :)
I would love to read this! This seems to be a unique world that you have created; I haven't read many books about elves.
Thanks for all the great comments! One reason I wrote "A Ranger's Tale" was my own love for elves and not enough romance stories involving them.
After you see Orlando Bloom as Legolas, how can you not think romance? :)
Congratz to Chrisbails for winning the e-copy of A Ranger's Tale!
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