Product Description
The undead are more alive today than ever. Immortal? Indeed Nothing has sunk its teeth into twenty-first century popular culture as pervasively as the vampire. The fangsters have the freedom to fly across all genres and all mediums-there's even apps for vamps. Whether roaming into romance, haunting horror, sneaking into science fiction, capering into humor, meandering through mystery-no icon is more versatile than the vampire. Slack your insatiable thirst with the best sanguinary stories of the new millennium: terrifying or tender, deadly or delicious, bad-ass or beneficent, classic or cutting-edge . . .
Slake your insatiable thirst and drink deeply of twenty-five of the best sanguinary stories of the new millennium...
* The Coldest Girl in Coldtown * Holly Black
* This Is Now * Michael Marshall Smith
* Sisters * Charles de Lint
* The Screaming * J.A. Konrath
* Zen and the Art of Vampirism *Kelley Armstrong
* La Vampiresse * Tanith Lee
* Dead Man Stalking * Rachel Caine
* The Ghost of Leadville * Jeanne C. Stein
* Waste Land * Stephen Dedman
* Gentleman of the Old School * /Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
* No Matter Where You Go * Tanya Huff
* Outfangthief * Conrad Williams
* Dancing with the Star * Susan Sizemore
* A Trick of the Dark * Tina Rath
* When Gretchen was Human * Mary Turzillo
* Conquistador de la Noche * Carrie Vaughn
* Endless Night * Barbara Roden
* Dahlia Underground * Charlaine Harris
* The Belated Burial * CaitlĂn R. Kiernan
* Twilight States * Albert Cowdrey
* To the Moment * Nisi Shawl
* Castle in the Desert: Anno Dracula 1977 * Kim Newman
* Vampires in the Lemon Grove * Karen Russell
* Vampires Anonymous * Nancy Kilpatrick
* The Wide, Carnivorous Sky * John Langan
* Selected Vampire Anthologies: 2000-2010
* The Coldest Girl in Coldtown * Holly Black
* This Is Now * Michael Marshall Smith
* Sisters * Charles de Lint
* The Screaming * J.A. Konrath
* Zen and the Art of Vampirism *Kelley Armstrong
* La Vampiresse * Tanith Lee
* Dead Man Stalking * Rachel Caine
* The Ghost of Leadville * Jeanne C. Stein
* Waste Land * Stephen Dedman
* Gentleman of the Old School * /Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
* No Matter Where You Go * Tanya Huff
* Outfangthief * Conrad Williams
* Dancing with the Star * Susan Sizemore
* A Trick of the Dark * Tina Rath
* When Gretchen was Human * Mary Turzillo
* Conquistador de la Noche * Carrie Vaughn
* Endless Night * Barbara Roden
* Dahlia Underground * Charlaine Harris
* The Belated Burial * CaitlĂn R. Kiernan
* Twilight States * Albert Cowdrey
* To the Moment * Nisi Shawl
* Castle in the Desert: Anno Dracula 1977 * Kim Newman
* Vampires in the Lemon Grove * Karen Russell
* Vampires Anonymous * Nancy Kilpatrick
* The Wide, Carnivorous Sky * John Langan
* Selected Vampire Anthologies: 2000-2010
My Review:
This is a great collection of vampire stories from a wide range of authors. I was thrilled to see some names I knew and have read and also discovering stories by new to me authors.
I loved Tanya Huff's story, it was like catching up with an old friend. It featured Vickie and Mike Celluci from her Blood Books (and Blood Ties TV show). I did miss that Henry was not in the story though.
I love short story collections because they give you a glimpse of a writer's style and sometimes characters and they make you want more. I know I haven't yet read much by Carrie Vaughn, Rachel Caine or Kelly Armstrong but thanks to their contributions to this and other anthologies I want to read their books.
If you love vampires and you love short stories this is a must have book for your shelves.
Sounds like a great book - I must add it to my wishlist!
What, no fangs???
I love many of the author, will have to check this out.
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