Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight the Movie was Great

Twilight rocked. It didn't really live up to the hype (what could?) but it was a fabulous movie (and I wasn't the oldest person in the theater, woo hoo).

I can see why the teenagers are so drawn to it. Who doesn't love a sappy love story more than teenage girls, add the bad boy, forbidden love angle and they are done for. So are most older women who still crave that rush of excitement and the need for just a bite of that forbidden fruit. That's why the retelling of Romeo and Juliet and the countless romance novels based on the bad boy do so well.

You take it to a whole new level when the dangerous bad boy is a vampire.

I've read several scathing reviews by bitchy people. I think when something becomes so popular others just want to shred it out of spite. One reviewer from The Flint Journal is a self proclaimed literary snob and she wasn't thrilled with the book and thought the movie was only slightly better.

For one, these are Young Adult books, written for teens and tweens and I'm sure no one expects them to be literary masterpieces. Not every book should be a deep, thoughtful literary work of art. Books are another form of entertainment and the finest form of escapism available. So literary snobs can go stick their noses back inside those big, boring stuffy books of literary genius while the rest of are entertained.

I look forward to reading the series now. I'm adding it to my Christmas list and my Amazon wish list.

Anyway back to the movie - Possible Spoilers Ahead!

I love that the special effects were minimal, there was no cheese factor. It was a well made vampire movie without all the hissing and cheesy crap you normally find in the movies. And Edward, sexy as hell. A little awkward and possibly weird but still sexy as hell. I like Bella, poor klutzy Bella. I like it when the outcast girl gets the hot guy.

What I really love is Meyer's new twist on why vampires avoid the sun. Ah what shimmering beauty they are to behold. I really like new twists. I wonder where that goes in the books...anyway. I also love that in future works there will be werewolves. My husband wondered how I came to that conclusion...hello...Native Americans, descended from wolves, hate the vampires...1+1+1=Werewolves.

This movie will be added to my DVD collection and all the books will end up in my personal library. They are going to be classic vampire works if for nothing else than the outstanding popularity of them.

The movie theaters around the country were sold out days in advance for this movie. I hadn't even heard of Harry Potter doing that. I wonder if the movie broke any records for sales yet. I wouldn't be surprised.

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