I'm starting to think longingly about the Federal Witness Protection plan.
No, I haven't been secretly forging a life of crime here in the home state of the Sopranos. It's a whole lot scarier than that. Laced With Magic hits the stands tomorrow and I'm plotting my escape!
You would think I'd be used to it by now, wouldn't you? I've been down this road almost fifty times over the years and it never gets easier. Oh, I'm not complaining. Pre-publication jitters are a very small price to pay for the privilege of seeing my name on the spine of a book but that doesn't mean my stomach doesn't do a double back-flip every time a new title is released. Writing and publishing a book is like being strapped into the front car of a roller coaster, one of those loop-di-loop coasters that pull a 360 at 80 miles per hour while your entire life passes before your eyes.
And we keep coming back for more!
A few months ago I had the pleasure of visiting with all of you and sharing a little of the story behind Casting Spells. Laced With Magic is the sequel, a continuation of Chloe and Luke's love story with more magic, more love, and more knitting than ever before. I'm delighted to tell you that there will be even more Sugar Maple stories to come: I just signed a two-book deal for books #3 and #4 in the Sugar Maple Chronicles.
See? I'm so excited that my words are running away with me. Okay, Bretton. Take a deep breath. Center your thoughts. Back to Laced With Magic. Publishers Weekly awarded it a coveted starred review which definitely put another one of those smiles on my face. But you know what? Putting a smile on your face is what's really important and I hope Laced With Magic will do exactly that.
We pick up the story a few months after Casting Spells ends. Chloe's newfound magickal powers grow stronger every day . . . and so does her love for Sugar Maple's resident human, Luke MacKenzie. They/re teetering on the brink of taking their relationship to a more permanent level when Luke's ex-wife shows up in town and Chloe discovers that the residents of Sugar Maple aren't the only ones keeping secrets: it seems that Luke has been keeping a few of his own!
I'm giving away five copies of Laced With Magic to five lucky readers. All you have to do is leave a comment and I'll choose five winners at random on Sunday. Winners' names will be posted here and on my blog at http://bmafb.blogspot.com – I look forward to hearing from you.
Drop by my website http://www.barbarabretton.com/ or knitting blog romancingtheyarn.blogspot.com and say hello! There's always a contest going on.
No, I haven't been secretly forging a life of crime here in the home state of the Sopranos. It's a whole lot scarier than that. Laced With Magic hits the stands tomorrow and I'm plotting my escape!
You would think I'd be used to it by now, wouldn't you? I've been down this road almost fifty times over the years and it never gets easier. Oh, I'm not complaining. Pre-publication jitters are a very small price to pay for the privilege of seeing my name on the spine of a book but that doesn't mean my stomach doesn't do a double back-flip every time a new title is released. Writing and publishing a book is like being strapped into the front car of a roller coaster, one of those loop-di-loop coasters that pull a 360 at 80 miles per hour while your entire life passes before your eyes.
And we keep coming back for more!
A few months ago I had the pleasure of visiting with all of you and sharing a little of the story behind Casting Spells. Laced With Magic is the sequel, a continuation of Chloe and Luke's love story with more magic, more love, and more knitting than ever before. I'm delighted to tell you that there will be even more Sugar Maple stories to come: I just signed a two-book deal for books #3 and #4 in the Sugar Maple Chronicles.
See? I'm so excited that my words are running away with me. Okay, Bretton. Take a deep breath. Center your thoughts. Back to Laced With Magic. Publishers Weekly awarded it a coveted starred review which definitely put another one of those smiles on my face. But you know what? Putting a smile on your face is what's really important and I hope Laced With Magic will do exactly that.
We pick up the story a few months after Casting Spells ends. Chloe's newfound magickal powers grow stronger every day . . . and so does her love for Sugar Maple's resident human, Luke MacKenzie. They/re teetering on the brink of taking their relationship to a more permanent level when Luke's ex-wife shows up in town and Chloe discovers that the residents of Sugar Maple aren't the only ones keeping secrets: it seems that Luke has been keeping a few of his own!
I'm giving away five copies of Laced With Magic to five lucky readers. All you have to do is leave a comment and I'll choose five winners at random on Sunday. Winners' names will be posted here and on my blog at http://bmafb.blogspot.com – I look forward to hearing from you.
Drop by my website http://www.barbarabretton.com/ or knitting blog romancingtheyarn.blogspot.com and say hello! There's always a contest going on.

Relax - break out some yarn and cast on something to take your mind off of things.
That or have a nice dose of chocolate.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat as necessary. :)
Congrats! I'm much looking forward to reading this sequel. And the cover is gorgeous! (I'm sure I'd say that even if I didn't have black cats.)
Looking forward to the release, count me in! tWarner419@aol.com
Hi Barbara. Laced With Magic sounds good. I love the cover.
Sounds like a great read!
I am so looking forward to reading to this sequel. Congrats on the sequel release.
Congrats on the upcoming release and on the book deal.
You've got nothing to be nervous about. This books sounds wonderful!
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
I can understand being a little nervous when a new book is coming out. Just enjoy it.
I really loved the first book Casting Spells. It made me want to learn to knit desperately. I imagine Laced with Magic will do the same. I heard you can learn to crochet on youtube maybe you can learn to knit that way too.
Congrats on your new release! Laced with Magic sounds great.
Congrats on the new book and with the new ones to come. Love the cat.
I'm a big fan, and I'm anxious to read LACED WITH MAGIC since I enjoyed the first book in the series so much!
Thanks for the contest. :)
Congrats on the book! I can just imagine how stressful this time is, but also how wonderful and exciting.
count me in please!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Congrats and count me in!
Congrats! I loved the first book and am looking forward to reading the new one!
Very exciting! Congrats! I loved Casting Spells and cannot wait to read Laced with Magic :o)
Leave the computer, leave the house, and do something to distract yourself. Meanwhile, revel in the knowledge that your readers LOVE your work, and your innate talent grows with each book. In other words, I can't wait to dive into this one!
Pack some knitting in your bag and go somewhere else for a while. Get offline. Sit in the park, a coffee shop or the library and knit. People watch. Look after you and detach from the book for now.
this book sounds awesome! I'd love to win it.
I took everyone's advice and got as far away from the computer yesterday as I possibly could. The DH and I went "down the shore" (a NJ-ism) and I knitted the whole way. And yes, there was chocolate involved! I'm still all tied up in knots over the book but the knots are happier than they were. Thanks so much for all the comments. I love visiting Fang-tastic Books. What a great group you are!
I'm from Maryland and we say down the shore too! Please enter me! I really want to read this!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
I haven't read Barbara Breton, I'm missing out, count me in!
This sounds fantastic! I'd love to win.
Hi Barbara, I'm looking forward to reading this sequel. Getting to the shore is my favorite way to unwind and relax.
Thaks again Barbara for dropping by, we love yuo here at FB hope you've had the time to relax and enjoy your latest release.
Looking forward to reading it.
HI there! I love knitting, and this series sounds like a lot of fun! Great giveaway!
I'm starting to feel like a Barbara Bretton groupie! But yes, I've got my knitting ready for the road trip we're taking starting Saturday. The books are almost ready. Clothes? What?
I'm really looking forward to reading this!
Laced With Magic sounds good.please enter me in the giveaway
Please count me in.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
I just finished the first book, Casting Spells, and LOVED it! I'm so excited to find out Laced with Magic was just released this week! I'd love a chance to win the book.
Please enter me :)
Barbara, Can't wait to read the new book. Due to back issues and new pain meds I can't drive to get a copy, so please enter me in giveaway. Thanks, Robin Tinman
Please enter my name in your wonderful draw. Thanks.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
We have winners! I would have posted yesterday but my laptop and I weren't on speaking terms.
1. Lesleen
2. Karen W
3. Natalie Ford
4. Kimberly B
5. Robin T
Congratulations to everyone and a big loud thank you for my visits to Fang-tastic Books so much fun. Roxanne, you've created a wonderful place here. Thank you most of all!
Thank you so much Barbara!!!! I can't wait to dig in and see what happens!!! Now I have to learn to knit!:)
Clearly I've lost my mind. It would help (just a little) if I told you where to send your mailing info, wouldn't it??
barbarabretton AT gmail DOT com
Sheesh. And to think I used to have a brain . . .
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