Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday Musings December 28, 2009

So how was every one's Christmas or other winter holiday?

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and got exactly what they wanted.

Mine was pretty good other than the rude disruption that came Christmas morning from Jehovah Witnesses knocking on my door.

Yes, on Christmas morning. I was so pissed I rudely asked them to leave. I am sorry- I believe in religious freedom but I do not believe in pushing religion on anyone and for them to knock on people's doors on Christmas morning...well I found that to be tasteless, rude and utterly disrespectful. I am sure I wasn't the only person to cuss them out. (I know, I know so much for Christmas cheer, but nothing gets under my skin more than disrespect, plus I hadn't had my coffee yet. Coffee calms the morning beast.)

I am going to put a sign on my door: "If you are here to sell me something or discuss religion GO AWAY!"

Anyway that rant is done for now...

The rest of the day was good. Everyone really enjoyed their presents- still enjoying them in fact.

I received some great gifts including: an under the cupboard radio/CD player for my kitchen than I can plug my mp3 player into, an awesome big crock pot (I love my crocks but one recently died), a bottle of my favorite vanilla perfume, and some delightful bath and body products (also vanilla- obviously my favorite aroma).

What was your favorite gift?

Other than hanging out with the family I wrote a lot of the weekend even while being cold and sniffley. I was expecting to just chill but as usual I can't calm my brain long enough to stay away from the computer. Being a writer never ends- there are always stories to write, things to research, ideas to follow through on...

Today I am in the middle of a blizzard (yet it rained on Christmas), had planned on going out but now I don't know. I have 4 wheel drive but currently my tires are in bad need of replacing so the 4 wheel drive is almost useless in the snow. That means going out probably isn't the best idea. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

I guess I'll be catching up on some reviews and working today.

That's my quick Monday Musing.

As always I am scheduling author guest spots and still looking for a few ebook reviewers. Anyone interested email me.

Not much going on this week but I'll probably have random posts about my fave books and authors of the year.


Kris said...

I can't believe they hit you up on Christmas morning...hello most people are in the middle of celebrating Christmas.

But glad to hear christmas was good!

*sigh* wish I could read ebooks easily but they are just too hard on my eyes. Myabe I need to invest in an e-reader?

Roxanne Rhoads said...

I know that's my biggest problem after sitting in front of the computer all day working I can't sit and read a book on the computer - I would much rather curl up with a book.

So the only ebooks I really read are those I really, really want to read and ones that are mine and need to be edited.

Plus I am so swamped I have no time to review ebooks when I already have a stack of paper backs waiting for me.

Yet I would love to get more ebook reviews on FB since I do receive many requests for reviews.

Anonymous said...

Oh man it would not have done them any good to knock on my door on Christmas morning.Oh that just irks

booklover0226 said...

When I was a kid, the JW would always zoom onto our house.. no other homes in the neighborhood, just ours! Sheesh, my parents would be mad.

I would love to volunteer to review ebooks (I have a Sony Reader) but work has been kicking my butt lately and have little "me" time.

If and when things calm down, Roxanne, I would like to contact you about this, please.

Tamsyn said...

Happy to hear you had a wonderful holiday, Roxanne, despite the morning "disruption". I had a lovely time and got a really nice gift from hubby. I went to a hot yoga session day before Christmas Eve so I could eat all I want! :o)

Daelith said...

Put up a Beware of Dog sign. I find that works well in keeping them away.

That was incredibly rude of them. Just because the chose not to celebrate...

Roxanne Rhoads said...

booklover please do contact me when you are ready to reviwe I would love to have you on board