Thursday, January 28, 2010

Interview with Honoria Ravena

Please join me in welcoming author Honoria Ravena to Fang-tastic Books today.

Thank you for joining us today.

Q; So Honoria, how long have you been a writer? What was your first published work?

A: I've been a writer since I was about twelve, so about eight years. I'm only recently published. My first release was Fear of Darkness, from Red Rose Publishing. My second release was the following day. It's Biohazard, and its out from Breathless Press.

Q: Out of all the stories/books you’ve written, which is your favorite?

A: Probably Of the Night, which isn't out yet, and I don't even have a release date for it. It will be published by Red Rose Publishing. Nyx, the hero, is just a really vivid character for me. And the chemistry between him and Pagan was incredible.

Q: Do you have a favorite character that you’ve created? One that is especially close to your heart?

A: That would have to be either Nyx or Macon, who is the vampire king. They both have very interesting back stories, and overwhelming personalities. I have to be careful. They tend to take over whatever scenes they're in. And it was very hard to find a heroine who didn't complete get trampled my Nyx's personality, but I think I did. It's going to be equally hard to find a woman for Macon.

Q: Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow?

A: I've tried to work by a schedule, but I can never stick to it, so now I just try to write everyday. I work better at night, so I usually write after dinner.

Q: Do you need to be in a specific place or atmosphere before the words flow? Do you have a ritual that you do before sitting down to write?

A: I always write at my desk. I like sitting upright, instead of sitting in bed. And I got a new computer chair so now I can sit Indian style, which is my favorite way to sit. I do have a ritual. I always drink green tea when I write. I'm a coffee girl, and writing is the only time I'll drink tea. I light incense and/or candles, and I listen to music. Usually female voices like Niyaz of Within Temptation, but lately I've been listening to Mindless Self Indulgence. Archer, the hero of my work in progress, seems to like that band.

Q: What is the strangest source of inspiration you’ve had? Maybe something weird that ended up in one of your books or short stories.

A: Oh gees, its hard to say. I get ideas from everywhere. One sentence can open the flood gates. Most recently I got an idea from my World History class just from hearing about the Vestal Virgins. That idea has basically kicked off my fantasy series.

Q: If you could offer one tidbit of information for new writers, what would it be?

A: Find a good critique group, preferably containing some already published authors and learn the mechanics of writing.

Q: Do you have a “day job” or do you write full time?

A: I'm the Acquisitions Manager of Breathless Press, and I go to college, but I pretty much write fulltime. Lol, well, if you can call it that. I pretty much think I watch TV fulltime and write on the side. I'm trying to fix that.

Q: Name one thing readers would be surprised to learn about you.

A: I wear my socks inside out. I don't know if that's surprising, but its weird. I don't like the fuzzy part on the insides of socks.

Q: Do you have a favorite book or a favorite author?

A: Gah, you want just one? Okay, well right now, if I have to pick one, my favorite author is J.R. Ward. But I love so many others, its hard to say that she's my all time favorite.

Q: Could you tell us about your current work in progress?

A: My current WIP is a vampire novel. Just to get your interest it has vampires (duh), witches, zombies and demons. It's been truly exciting to write, and I'm no where near done.

Q: What are some of your hobbies besides writing?

A: I like to travel, dance, and read of course.

Q: If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you spend the money on?

A: A trip to Europe.

Q: Which household chore do you abhor and why?

A: Cleaning. My room is a mess. I just cleaned my desk the other day, but it's already a mess.

Q: What’s your favorite comfort food? Your favorite drink?

A: Comfort food...Probably chocolate. Favorite drink is diet wild cherry pepsi.

Q: Do you have a food that you absolutely will not even taste one little tiny bit of?

A: Liver. I never EVER want to try liver. I've smelled it cooking and it makes me nauseous.

Q: What started your love affair with the paranormal?

A: I've always been interested in the paranormal, ever since I can remember. I guess the obsession started when I was seven and watched Buffy for the first time, but I think it was going on before that.

Q: In closing, tell us a bit about your latest release. Feel free to share an excerpt.

A: I actually had two releases in December. I won't share excerpts because that would get insanely long, but I will share blurbs and buy links.

Fear of Darkness

Buy Link:


Vahe Patten is a Watcher in the King's guard. The vampire king, that is. As a Watcher, Vahe executes vampires who break the only major vampire law: keep the secret. When Dylan Andrew starts leaving his murder victims for the human authorities to find, something must be done. While in Haven, Vahe enters the dreams of a woman plagued with nightmares of her past. When he sees Dylan flirting with her in a bar, he knows she'll be his next victim.

Natalya Woods just wants to avoid her ex-husband. The small town of Haven, Maine seems perfect until she's attacked in the street by, literally, the man of her dreams.


Buy Link:


Hunted by his people, the shapeshifter, Jayden, sheds his human skin after escaping his execution. 200 years later he’s still on the run. When he’s attacked in the remote woods in Wyoming, the last thing he expects is to be saved by a human woman.

When Maura finds a rough looking group of men hunting a tiger in her forest, she doesn’t hesitate to pull a gun on them and release the animal. What she doesn’t expect is for that frightening cat to change into a gorgeous, surly man with a tortured past.

But when his people threaten her life, will he save her, or leave her to the wolves?

To read excerpts from these books, view character profiles, and character interviews, go to


Sweet Vernal Zephyr said...

How exciting! Good luck with your new releases. And you should give liverwurst a try on pumpernickel bread with mustard and onion. <-- Can you tell I'm Geman? ;)

Unknown said...

Maybe, MAYBE I would try that if I were in Germany. I'm pretty open to trying any foods. But liver, especially since I know what the liver does, grosses me out.

Besides, no sandwich can beat the one my mother makes. It's avocado, lettuce, tomato, mayo, and fried provolone cheese on toasted bread. I could eat that sandwich for the rest of my life.

Emme Toaye said...

There are some things that just were NOT meant to be eaten, and if the are NOT meant to be enjoyed. Wishing you the Best of the Best with your new releases and creative inspirations matching your desires and wildest dreams.

Emme Toaye said...

Why do I not hit that "preview" button first? **mysticnot2awesome bangs head*

Unknown said...

Thanks, Emme. Another thing that isn't meant to be eaten is brains.

Lol, I never use the preview button either, and I probably should.

Elaine G said...

Great interview.I love those covers.

Anonymous said...

Great interview, Honoria. I totally agree with you about liver. I'm also wondering if your mother would make me a sandwich? lol Man, that sounds good. I'll have to try that.

Many sales wishes to you! =)

Debra Kayn said...

Awesome job, Honoria. Ok, socks inside out is a little weird, but toe fuzz! lol ;-)

Congrats on the books!

Unknown said...

elaing8 - Thanks! I love the covers too! I couldn't be happier with them.

Abby - Lol, well, I don't really think the sandwich travels well, considering its pretty messy to eat, but it's fairly easy to make. Just make sure you fry two pieces of cheese in a non-stick frying pan until semi crispy. Frying the cheese is the hardest part of making the sandwich.

Debra - Yeah, everyone thinks that's weird. Everytime I take my shoes off around someone who has never seen me without them they always go "You're socks are inside out" and that's usually followed by "and they don't match."

Mary Corrales said...

Interesting as always Roxanne and Honoria!

BTW, I've never tasted liver either, but the look of it doesn't inspire confidence.

booklover0226 said...

I enjoyed the post. I checked out the excerpts and enjoyed them, too!

Tracey D

Unknown said...

Mary - Thanks Mary! And yeah, it doesn't look appetizing. Besides, livers filter urine. I don't want to eat anything that filters urine, even if it is sterile.

booklover0226 - I'm glad you liked the excerpts!

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you for having Honoria here & thanks to Honoria for taking the time to share. I enjoyed the conversational tone of the interview and the insight into Honoria & her writing. Thank you for the blurbages too. All the best,

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by RKCharron!