Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday Musings March 29, 2010

Did you see the cover for Eternal Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene Frost? I like it but I like the Cat and Bones covers better, so artistic and detailed.

ETD will be out in July, looking forward to reading it. I love Frost's books.

So how was everyone's weekend?

Mine was a bit blah. Tried to write, got nada done. Tried to craft, that didn't go too well, tried to garden and work outside but it was still too cold and rainy. I settled for cooking and cleaning.

To tell you how really blah I felt, I didn't even feel like reading...Gasp, I know- me not picking up a book? That just proves I was in a funk.

What I did do was a lot of thinking.

One thing I thought a lot about was Fang-tastic Books.

I don't do a lot of things on this blog that other book bloggers do- like regular cover art displays, contest round ups (though Deidre does that from time to time), what's in my mailbox, and all the other memes and what nots.

Why? Mainly I don't have the time since I am also a writer not just an avid book reader. Plus so many other sites already do them.

Most of us book blog people follow many of the same blogs so I don't see the point in posting the same stuff over and over again.

But I have to wonder of that's all not hurting the site. The whole goal is to attract readers and followers but I don't see Fang-tastic Books growing as fast as other book blog sites. I know several that went from zero to over 500 in a matter of weeks.

How? What am I doing wrong?

So I'm asking all of you, what do you like to see on a blog?

What would you like to see more of here?

More authors? More giveaways?

Should I post more news, more reviews, or more personal stuff?

Please let me know what you'd like to see because this site has gone from just being my fun blow off some steam blog to my passion.

I love books and being an author myself I want to help promote authors- that's why I mix it up and bring you both well known print published authors and little known up and comers and ebook authors. Here, we're all equal.

So let me know what ya'll think...

And with that I am off for the day to get some work done.


Raven Corinn Carluk said...

I'm for more author stuff, and more personal stuff. I love knowing what people are doing.

Roxanne Rhoads said...

Thta's how I am too. The everyday ramblings of someone else can be quite intersting- or maybe I just have a boring life. :-)