Saturday, May 29, 2010

Writing YA with Stacey Thompson-Geer, Win a Copy of The 13th Witch

Creating Fiction That Works For Young Adults

First, I really would like to thank Roxanne for having me here at Fangtastic Books. I’m excited about actually being a part of this wonderful blog. Vampires and paranormal books have been my reading of choice for as long as I can remember.

When I started writing “The 13th Witch”, I really didn’t think I was going to write a young adult story. It didn’t start that way at all. The characters were all in their 20’s and the story seemed to be great for a college aged reader. But then someone said, hey this would work so much better as a young adult story.

The Characters

I had to look at my characters to understand how they would act if they were in a younger age bracket. What was important to them and how would they get it? I also took into consideration who was going to read the stories, so they could relate to the characters.

Sex and Language

I went round and round on this thought. There was no way I wanted to let readers think it was OK to have sex before they were an adult, but at the same time, it can’t be ignored that a lot of teens are having sex. I finally decided to make Lucy, the main character in “The 13th Witch”, 18 so it was not such an issue. I do include very mild sex in this series, but readers don’t get to sit in the bedroom with them. I think it works better that way for young adults.

Language was something else I debated with. This is another thing that most teens really do and some of the curse words in the story are important to understanding the characters. Most of my adult stories do have heavy language so tuning it down was a sacrifice I made to make the story work for a younger audience.

Over all, it’s going to be up to the author on what kind of story they want to write. Young adults are a wonderful age range to write for and they are full of imagination that helps those readers really see the world the author is creating. I’m glad that I took the plunge and created this series and encourage anyone that has thought of writing for the young adult market to give it a whirl.

Blurb for The 13th Witch

Lucy was normal once. She had a life with all the normal things that teens want, but then something changed.

When she had her 18th birthday, she found out who she really was, a witch. Now she must face a past she didn’t know she had and try to understand who she really is all at the same time.

Can Lucy save the world while falling in love or is she truly as evil as they say she is?

“The 13th Witch” is available now from Mystic Moon Publishing at and

Look for the next story in the series, “Dark Moon Rising” in September 2010.

Readers can also learn more about the author at

Enter to Win an e-copy of The 13th Witch by leaving a comment on this post with your email contact info

One winner will be chosen


Dana said...

This sounds like an interesting read. craftydana32 at yahoo dot com

Kelsey said...

Thanks for the giveaway and info from the author about the book. It sounds great!

krae991 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Sounds totally be witched ( grins ) ..
Loved the write up.. Would love to read this book ,, please count me in..

Curling up by the Fire said...

I would love to win this book. Please enter me.

icewoman96 at gmail dot com

SiNn said...

oh wow this sounds awesome

Elaine G said...

please count me in

Lillie (AliseOnLife) said...

Sounds really good. I am always looking for YA that's a little older (18/19/20). I like the thought you put into the concept.

Estella said...

Interesting post. I like the premise of the book.

kissinoak at verizon dot net

Unknown said...

This sounds like a great read. Thanks for the interview.

HockeyVampiress said...

Love to read this one.... Thanks

hockeyvampiress at hotmail dot com

Steph from said...

I would love to be the 13th witch. Found you on the book hop -- thanks for your work. url an adult commentary on all things paranormal especially books and film.

Tara W said...

Count me in- it sounds like a great read.
mizztuts AT belsouth DOT net

Stacey said...

Hi everyone, Stacey here. Thanks for entering the contest. I have picked a winner and they are...Stephanie. Congrats and look for the book in your inbox. Also, be sure to look for my next release coming out at the end of this year from The Wild Horse Press, In The Blood. This one is a paranormal romance made for adults. :)

Van Pham said...

sounds really interesting, please enter me.

thanks for the giveaway


MrsCullenized said...

Sounds like something I would enjoy!
Would like a chance to win it :)


Rosie said...

Sounds great . . . I'd love to win this one!

rosie0512 @ hotmail . com