Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday Musings June 21, 2010 Happy Summer Solstice

Happy Summer Solstice Everyone!

Like my bench and storage deck box I bought with my CSN Stores gift certificate?

Today is the official first day of summer and the longest day of the year. So happy summer solstice to all!

So how was every one's Father's Day weekend?

I went to an open house then had a fun night of margaritas with my BFF- we tried to sit by the bonfire but the mosquitoes were eating us alive so we came back inside and languished in the air conditioning while our guys hung out by the fire.

The garden doesn't look like much yet- but it will

Sunday I worked in my garden (got blisters on my hand) while the hubby played with his boat and the new goodies that he got for Father's Day.

My little guy ran around the yard being silly and just having a good time which all kids should be able to do. He played in the dirt, found worms, played on his playground, and ran around being silly (see photo above :-)

Some people talk about how they can't get their kids to go outside...this one is a born outdoorsman- you can't keep this one inside. He doesn't care if it's 100 degrees outside or if its raining or even snowing- this kid wants to be outside so we happily oblige as much as possible.

Daddy loves to take him fishing, mom (me) happily shows him how to pull weeds and work in the garden and we go the park at least once a week during the warm weather months.

My daughter alternates between wanting to be outside and wanting to be curled up with a book, drawing, or playing video games. She tries to fit a little bit of everything in- I try to get her outside more.
In that way she's like me- books, art, tv, computer, and outside and trying to fit a little of each into the day.

Speaking of tv- who watched the new show The Gates? I DVR'd it but have not watched it yet- I was too bust watching the new episode of True Blood. I am paying $15 a month just to watch this show because so far HBO isn't impressing me with anything else that's been on. But I am officially a True Blood addict so the HBO stays through this season.

As for books- this week at Fang-tastic Books I have authors Tina Folsom, Shannon Delany, and Tom Olbert. And Free Book Friday this week is so far a mystery- even to me because I am not sure which book I will be giving away yet. :-)

Oh and I am currently scheduling summer author guest spots and accepting new advertising. Anyone interested in any promo spots or banner advertising let me know. Just hit the contact button up top.


Bethany C. said...

I thought The Gates was actually pretty good. I was fully prepared for a cheesy Twilight/Vampire Diaries rip-off, but it was done well. I'll definitely watch the next one. But putting it up against True Blood was pretty ballsy. The only reason I wasn't watching that was that I won't pay $18 a month to watch it 3 times.

Tom Olbert said...

I watched the Gates. It was enjoyable. Not terribly inspiring, in my opinion. Vampire Diaries meets Desperate Housewives; the secrets suburbia hides. A vampire husband comes home and finds his vampire wife has killed the cable guy and stuffed his body in the freezer, so he scolds her and then helps her dispose of the body. (Wedded bliss.) They're raising an adopted human child, so it's a very modern story of a recovering blood addict (who keeps falling off the wagon) trying to be a parent. The wife (played by Rhona Mitra) doesn't get along with the witches in the neighborhood; the claws are out. Oh, and the neighborhood is also infested with teenaged werewolf boys. The new teen wolf on the block has his eye on a human girl. Trouble is, she's dating a human boy who I'm guessing better learn to sleep with one eye open. I wonder if it'll last.