Thank you for joining us today, HP.
Q: Let’s start out by getting the name of your newest release and what genre/category it falls into
A: Well, I have two new releases--Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble is a paranormal romance and To Kill A Warlock is an urban fantasy
Q: Can you sum up your book in 2 sentences or less
A: Fire Burn is about a woman who becomes a witch, falls for her warlock boss and becomes a pawn in an Underworld custody battle. Warlock is a whodunnit about a fairy in law enforcement who has to solve the murder of a warlock before she's the prime suspect--throw in a few uber hot men and sexual tension.
Q: List three adjectives that can best describe this book
A: Fire Burn: funny, romantic, paranormal Warlock: funny, sexy, mystery
Q: Can you describe your heroine or hero in 3 words?
A: Fire Burn: Jolie Wilkins is the heroine and she is smart, insecure but learns to be strong Warlock: Dulcie O'Neil is tough, sensitive and a little snarky
Q: Name one unique trait about your heroine or hero
A: Fire Burn: Jolie can bring the dead back to life Warlock: Dulcie is a fairy and a cop
Q: If an actor or actress was to play your heroine or hero, who would it be?
A: For Fire Burn, I think Scarlett Johansson would make a good Jolie. Not sure for Dulcie...
Q: Name the sexiest trait of the main man in your newest book
A: Fire Burn: The main character is Rand and I think the sexiest thing about him is that he's a good guy--he's alpha but at the same time, he's genuine and a straight shooter. For Warlock, one of the main characters is Knight and he is just sex personified.
Q: What’s the heat level of your newest release: arctic winter, flirtatious, romantic, sizzling, or scorched panties hot?
A: Fire Burn: Romantic Warlock: Romantic/sizzling
Q: What is the strangest source of inspiration you’ve had? Maybe something weird that ended up in one of your books or short stories.
A:I get a lot of inspiration from music actually. I love moody music and I always write while listening to music and I think it helps shape my stories.
Q: Name one thing your main character would never leave home without
A: Jolie is easy going and wouldn't need to always have a certain something with her. Dulcie, on the other hand, would never leave home without her Op 6, a gun from the Netherworld
Q What about you, what's one thing you never want to leave home without?
A: My keys--LOL, wouldn't get very far!
Q: Let's talk makeup- if you could only choose one or two cosmetics to wear which ones are your must haves?
A: I love Nars. So, I'd have to say their lip lacquers and their eyeshadows. In particular, I love Sweet Charity lip lacquer and Night Star Shadow
Q- Just for fun Lightning Round
Light or dark? Light
Red or pink? Pink
Silence or Noise? Silence
Coke or Pepsi? Diet Coke
Coffee or tea? Tea
Abs or buns? Abs
Vampires or Angels? Vampires
Q: If you could offer one tidbit of information for new writers, what would it be?
A: Don't give up. And also edit, edit and edit some more to make sure your writing is as tight as it possibly can be. And before you publish, proofread your book for mistakes.
Q: Do you have a “day job” or do you write full time?
A:I do have a day job. I'm the Director of Online Marketing
Q: Name one thing readers would be surprised to learn about you.
A:I have dual citizenship between the US and Australia
Q: Do you have a favorite book and/or a favorite author?
A: Current favorite book is The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. Favorite author is Jane Austen.
Q: Could you tell us about your current work in progress?
A:I am working on the follow up book to Fire Burn and the follow up to Warlock. I'm also contemplating creating a comic book/ graphic novel series following each book as well.
Q:What are some of your hobbies besides writing?
A: I don't really have time for hobbies--I have a 15 month old son who keeps me very busy!
Q:Finish the following sentence:
A: The best thing about being an author is....imagination.
Q: In closing, tell us a bit more about your latest release. Feel free to share a blurb or an excerpt.
A: Sure, I'll give you the synopses of both books:
Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble:
A self-deprecating witch with the unique ability to reanimate the dead.
A dangerously handsome warlock torn between being her boss and her would-be lover.
A six hundred year old English vampire with his own agenda; one that includes an appetite for witches.
The Underworld in a state of chaos.
Let the games begin.
Life isn’t bad for psychic Jolie Wilkins. True, she doesn’t have a love life to speak of, but she has a cute house in the suburbs of Los Angeles, a cat and a quirky best friend.
Enter Rand Balfour, a sinfully attractive warlock who insists she’s a witch and who
just might turn her life upside down. Rand hires her to help him solve a mystery
regarding the death of his client who also happens to be a ghost. Jolie not only
uncovers the cause of the ghost’s demise but, in the process, she brings him back to life!
Word of Jolie’s incredible ability to bring back the dead spreads like wildfire, putting her at the top of the Underworld’s most wanted list. Consequently, she finds herself at the center of a custody battle between a villainous witch, a dangerous but
oh-so-sexy vampire, and her warlock boss, Rand.
To Kill A Warlock:
The murder of a dark arts warlock.
A shape-shifting, ravenous creature on the loose.
A devilishly handsome stranger sent to investigate.
Sometimes working law enforcement for the Netherworld is a real bitch.
Dulcie O’Neil is a fairy. And not the type to frolic in gardens. She’s a Regulator—a law-enforcement agent who monitors the creatures of the Netherworld to keep them from wreaking havoc in the mortal world.
When a warlock is murdered and Dulcie was the last person to see him alive, she must uncover the truth before she’s either deported back to the Netherworld, or she becomes the next victim.
Enter Knight Vander, a sinfully attractive investigator sent from the Netherworld to work the case with Dulcie. Between battling her attraction to her self-appointed partner, keeping a sadomasochistic demon in check, and fending off the advances of a sexy and powerful vampire, Dulcie’s got her hands full.
As the body count increases, Dulcie finds herself battling dark magic, reconnoitering in S&M clubs and suffering the greatest of all betrayals.
You can find me on the web at:
http://www.urbanfantasynovels.com/ (website)
http://www.indieurbanfantasy.blogspot.com/ (blog)
http://www.indieurbanfantasy.com/ (website I manage which is devoted to all indie authors in urban fantasy and paranormal romance--there are some great books on this site so be sure to check it out!
http://twitter.com/hpmallory (twitter)
http://www.facebook.com/people/Hp-Mallory/10000124964376 (Facebook)
I enjoyed the interview and have discovered a new author! I look forward in reading your works.
Tracey D
I, too, discovered a new author.
Thanks so much and I really hope you enjoy my books!!
I'm glad I saw the interview and found your books. I also like the website for the indie authors.
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