Today we have a special guest- Miss Lucy Weston- a character who first appeared in Bram Stoker’s Dracula and who has lived long enough as a vampire to enter the digital age.
She has written a new book The Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
"THE SECRET LIFE OF ELIZABETH TUDOR, VAMPIRE SLAYER is a super-natural novel with a strong female heroine whose destiny is to rid the earth of vampires. But Queen Elizabeth is a queen divided between her unwavering loyalty to her country’s safety, and her unspeakable desire for the one man she is sworn to destroy—the vampire Mordred, who has waited for one thousand years to usurp the throne, seduce Elizabeth, and rule the night with her by his side. "
The Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
as told to Lucy Weston
Imagine if you will a wintry night in London in 1559. A young woman sits behind a web of frost, staring at the place where her mother was executed, where she herself fears she will die. Around her, the ancient city appears to slumber but the impression is deceptive. Down hidden lanes and behind walled manors, Mordred, the King of the Vampire is preparing to claim the young queen and her realm for his own.
The bastard son of the great King Arthur who made an unholy bargain to become the most seductive and powerful of all the vampires, Mordred has waited for centuries for the legacy he believes to be his own. He will wait no longer. But he has not counted on what is about to happen within the bloody precincts of the Tower of London.
Beside her mother’s secret grave hidden deep within the Tower, Elizabeth discovers the ancient cord of blood and memory connecting her to the most powerful of all the vampire slayers, the legendary Morgaine le Fey. From the realm between this world and the next, Morgaine calls on Elizabeth to take up her legacy as the first Slayer born in a thousand years.
At first, Elizabeth resists her fate but when she encounters Mordred and realizes how greatly he tempts her as both a woman and a queen, she accepts the awakening of her powers. The Virgin Queen and the Vampire King seem headed for a battle for the ages but both are about to learn that nothing is precisely what they have presumed. Life, it seems, surprises mortal and immortals alike.
When the secret journals of Elizabeth Tudor came into my hands, I was startled to discover how frankly the young queen speaks of her desire for Mordred, the temptation he presents to her, and the struggle she wages to shape her own destiny rather than merely accept it.
I have fought my own fate from the moment I was transformed into a vampire more than a century ago. All that time, I have sought vengeance for what was done to me. But now--across the chasm of time--Elizabeth calls on all of us to seek a new accord between humans and vampires. I can only hope that the Queen’s words will be heeded at last.
As for me, I continue to evade both British Intelligence and the vampire kindred that seeks to stop me from revealing the truth. How long I will be able to do so is anyone’s guess but be assured that I will try my best to stay in contact here and elsewhere.
~Lucy Weston
Follow Lucy on Twitter http://twitter.com/Lucy_Weston
and at http://www.lucywestonvampire.com/lucyweston/
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Sounds like a good read.
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this sounds great thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net
Yes I would love to win !!!!!all of them,cathy_wellman@yahoo.com
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This book sounds fantastic!
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Sounds good. Thanks for the chance!
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bacchus76 at myself dot com
I've always enjoyed stories about Elizabeth I and with this book I'd get to see her in a whole new light.
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Sounds like a very intriguing story please count me in.
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Oh sign me up... would love to read....
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I LOVE this book cover! Thanks for the great giveaway!
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This one sounds good too. Count me in =)
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This sounds like a great book; I look forward in reading it.
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