From the beginning the vampire has been a very misunderstood creature. In mythology, Lilith is portrayed as a vengeful demon who killed human children for no reason when in actuality her children were first destroyed by the angels of God. She is portrayed as an ugly demoness who would not be submissive to Adam during sex. She was cast out because she had a mind of her own. But, if you visit Lilith Fair you will see women today who embraced the sacrifice that Lilith suffered as a result of trying to be a free thinking female.
What about Vlad Tepes? History loves telling the story of how he impaled visitors to the castle. But, what they don’t tell you is that he was a lover of his country. He wanted to quell crime so he was harsh on crime to the point that his country was safe from crime. He wanted to protect his country from invaders because they had been tore apart for centuries. He is described as monstrous and evil but if you visit his country and speak to his people, they will describe him as a hero during the time of war and a protector of his people.
Think about all the vampires in the movies and on television. They are monsters that just want to be able to be who they are while still either maintaining ties to their human world or embrace some of their human qualities. Dracula, Angel, Henry, Bill.. They all are so misunderstood.
History, mythology, television, movies, and books have always had people seeing them as monsters. Only until recently has the fans embraced them with an understanding.
But, this love for vampires only extends so far. People still look at vampire fans as unusual and dark. I sit at book signings and have had people ask me how I could like something so evil and so dark and that because I do I must be evil and dark. They don’t even look at the book. I have even had hate email saying that I am playing with the devil and bringing evil into people’s lives.
All of these misconceived ideas are why I decided to go ahead and write this book. People are either fussing about Meyer’s vampires or lusting after True Blood vampires or hating the traditional vampires. I thought that if I could create a book that is a quick reference guide that showed all the “types” of vampires including lifestylers that I could offer a different vampire for everyone. But, alas there are still people who view anything about vampires as bad… many of them my family.
So, will the vampire continue to be a misunderstood monster? Or will we embrace the fact that the vampire only mirrors our desires and personalities at that time. The vampire allows us to live vicariously through them. They allow us to experience fear, loneliness, anger, love, lust, and even violence. They walk with us through our daily lives and empower us in ways that many wish could be experienced in real life.
But, for me, the vampire will always be that escape that allows me to experience a new world each time I open a book or watch a movie. I only wish I could help others understand the creature in a new and different way.
So, what does the vampire represent for you?

August 22 Guest Blog and Giveaway
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Paperback: 176 pages
Also available as an ebook
Publisher: Search for the Lure
Published: June 22, 2011
ISBN-10: 0615501567
ISBN-13: 978-0615501567
Lure of the Vampire is a pop culture reference book that begins with history and mythology and ends with modern living vampires. The author has provided "fun" lists like the Powers of Dracula, Real Live Vampire Murders, Television Shows and African Americans who have Played Vampires. There are also websites in each section that show the most popular vampire books and even children's shows and books. But, there is a personal twist when it comes to Lure of the Vampire.
Also available as an ebook
Publisher: Search for the Lure
Published: June 22, 2011
ISBN-10: 0615501567
ISBN-13: 978-0615501567
Lure of the Vampire is a pop culture reference book that begins with history and mythology and ends with modern living vampires. The author has provided "fun" lists like the Powers of Dracula, Real Live Vampire Murders, Television Shows and African Americans who have Played Vampires. There are also websites in each section that show the most popular vampire books and even children's shows and books. But, there is a personal twist when it comes to Lure of the Vampire.
The author has provided personal essays from national and international vampire authors as well as her own. They range from a personal look at vampires in mythology to the romantic lust filled vampire. There are also interviews with various groups and individuals involved in the vampire community. Lure of the Vampire: A Pop Culture Refence Book of Lists, Websites, and "Very Telling" Personal Essays is a perfect quick to grab reference book for the vampire fan or author. It is concise enough to assist you in finding links to what you are looking for without our being too cumbersome and confusing.
Lure of the Vampire contains essays from authors: Denise Verrico - David MacDowell Blue - Charles E. Butler - C.J. Ellisson – BittenTwice – Elizabeth Loraine
Interviews with: Vampiric Council of New England, Vlad the Gothic Vampire Magician , Audrey Koogler, Vampire Priestess , and Hugo Pecos, creator of The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency
Lure of the Vampire is great for any writer who would like to find fun facts to give their vampires in their story. For example, what powers have vampires in mythology possessed or the first literary vampires? There’s a section for that.
What if you are a vampire fan who is looking for new YA or adult authors- there is a section with titles, authors and their websites.
What about vampire games? There’s a section for that too.
Sections include: Mythology, History, Literature, Movies, Television, Recreation, Children’s Vampires, On the Web, Education, and Real Life Vampires. There are lists, websites, essays, and interviews included in throughout the book.
Lure of the Vampire: A Pop Culture Reference Book of Lists, Websites, and "Very Telling" Personal Essays is a perfect quick to grab reference book for the vampire fan or author. It's concise enough to assist you in finding links to what you are looking for without our being too cumbersome and confusing.
You can buy Lure of the Vampire at Amazon.com in print here- http://amzn.to/nwifDw.
Ebooks will be coming to Kindle, Nook and Smashwords soon.

Bertena Varney is from Winchester, KY and currently resides in Bowling Green, KY. She attended Morehead State University where she received the following degrees:
- B.A. in Social Science and Education - M.A. in Social Science and Education
- M.A. in Sociology and Criminology - Rank 2 Secondary Education Certification
While in college She used all of her extra essays, projects and independent study classes to study vampires in pop culture….thus the creation of Lure of the Vampire.
She has been employed as a middle and high school as well as college instructor. Here past employers include Morehead State University She has been employed Morehead State University, Eastern Kentucky University and National College and will be lecturing at Bowling Green Community College in the fall.
Currently she is planning her lecture tour schedule. In the past she has presented papers at conference such as Sirens in Vail, Colorado and The Harry Potter Witching Hour in Salem, Mass. Currently she is scheduled for ScareFest, Dance on the Dark Side and A Day of Mystical Blood Lust.
She is also planning to begin a vampirology course based upon her studies of vampires in pop culture.
Find Bertena on the web:
Facebook- http://on.fb.me/g8C0Zr
Her writing website is www.bertenavarney.com
Her vampire research website http://searchforthelure.webs.com
Twitter @tenavarney
To sign up for her newsletter go here. http://eepurl.com/exZYQ
Giveaway Time!
Would you like to win a pdf of Lure of the Vampire and 2 Tickets to
Halloween Event in Lexington Kentucky?
If yes leave a comment on this post
Please include your email
Thank you Roxanne... I am so excited about this tour. I appreciate everything and will be in and out checking for comments
This book looks great!! I look forward to reading it!! I would love to go to the event in Ky! It wouldnt even be a long drive for me. Just a couple of hours!
oh and Bertena its nice to have a neighbor in the book world. I live in Brownsville just a little bit north of BG!!
You should do some local book signing!
Wow. I almost moved to Brownsville.. and I hope to see you at Blood Lust.
We must get together and talk. What kind of books do you write?
I am trying to do local signings but BG is a little stiff:( I do signings all around lexington and louisvill ebut can't get in here and i even volunteer at the library.
I could use any help that you can give me..:)
i would love to win the ebook but you can give the tickets to someone else. i would never be able to go. i am disabled, thanks for the giveaway. can't wait to read. joannie jscddmj at aol dot com
I love anything with vampires in it. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I love everything about vampires!
Thank you all and nice to meet you.
I did forget that I mentioned Roxanne in the Vampire Literature section as books I recommend for vampire lovers!
the winner is:
Alicia0605 said...
This book looks great!! I look forward to reading it!! I would love to go to the event in Ky! It wouldnt even be a long drive for me. Just a couple of hours!
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