I never imagined Halloween would be one of the most important days of my life. I’ve never been a huge fan of Halloween, because, well, I’m a gigantic scaredy-cat. I’ve always been terrified of skeletons and mummies, maybe because my parents took me to the British Museum in London, England, when I was very young and I got freaked out by the shriveled, three-thousand-year-old corpses in the Ancient Egyptian section.
Back to Halloween. Specifically, Halloween sixteen years ago. I was seven months pregnant, my belly as big as a beach ball, and I started having contractions. It was too early for me to go into labor; I had another five weeks to go until our daughter would be full term. As I lay in the hospital bed, hooked up to beeping machines with my worried husband and nurses hovering at my bed, I silently swore I would not have a baby on Halloween. A little pumpkin? Ha! No. Not happening. Nope.
But guess what? My daughter decided she was tired of the cramped accommodations and was delivered via emergency C-section. I’ve since learned that when my smart, beautiful, talented daughter wants to do something, she’ll find a way to do it—and that includes picking her own day to be born, thank you very much.
At our house, Halloween is a day for celebrating. Through the years, we’ve done parties where guests arrive in costume, served fun food like dirt cupcakes arranged on platters crawling with plastic spiders, and decorated with carved pumpkins and tissue paper ghosts. Nothing too scary. Because, after all, it’s a birthday first and foremost, our day to honor the special young lady who has inspired me and my husband in so many ways, some that have found their way into my novels.
If my daughter asked me for a party with skeletons and mummies? Well, she hasn’t yet. I doubt she ever will. Because, you see, she knows her mom is one scaredy-cat author.

Title: Lucky Girl
Author: Cate Lord
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: Novel
Launch Date: September 2011
ePub ISBN: 978-1-937044-20-6
Print ISBN: 978-1-937044-21-3
Jessica Devlin isn’t looking for love. Heartbroken after being dumped by her unfaithful ex-fiancé, she’s determined to have a fabulous time during her vacation in England where she’ll be maid-of-honor at her cousin’s wedding. After working overtime as beauty editor of Orlando’s O Tart magazine, avoiding dating, and putting on ten pounds, Jess is ready to toss her past like an empty lipstick tube and party like a single gal.
But when she steps into the church on her cousin’s wedding day, she sees the one man who could sabotage her plan—James-Bond-gorgeous Nick Mondinello. She’s never forgotten the London marketing exec who held her in his arms after her beloved grandfather’s funeral two years ago. Ambitious, and lusted after by women everywhere, Nick is completely wrong for guarded, Plain Jane Jess.
Could Spy Man Nick ever fall for her? Nope. Not unless Jess is one lucky girl.
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daughter, and a very spoiled cat.
Connect with Cate: Facebook | Goodreads | CateLord.com

I love the irony! And she gives you a great blog post topic every year. LOL
Does she tell people it's her birthday while she's trick-or-treating? That's a great way to score more candy!
I have a cousin that was born on Halloween, although I don't think she forced the issue like your daughter did.
My mom has a crazy story about the night I was born. The day before, there was a huge snowstorm & their road had drifted shut before they could get home. They spent the whole day alternating between shoveling & sitting in the van to warm up, inching forward as the road drifted closed again behind them. Shortly after getting home, mom went into labor. There was no way anyone was getting in that street to pick them up, so my Gpa parked at the end of the road & walked in to help mom & dad hike back to his car. Mom was so tired after shoveling all day that she swears she tried to convince them to let her just lay down in the snow & have the baby right there, but they finally carried/drug her to the car. Mear minutes after they arrived at the hospital, around 12:30 AM, mom's water broke & I came so fast it was all over before the doctor even got there, never mind scrubbing in.
Sounds you also have a strong willed daughter, Cate! Honestly, I wouldn't have my teenage daughter any other way! Thankfully my daughter as well as my husband are also scaredy cats when it comes to horror!!
Have a great Halloween and hope your kiddo has a great birthday.
books4me67 at ymail.com
What fun - a Halloween birthday! Halloween is my favorite - my daughter was early - October 16 - would have been super fun! Hope she has a great one. Thanks for hosting. Please enter me. bevsharp@desch.org
True fact: I have two step-sisters, born exactly one year apart. Their birthday? Halloween. :)
Sounds like a really good book. Thanks for sharing!!
bacchus76 at myself dot com
My birthday is the 29th, do when I was younger, I thought people got dressed up to celebrate me.
Great post. I love kid stories. They are amazing.
debby236 at gmail dot com
I love the cover and the plot! edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom Sounds like a book I would enjoy.
Hi, Natalie! :) Yup, she does give me a great blog post topic to haul out each Halloween. :) When she was little, she used to tell people that it was her birthday while trick-or-treating, but she hasn't trick-or-treated for the past couple of years. I think the novelty of it has worn off for her now she's a teenager. Eating too much sugar gives her a tummy ache, too--another reason for her to stay home and hand out the candy instead (and then it's not lying around the house for my husband and me to munch on!) :)
Hello, Kathryn! Wow, what an amazing story! Your poor mom; I'll bet she was totally exhausted when you were born, but I'm sure that day is extra special in her heart, too. :) Thanks for sharing, and it's wonderful to "meet" you! :)
Hi, books4me! :) Glad to hear you have a strong-willed daughter, too! I think teenage girls need to be strong these days to help them get through the pressures of High School. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Halloween, too, and thanks for the birthday wishes for my daughter. :)
Hi, Beverly! How neat that we both have girls with October birthdays. :) Do you call her your "little pumpkin" too? :) Thanks for the birthday wishes for my daughter, and I hope you and your daughter have a fabulous Halloween!
Hello, Danielle! OMG! Two step-sisters, both born on Halloween? That's amazing. I'll bet Halloween is a fun time at their house!
Hello, donnas! I'm very pleased to hear LUCKY GIRL sounds good to you! :) What a cute kitty you have for your picture! :) I love cats and have a fluffy gold Maine Coone mix myself (who is terrified at Halloween of the fireworks people set off on our street).
Hi, Tammi! LOL about the dressing up! Happy birthday to you for the 29th. :) I hope it's a fantastic day, filled with good times and great memories.
Hi, Debby! :) Aww, thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed my post. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Hello, Krystal! :) I love the cover for LUCKY GIRL, too! It's perfect for my story. Thanks for commenting, and I hope you'll have a chance to read LUCKY GIRL.
What a fun Halloween story! I'll bet when you were trick-or-treating as a child, you never dreamed you'd get a daughter as a treat one day! :) Sounds like you have had fun with her Halloween birthday over the years. She is one Lucky Girl to have you as a mom!
Thank you for sharing, Cate! I can't wait to read your new book!
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