So what’s Nightingale about? It’s a different spin of faeries, vampires, and werewolves—where vampires suffer from a form of anemia, faeries are a pain, and werewolves work in the FBI. This book, the first in my Nocturne Series, puts an interesting spin on vampire tales and presents a new problem: how can you be sidhe and not have a heartbeat?
Life is lucrative and easy for Dr. Grace Caldwell--daughter of vampire father and fey mother--until her ex-boyfriend, FBI agent Jack Montgomery, blackmails her into helping him solve a prostitute's murder. If only she wasn't as attracted to Jack as ever, she could concentrate on finding the murderer and get back to her regularly scheduled life. And then there's the vampire Constantine, seductive and powerful, a family friend she's supposed to marry...
Not much of a vampire, and clueless about her fey powers--if she has any--Grace must journey to the Sidhe and enlist the help of the fey to unravel the riddle of the murder. She and Jack might just get killed, but then, two worlds depend on her success. If she fails, both her worlds and all of humanity will descend into chaos of epic proportions.
A little about me? Well, I’m writer, nurse, and all around miscreant (just kidding about that last part…or am I?). I run —training to complete my first half marathon—because I love to bake, and investigate the paranormal as regular hobbies. I’m more than a tad obsessed with Doctor Who (I’ve seen all 46 years worth of episodes and maintain that Tom Baker and David Tennant are two of the best doctors of all time). And though I grew up on a farm in Southern California, I now call the Upper Midwest home, as I occupy the wilds of Northern Minnesota. If you’re a fan of old black and white films, and film noir, you may notice a bit of the old noir qualities in my writing. I’d like to think I make Bogey proud.
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Author: Ashley M Christman
Genre: Romance/Paranormal
Digital ISBN: 9781616503284
Length: Novel
Digital Publication Date: October 17, 2011
Cover art by Renee Rocco
Published by Lyrical Press
Being Sidhe is hard, but a Sidhe without a heartbeat?
Life is lucrative and easy for Dr. Grace Caldwell--daughter of vampire father and fey mother--until her ex-boyfriend, FBI agent Jack Montgomery, blackmails her into helping him solve a prostitute's murder. If only she wasn't as attracted to Jack as ever, she could concentrate on finding the murderer and get back to her regularly scheduled life. And then there's the vampire Constantine, seductive and powerful, a family friend she's supposed to marry...
Not much of a vampire, and clueless about her fey powers--if she has any--Grace must journey to the Sidhe and enlist the help of the fey to unravel the riddle of the murder. She and Jack might just get killed, but then, two worlds depend on her success. If she fails, both her worlds and all of humanity will descend into chaos of epic proportions.
Life is lucrative and easy for Dr. Grace Caldwell--daughter of vampire father and fey mother--until her ex-boyfriend, FBI agent Jack Montgomery, blackmails her into helping him solve a prostitute's murder. If only she wasn't as attracted to Jack as ever, she could concentrate on finding the murderer and get back to her regularly scheduled life. And then there's the vampire Constantine, seductive and powerful, a family friend she's supposed to marry...
Not much of a vampire, and clueless about her fey powers--if she has any--Grace must journey to the Sidhe and enlist the help of the fey to unravel the riddle of the murder. She and Jack might just get killed, but then, two worlds depend on her success. If she fails, both her worlds and all of humanity will descend into chaos of epic proportions.

Ashley M. Christman
Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Fiction Author
As a child, Ashley M. Christman spent many hours in imaginary worlds, exploring the depths of mythology and immersing herself in a breadth of classics. After spending so much time reading, she decided to try her hand at writing.
An avid fan of film noir, she combines fantasy, noir style heroes and heroines, and the paranormal in a modern day setting in such a way that hopefully would make even Bogie proud.
When not writing, she can be found in the wilds of Minnesota enjoying great cuisine, avoiding the gym, and being walked by the dog with her partner, Tom.
Author Website and Blog: www.ashleymchristman.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ashley-M-Christman/270726188001
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AMChristman
Email: Ashley@ashleymchristman.com
Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Fiction Author
As a child, Ashley M. Christman spent many hours in imaginary worlds, exploring the depths of mythology and immersing herself in a breadth of classics. After spending so much time reading, she decided to try her hand at writing.
An avid fan of film noir, she combines fantasy, noir style heroes and heroines, and the paranormal in a modern day setting in such a way that hopefully would make even Bogie proud.
When not writing, she can be found in the wilds of Minnesota enjoying great cuisine, avoiding the gym, and being walked by the dog with her partner, Tom.
Author Website and Blog: www.ashleymchristman.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ashley-M-Christman/270726188001
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AMChristman
Email: Ashley@ashleymchristman.com

Would you like to win an ebook copy of Nightingale?
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1 winner at this tour stop will be chosen
Nightingale sounds really interesting. I'm very curious as to how Grace is getting blackmailed.
It's nice to see a black main character in an urban fantasy. The only other one I can think of is Seressia Glass' series. (Probably L.A. Banks too, but I've never gotten into her books.)
I agree with Anne, and I love the concept behind your book! I can't wait to read it and congratulations on the series!
Thanks for the giveaway!
This sounds so good I would love to read this book! Thank you so much for sharing and Great giveaway Thanks for the chance!
tishajean@ charter.net
Please count me in the giveaway. I love Fae, vampires and werewolves. FBI stories and mysteries are awesome. Great concept for a book!
Now, to the really important stuff. I too love Tom Baker as The Doctor. He is the picture that should be in the dictionary. But, I think Matt Smith is developing into a powerhouse. Some of his episodes have had incredible depth. In fact, I think that all 3 actors that have been The Doctor in the series reboot have been absolutely amazing. Each unique and special AND they can all actually act. I am now stepping down off my Dr. Who loving soap box.
Anne, Rebe, and latisha...thanks. Jen, I agree that Smith is good, but Tennant and baker have my heart. Plus, Tennant is just plain hot.
Vamps with anemia and FBI werewolves? This ought to be interesting.
Thanks for the giveaway!
dany7578 at hotmail dot com
Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. It sounds really good. Tore923@aol.com
I would love to read this!!
This sounds great. I will definitely be looking for it. I love it when characters are a mix. A Fae/vamp mix sounds very different. Best wishes on the release.
jen at delux dot com
This story sounds so original! Fae/vamp? I love it!! I would love to win a copy of this book!!
jwitt33 at live dot com
Nightingale sounds great I cant wait to get my hands on a copy .Ashely is a new to me author and Im realy looking forward to diving in to her book
Nightingale sounds wonderful... I'd love to win one! Thanks for the giveaway!
The story sounds great..vampires, fae, werewolves..very cool. plus I like the title and the idea that main character must go on this journey to save humanity. Thanks
areeths at new dot rr dot com
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