Sunday, October 2, 2011

Still On the Halloween Costume Hunt

I'm convinced the perfect costumes for Halloween are not out there for me. I need at least 2- I have 3 events to go to and I don't want to wear the same thing to each party. But I don't have one yet.

I am still searching. I want the husband and I to coordinate so I'm checking out sexy couple costumes at Pure Costumes.

I kinda like the gunfighter and cantina gal below.

I could totally vamp them up.

Gunfighter Adult Costume
Gunfighter Adult Costume

Cantina Gal Adult Costume
Cantina Gal Adult Costume

This Gangster Couple is sexy too

But not really what I'm looking for

So I decided to check out the group costumes section

I found some sexy witch costumes

Still not what I'm looking for though even if they are super cute

I really want a sexy vampire costume but not one that's common I guess, I'm really looking for something different.

I kinda like this one below, but I don't know. What do you think?

BTW if you are on the costume hunt, be sure to "Like" the Pure Costumes Facebook page to receive a 5% discount


Jen B. said...

I really like the Cantina Girl costume. I thought I had Halloween in the bag but now I have to put together a Beyonce costume for my daughter. Turns out, it's not as straight forward as it sounds!
Good luck finding just the right costumes!

LoriStrongin said...

Halloween is like my Christmas, so I usually go all out. But I hate buying mass produced, uninspired costumes, so I usually make my own. Thrift shops and consignment stores are amazing for this. Once I made a southern belle costume from an old wedding dress and a southern off-the-shoulder lacy blouse. Try looking there for inspiration.

Good luck!


P.S.--this year, I'm going as the Dread Pirate Roberts, who never leaves captives alive. And a friend of mine will be my "virtual" Inigo Montoya, searching for the six fingered man. :)

Anonymous said...

I kinda like the Cantina Girl costume myself. I haven't decided what I'm going as this year. Maybe a flower child--or maybe a pirate queen. I hope you find the perfect costume, Roxanne.