Quite a peculiar thing happened to me the other night. I was minding my business, studying the second draft of my thirteenth novel, which I have carved meticulously into the wood of my coffin with a small piece of slate, when I heard a knock. I do not crawl up to the surface for anyone, let alone a stranger, but this knock sounded desperate, in need of something only I could provide. My curiosity peaked, I stretched my bones and began my six-foot rise to the earth.
Standing there, by the light of a single candle, was a writer in need of a review. I accepted the task and was handed a most unusual object that had me frightened at first and retreating back into the ground, back to my grave that has kept me for over a hundred years now. The writer said, "Be still. Not to worry. It's just an iPad. You can read my book on it." My eye sockets squinted. I slid my phalanges across its soft surface. "Oh nice," I responded, and started reading where the writer instructed.
The novel, called Revamp, is about those beings that bump and bite in the night. Vampires. I was very well excited since I hadn't read a vampire novel since my own Dracula that was so successfully received, so many years ago.
I write today, on the twenty-ninth of July, in the year two thousand and twelve, to say that Revamp is a very good book indeed. I have heard hushed whisperings in the afterworld (no one wants to offend) of works of vampire fiction that have the un-dead and werewolves and fairies and humans all having relations and the news made my mandible twitch. Vampires with eyes the color of jaundice and skin sparkling in the sunlight like women's jewelry. Oh my. Revamp honors the traditional vampire, my vampire. I found myself sitting on the edge of my gravestone, a turn of the page too long to wait to find out what would happen next. The main vampire antagonist is devilish, his need for revenge all-consuming.
My only issue with this novel is that there aren't a lot of long, treacherous journeys. And letters. And cargo. Now that I have come to the aid of a fellow writer, I must go on a long journey of my own. During some research on what I've been told is called "The Internet," I have uncovered a most horrible truth. I have lived dead and as bones for so long now, that family is just flesh-covered skeletons to me and I'm afraid I have no allegiance. Let me declare, I will die a second time over before my beloved Dracula becomes a trilogy.
Dacre, I'm coming.
Friends and neighbors, I bequeath this review.
July 30 Tour Intro (short guest blog)
Fang-tastic Books
July 31 Guest blog and review
waiting on sunday to drown
July 31 Promo
August 1 Interview
Book on the Bright Side
August 3 Promo
Captivated Reading
August 4 Guest blog
Lisa’s World of Books
August 5 Promo
Beverly @ The Wormhole
August 6 Interview
Books, Books, The Magical Fruit
August 7 Promo
My Guilty Obsession
August 11 Guest blog
Read 2 Review
August 13
Book Nerd Revealed
Promotional/Excerpt Stop
August 16 Interview
August 18 Promo and review
Bajan Rosa Books
August 19 Promo
Snowdrop Dreams of Books
Aug 19 Guest blog
Mila Ramos, Paranormal & Contemporary Romance
Aug 20 Interview
Simply Infatuated
August 22 Guest blog and review
Black Hippie Chick's Take on Books & The World
August 23 Promo and review
A Dream Within A Dream
Aug 25 Review
Fictional Candy
August 26 Promo and review
The Avid Reader
Aug 27 Guest blog and review
Forget the Housework, I'm Reading
Aug 27 Guest blog and review
Zombiegirl Shambling

By Beck Sherman
Genre: Horror
ISBN: 9780985732707
Number of pages: 439
Word Count: approx. 162,024
News reporters scrambled. This was the biggest story to come along in weeks.
They called it a blackout.
The last one was in
It was the media’s fault. They were so busy stuffing fanatical Muslims with a penchant for Allah and decapitations down the American citizen’s throat, that they never saw it coming. I guess I shouldn’t be too hard on them.
They were partially right.
It was terror after all, but a whole new kind. And when the lights came back on, things had changed.
The dark had brought us visitors.
Book Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA6GEtgc0yY
Author Bio:
Beck Sherman was born and raised in Massachusetts, studied undergrad at Syracuse University, has a master’s degree in photojournalism from the University of Westminster, London, and when not writing, enjoys exploring abandoned insane asylums and photo-documenting the things that go bump in the night, when they’re kind enough to pose.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Nice post. The book sounds intriguing.
Thank you! Good luck with the giveaway :)
Thank you for the post..
Thank you for stopping by, ronnkelly3!
Thank you to everyone who's following the tour, and I will see you tomorrow!
And much appreciation to Fangtastic for hosting me today!
Lovin' the book!
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