I have two kids that always want new costumes plus my husband and I who need costumes for the annual Flint Vampire Ball.
My daughter found this great Rebel Teen Fairy Costume at AnytimeCostumes.com
I love it, think it's cute and totally my daughter's style but in over protective daddy fashion my husband thinks it's too revealing my his daughter.

We live in Michigan so chances are it's going to be cold on Halloween and any other day that she might be attending a Halloween event so she'll probably end up wearing leggings and a long sleeve shirt under it. So all his fussing will be completely pointless. She tried this on in a warm house when it was still in the 70s outside.
So one kid down, one more to go. My little guy can't make up his mind- I want to be Spiderman, I want to be Thor, I want to be Captain America....
Thankfully Anytime Costumes has a great selection of Halloween Costumes or new costumes for any time- with plenty of new styles for 2012 and lots of little boy's costumes to choose from. Now if he could only make up his mind we'd be all set.
Well I still have to find something for me too but I'm always the pickiest and hardest to shop for :-)
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