Monday, October 14, 2024

Immortal Wounds by Angie Barton - Haunted Halloween Spooktacular

On This Night

On this night of blood and bats
Of howling wolves and pointed black hats
Of dreadful tales shared ‘round a fire’s glow
Of cackling witches and their familiar crows

Suppressed within tall grass, it is hard to see
But a haunted cemetery it is said to be
A chill and an eeriness hangs within its gate
As sinister whispers promise ill fate

Their words come straight from hell
Yet mesmerized you fall under their spell
For on this night of sinful play
The buried you disturbed now hunt you like prey

Immortal Wounds
Immortal Wounds Series
Book One
Angie Barton

Genre: Fantasy/Historical Fiction/Magical Realism
Publisher: Angie Barton 
Date of Publication: April 22, 2022
ISBN: 979-8990647206
Number of pages: 392
Word Count: 93,000
Cover Artist: Donnell McKenzie

Tagline: Did Isobel make an error in landing in the wrong time, or was it part of her destiny?

Book Description: 

After witnessing the brutal deaths of her mother and husband, Isobel overhears a confession from one of the murderers, a ruthless vampire who claims to be her father. For fear that she and her unborn daughter’s death could come next, Isobel uses the only magic she possesses and summons a portal to take her two hundred years in the past to revisit an ancestor in Scotland who she believes may know the truth of her parentage. However, in her haste, Isobel lands in the wrong century. Before she realizes her mistake, she stumbles upon a family: a ferocious Highland warrior and his two sisters.

Isobel could not have prepared herself for what she discovers during her stay: the vampire who claimed to be her father, alive three hundred years in the past! With the help of Meg, the youngest sister, and Mariam, both women’s ancestor, Isobel finds herself belonging in a world she never dreamed of—one entangled with vampires and webbed with revenge, curses, and a prophecy that has dictated all of their lives for the last four hundred years. 

Did Isobel make an error landing in the wrong time, or was it part of her destiny?

About the Author: 

Award winning author, Angie Barton, published her first novel, Immortal Wounds, in 2022. Angie’s love for writing centers around the fantasy genre, but she also enjoys writing thriller and romance. Her passion for reading, which led to her love of writing, began in elementary school with the Scholastic Book program. Her parents, who are life-long avid readers, have been a huge influence on her reading. Therefore anything and everything Angie could get her hands on she read.

Angie has been an early childhood educator since 1986 and hold a B.S. in Child Development. Her love for literacy has continued throughout her career, not only for herself, but also with the children she has cared for and taught. What Angie is most passionate about is helping others discover the excitement that reading brings. Her greatest desire in writing is to create and bring joy and entertainment to everyone she touches.

Currently, if Angie isn't reading at least three books at a time or working on a rough draft for her next book, she can be found outdoors gardening, woodworking, or relaxing by her pond. She shares that she's a Capricorn, tried and true, drinks way too much tea, and that her "to be read" pile of books can spike at any time.

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