Today we have an interview and giveaway with the author of Blood on Silk, Marie Treanor.
What was your inspiration for Blood on Silk?
I suppose, the fact that I’ve always loved vampire stories, and Gothic fantasy and romance. This scene came into my head of a vampire arising from stone and advancing on my stunned heroine, and Blood on Silk was born from there.
How did you come up with Elizabeth Silk? I found her almost comical in the beginning, the way she absolutely refused to believe even when the evidence quite literally bit her in the neck.
Yes, she tries very hard not to believe, and I’m glad you found that scene funny J. The thing is, she’s spent two years debunking vampire myths; she really doesn’t believe in the supernatural, so while she’s quite aware she’s been attacked, she knows her attacker has to be either a maniac or a prankster - or a combination of the two!
How did I come up with her? I wanted a heroine with enough intelligence and humour to intrigue a vampire of Saloman’s vast age and experience; someone strong enough not to crumple into a helpless gibbering wreck, yet still have the potential for growth and development once she understands what’s going on. She desperately wants to do the right thing, and works hard to learn to deal with this new and frightening world she’s been catapulted into. And although I shouldn’t say so myself, I like the way she grows into her potential J
Would you like to share a blurb and/or excerpt of Blood on Silk?
I’d love to! Here’s the blurb and an excerpt from the awakening scene:
By Marie Treanor
Out Now from NAL Signet Eclipse.
Scottish academic Elizabeth Silk is spending the summer in Romania researching historical superstitions for her PhD. While she is tracing local folktales, one subject in particular sparks her imagination. His name is Saloman, legend's most powerful vampire, a seductive prince staked centuries ago. Now, in the ruins of a castle crypt, Elizabeth discovers the legends are real. Her blood has awakened him. Her innocence has aroused him. But Elizabeth unleashes more than Saloman's hunger.
An army of vampire hunters has amassed to send Saloman back to hell. Sworn to help - yet fearing Saloman's deadly blood lust - Elizabeth seeks to entrap him, offering her body as bait. But something stronger than dread, more powerful than revenge, is uniting Elizabeth to her prey. Caught between desire and rage, Elizabeth must decide where her loyalties lie...and what the limits are to a yearning she can no longer control.
There was nowhere to go but backward, until the wall ground into her shoulder blades and buttocks, and still he kept coming. Tall and broad-shouldered, his very size threatened her. Most of his handsome face was in shadow, hiding any expression. She could only make out his eyes, blacker than the surrounding darkness, yet glistening with some deep, wild hunger it hurt to look at.
He lifted his hand once more to the wound in her throat. His fingertip was cold, yet seemed to burn her skin. She gasped, quivering, and when he bent his head toward her again, gazing at her bleeding injury, she began to fight, crashing her fists into his chest, pushing uselessly against his shoulders.
He smelled of earth and cold stone, gave off no sense of human warmth. So why did her body begin to weaken its resistance? Her fists, her struggles, made no impression on him. He continued to lower his head to her wounded neck. At least she could no longer see those terrible eyes…
At the first touch of his lips, she gave up. Because she could do nothing against him. And because some dark, perverse part of her remembered the unique, agonizing thrill of his first bite.
But he didn’t bite. He surrounded the wound with his lips and licked it once. She shuddered, helpless in the grip of fear and something she couldn’t – or wouldn’t – name. Then he lifted his head and she stared at him, speechless, because the pain had gone.
The hunger hadn’t left his eyes, but in the glimmer of torchlight, she thought it was overlaid with mockery. The bastard was laughing at her.
“I’m saving the rest for later,” he explained.
Her eyes widened. He was letting her live after all? At least for another minute. “L-later?” she stammered.
His fingers trailed across her throat, butterfly light, making her gasp. “Later. Your blood is strong and heady. I’m taking time to absorb it.” He bent nearer her, inhaling, almost sniffing the air around her head and throat. The skin of his face looked so smooth she had an insane urge to reach up and touch it. His sculpted lips moved faintly, as if a smile almost danced across them, never quite forming before it faded.
“Interesting,” he observed, and his voice was different now, quiet, almost whispering, with just a hint of hoarseness. “I have to thank you for waking me…What is your name?”
She swallowed. “Elizabeth. Elizabeth Silk.”
The almost-smile tugged at his lips and vanished. His cheek brushed against hers, barely touching and yet her stomach seemed to plunge. “Silk. How apt,” he murmured. “Like your hair…And your skin, so soft and warm…”
His fingertips caressed her face, slid down over her chin to her throat and she gasped, jerking in panic. But the movement only brought her into contact with his body. Hard, solid, and surely that stiff ridge against her stomach was his erection… Vampires had erections? Unless that part of him was still made of stone?
Oh Jesus Christ and fuck!
She shrank, pressing her back into the wall once more. Shocked, she could feel wetness between her legs. It’s just fear, not lust, it can’t be…
“And you are English,” he said, changing to that language without warning.
“Scottish,” she returned mechanically. What the hell does that matter?
He inclined his head, clearly humoring her. His body touched hers at breast and hips, hardening her nipples into aching peaks. Perhaps he felt them, for he said, “Do you know how long it has been since I have had a meal or a woman?”
Her stomach seemed to melt into her womb. Sweat had broken out on her palms, was trickling down between her breasts. But somehow she managed to do the math. “Three hundred and twelve years?”
His gaze dropped to her lips. “Don’t ask me. After the first couple of centuries, those decades just fly by.” He lifted his hand from her neck, tracing one tapered fingertip along her lower lip. She was afraid to move.
“Do they really?” she managed.
“No. But they let me work up some heady appetites.”
“For what?” She sounded more suspicious than terrified. Was that good? Perhaps. The almost-smile reappeared and vanished as his face leaned nearer hers.
“For dinner,” he answered. “And dalliance.”
His finger slid to the corner of her lips, pushing gently until she gasped, and when her mouth opened he took it with his.
Heat consumed her, drowning her in some strange, welcome weakness. His cool lips moved across hers, sampling, parting them. He should have tasted of dust and death and corruption. At the very least he hadn’t brushed his teeth in three hundred and twelve years. Yet what she inhaled in panic was something overwhelmingly seductive, an earthy sweetness, powerful and masculine, and God help her, she wanted it. She wanted to give herself to his mouth, feel his kiss deepen and dominate while he pressed that large, hard body closer into her. She wanted to push herself against the hardness nudging her abdomen. She wanted it between her legs, pushing into her, because she’d never known a kiss as arousing as this, and the sex would be so…
Oh God!
How many Awakened by Blood novels are currently planned?
It was planned as a trilogy following the fortunes of Elizabeth and Saloman. But I admit I’m finding it hard to leave them now J
When will the next book be out?
Blood Sin comes out on 5th April 2011, and the final book, Blood Eternal, in October.
Your bio says you live in Scotland. Are you Scottish born or did you move there?
I’m Scottish born and bred. I was brought up in Glasgow, my mother’s home city, moved around a bit when I was in my late teens and twenties, studying and working, then came home to Scotland to be with he-who-became-my-husband J. We lived in Edinburgh for about ten years, then moved out to a quiet village by the sea, which I love.
Ok let's talk holidays:
How do you celebrate the holidays in Scotland? I've read Scotland does the twelve days of Christmas and the big celebration is actually on New Year's Eve which is called Hogmanay. How do you celebrate?
I believe Christmas used to be much more low-key – strict Presbyterian anti-“idolatry” influence! – and New Year was always the big celebration. When my mother was a child, people used to have to work Christmas Day. But nowadays Christmas is celebrated just as enthusiastically in Scotland as anywhere else. Although we do still make a big fuss of New Year!
We love Christmas in our house – we have three kids, one of whom is only seven and still enjoys the magic of Santa Claus, although I suspect this may well be the last year she does L. By custom my husband teases the life out of the kids, making them get dressed and eat breakfast before letting them see their presents, which are all piled up under the Christmas Tree in our front room. After present-opening, my husband and I have a glass or two of champagne while cooking the Christmas turkey dinner, which we always have formally around the table.
Do you have any customs or family holiday traditions you'd like to share?
Well, I’ll tell you more about Scottish New Year :-). The custom on Hogmanay (New Year’s Eve) is mainly to get plastered in time for “the bells”, which is when midnight strikes. Traditionally, you should be in your own home for the bells - I remember when I was young, everyone rushing to catch the last bus before the bells so we’d make it home in time, and the driver was understanding enough to stop anywhere to pick people up.
Then your “first foot” is important – ie, the first foot over your door in the New Year should, to bring you good luck, belong to a dark man (believed to be a hangover from the days when a fair Viking was a threat and definitely bad luck, though it may be even older than that), bearing a useful gift. To be on the safe side, my Dad used to get pushed outside the front door with a lump of coal in his hand at two minutes to midnight, and then be let in as soon as midnight struck. After which we’d all toast the New Year, and then the serious business of first-footing other people would begin. My Dad took his bottle of whisky with him and we’d go off and visit neighbours, who’d all get a drink out of my Dad’s bottle after we’d enjoyed their hospitality. Then we’d take the bottle with us to the next house.
Sadly, some of the old first-footing traditions are dying out now in favour of huge parties like the one held in Prince’s Street Gardens in Edinburgh, or smaller events like our own village ceilidh (a party with traditional Scottish music and dancing, and an inevitable outburst of Auld Lang Syne at midnight!). But you can still see and hear people wandering the streets all night, shaking hands with whoever they meet and wishing them “Happy New Year.” It’s a very happy night!
New Year’s Day can be a bit of a write-off for many people recovering from hangovers, but if you’ve got the strength to pig it out, it’s traditional to have a steak pie dinner with your family. We try to do that – we generally have family staying for most of the Christmas and New Year period.
Thank you Marie, for joining us during the holiday season.
Thank you for having me! I’ve enjoyed answering your questions, and would like to wish you and your readers a very merry Christmas and a happy new year when it comes!
I suppose, the fact that I’ve always loved vampire stories, and Gothic fantasy and romance. This scene came into my head of a vampire arising from stone and advancing on my stunned heroine, and Blood on Silk was born from there.
How did you come up with Elizabeth Silk? I found her almost comical in the beginning, the way she absolutely refused to believe even when the evidence quite literally bit her in the neck.
Yes, she tries very hard not to believe, and I’m glad you found that scene funny J. The thing is, she’s spent two years debunking vampire myths; she really doesn’t believe in the supernatural, so while she’s quite aware she’s been attacked, she knows her attacker has to be either a maniac or a prankster - or a combination of the two!
How did I come up with her? I wanted a heroine with enough intelligence and humour to intrigue a vampire of Saloman’s vast age and experience; someone strong enough not to crumple into a helpless gibbering wreck, yet still have the potential for growth and development once she understands what’s going on. She desperately wants to do the right thing, and works hard to learn to deal with this new and frightening world she’s been catapulted into. And although I shouldn’t say so myself, I like the way she grows into her potential J
Would you like to share a blurb and/or excerpt of Blood on Silk?
I’d love to! Here’s the blurb and an excerpt from the awakening scene:
By Marie Treanor
Out Now from NAL Signet Eclipse.
Scottish academic Elizabeth Silk is spending the summer in Romania researching historical superstitions for her PhD. While she is tracing local folktales, one subject in particular sparks her imagination. His name is Saloman, legend's most powerful vampire, a seductive prince staked centuries ago. Now, in the ruins of a castle crypt, Elizabeth discovers the legends are real. Her blood has awakened him. Her innocence has aroused him. But Elizabeth unleashes more than Saloman's hunger.
An army of vampire hunters has amassed to send Saloman back to hell. Sworn to help - yet fearing Saloman's deadly blood lust - Elizabeth seeks to entrap him, offering her body as bait. But something stronger than dread, more powerful than revenge, is uniting Elizabeth to her prey. Caught between desire and rage, Elizabeth must decide where her loyalties lie...and what the limits are to a yearning she can no longer control.
There was nowhere to go but backward, until the wall ground into her shoulder blades and buttocks, and still he kept coming. Tall and broad-shouldered, his very size threatened her. Most of his handsome face was in shadow, hiding any expression. She could only make out his eyes, blacker than the surrounding darkness, yet glistening with some deep, wild hunger it hurt to look at.
He lifted his hand once more to the wound in her throat. His fingertip was cold, yet seemed to burn her skin. She gasped, quivering, and when he bent his head toward her again, gazing at her bleeding injury, she began to fight, crashing her fists into his chest, pushing uselessly against his shoulders.
He smelled of earth and cold stone, gave off no sense of human warmth. So why did her body begin to weaken its resistance? Her fists, her struggles, made no impression on him. He continued to lower his head to her wounded neck. At least she could no longer see those terrible eyes…
At the first touch of his lips, she gave up. Because she could do nothing against him. And because some dark, perverse part of her remembered the unique, agonizing thrill of his first bite.
But he didn’t bite. He surrounded the wound with his lips and licked it once. She shuddered, helpless in the grip of fear and something she couldn’t – or wouldn’t – name. Then he lifted his head and she stared at him, speechless, because the pain had gone.
The hunger hadn’t left his eyes, but in the glimmer of torchlight, she thought it was overlaid with mockery. The bastard was laughing at her.
“I’m saving the rest for later,” he explained.
Her eyes widened. He was letting her live after all? At least for another minute. “L-later?” she stammered.
His fingers trailed across her throat, butterfly light, making her gasp. “Later. Your blood is strong and heady. I’m taking time to absorb it.” He bent nearer her, inhaling, almost sniffing the air around her head and throat. The skin of his face looked so smooth she had an insane urge to reach up and touch it. His sculpted lips moved faintly, as if a smile almost danced across them, never quite forming before it faded.
“Interesting,” he observed, and his voice was different now, quiet, almost whispering, with just a hint of hoarseness. “I have to thank you for waking me…What is your name?”
She swallowed. “Elizabeth. Elizabeth Silk.”
The almost-smile tugged at his lips and vanished. His cheek brushed against hers, barely touching and yet her stomach seemed to plunge. “Silk. How apt,” he murmured. “Like your hair…And your skin, so soft and warm…”
His fingertips caressed her face, slid down over her chin to her throat and she gasped, jerking in panic. But the movement only brought her into contact with his body. Hard, solid, and surely that stiff ridge against her stomach was his erection… Vampires had erections? Unless that part of him was still made of stone?
Oh Jesus Christ and fuck!
She shrank, pressing her back into the wall once more. Shocked, she could feel wetness between her legs. It’s just fear, not lust, it can’t be…
“And you are English,” he said, changing to that language without warning.
“Scottish,” she returned mechanically. What the hell does that matter?
He inclined his head, clearly humoring her. His body touched hers at breast and hips, hardening her nipples into aching peaks. Perhaps he felt them, for he said, “Do you know how long it has been since I have had a meal or a woman?”
Her stomach seemed to melt into her womb. Sweat had broken out on her palms, was trickling down between her breasts. But somehow she managed to do the math. “Three hundred and twelve years?”
His gaze dropped to her lips. “Don’t ask me. After the first couple of centuries, those decades just fly by.” He lifted his hand from her neck, tracing one tapered fingertip along her lower lip. She was afraid to move.
“Do they really?” she managed.
“No. But they let me work up some heady appetites.”
“For what?” She sounded more suspicious than terrified. Was that good? Perhaps. The almost-smile reappeared and vanished as his face leaned nearer hers.
“For dinner,” he answered. “And dalliance.”
His finger slid to the corner of her lips, pushing gently until she gasped, and when her mouth opened he took it with his.
Heat consumed her, drowning her in some strange, welcome weakness. His cool lips moved across hers, sampling, parting them. He should have tasted of dust and death and corruption. At the very least he hadn’t brushed his teeth in three hundred and twelve years. Yet what she inhaled in panic was something overwhelmingly seductive, an earthy sweetness, powerful and masculine, and God help her, she wanted it. She wanted to give herself to his mouth, feel his kiss deepen and dominate while he pressed that large, hard body closer into her. She wanted to push herself against the hardness nudging her abdomen. She wanted it between her legs, pushing into her, because she’d never known a kiss as arousing as this, and the sex would be so…
Oh God!
How many Awakened by Blood novels are currently planned?
It was planned as a trilogy following the fortunes of Elizabeth and Saloman. But I admit I’m finding it hard to leave them now J
When will the next book be out?
Blood Sin comes out on 5th April 2011, and the final book, Blood Eternal, in October.
Your bio says you live in Scotland. Are you Scottish born or did you move there?
I’m Scottish born and bred. I was brought up in Glasgow, my mother’s home city, moved around a bit when I was in my late teens and twenties, studying and working, then came home to Scotland to be with he-who-became-my-husband J. We lived in Edinburgh for about ten years, then moved out to a quiet village by the sea, which I love.
Ok let's talk holidays:
How do you celebrate the holidays in Scotland? I've read Scotland does the twelve days of Christmas and the big celebration is actually on New Year's Eve which is called Hogmanay. How do you celebrate?
I believe Christmas used to be much more low-key – strict Presbyterian anti-“idolatry” influence! – and New Year was always the big celebration. When my mother was a child, people used to have to work Christmas Day. But nowadays Christmas is celebrated just as enthusiastically in Scotland as anywhere else. Although we do still make a big fuss of New Year!
We love Christmas in our house – we have three kids, one of whom is only seven and still enjoys the magic of Santa Claus, although I suspect this may well be the last year she does L. By custom my husband teases the life out of the kids, making them get dressed and eat breakfast before letting them see their presents, which are all piled up under the Christmas Tree in our front room. After present-opening, my husband and I have a glass or two of champagne while cooking the Christmas turkey dinner, which we always have formally around the table.
Do you have any customs or family holiday traditions you'd like to share?
Well, I’ll tell you more about Scottish New Year :-). The custom on Hogmanay (New Year’s Eve) is mainly to get plastered in time for “the bells”, which is when midnight strikes. Traditionally, you should be in your own home for the bells - I remember when I was young, everyone rushing to catch the last bus before the bells so we’d make it home in time, and the driver was understanding enough to stop anywhere to pick people up.
Then your “first foot” is important – ie, the first foot over your door in the New Year should, to bring you good luck, belong to a dark man (believed to be a hangover from the days when a fair Viking was a threat and definitely bad luck, though it may be even older than that), bearing a useful gift. To be on the safe side, my Dad used to get pushed outside the front door with a lump of coal in his hand at two minutes to midnight, and then be let in as soon as midnight struck. After which we’d all toast the New Year, and then the serious business of first-footing other people would begin. My Dad took his bottle of whisky with him and we’d go off and visit neighbours, who’d all get a drink out of my Dad’s bottle after we’d enjoyed their hospitality. Then we’d take the bottle with us to the next house.
Sadly, some of the old first-footing traditions are dying out now in favour of huge parties like the one held in Prince’s Street Gardens in Edinburgh, or smaller events like our own village ceilidh (a party with traditional Scottish music and dancing, and an inevitable outburst of Auld Lang Syne at midnight!). But you can still see and hear people wandering the streets all night, shaking hands with whoever they meet and wishing them “Happy New Year.” It’s a very happy night!
New Year’s Day can be a bit of a write-off for many people recovering from hangovers, but if you’ve got the strength to pig it out, it’s traditional to have a steak pie dinner with your family. We try to do that – we generally have family staying for most of the Christmas and New Year period.
Thank you Marie, for joining us during the holiday season.
Thank you for having me! I’ve enjoyed answering your questions, and would like to wish you and your readers a very merry Christmas and a happy new year when it comes!
To be entered to win a signed copy of BLOOD ON SILK by Marie Treanor, leave a comment on this post for Marie or you can ask her a question.
Please include your email address
A winner will be announced on Wednesday
Open to International Shipping
I love the "first foot" tradition. I had heard about it vaguely but didn't know what it was all about. I think it sounds like just the right thing to do that time of the year.
But as you say sadly such a lot of Christmas traditions are falling away. I think in the future we will all miss them.
I take it carolling is not done in Scotland ? And do you leave anything for Father Christmas to eat and drink ?
Enjoyed the interview and thanks for the giveaway.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
honestly we donthave many traditins my fiancees grandfather is catholic tho so we will be partaking in his traditions i love caroling tho and the putting christmas cookies out for santai enjoyed the interview and cant wait tor ead this book
I love the cover
Great interview. Blood on Silk sounds great. Congrats as well on the upcoming release of the second. Glad to hear it will be at least at trilogy.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Hi Carol! Yes, it is a shame when distinctive traditions disappear, but I suppose it's natural for customs to evolve and move on.
We do have some carol-singing in Scotland,but I think it's more of an English custom. Music wasn't big in most Scottish churches after the Protestant Reformation, so it probably prevented the growth of that particular tradition.
But yes, we do leave a mince pie and a glass of whisky for Santa Claus! (And a bowl of water for the reindeer :)). Santa must be pretty tipsy by the time he heads to the next country!
Glad you enjoyed the interview, Carol - I had some great questions to answer :).
Hi there, SiNn! Thanks for your answer, and the kind words about BLOOD ON SILK.
Thank you, Donna!
wow, what an excerpt !!!
i need to read more !!! LOL !!!
i love the idea for the book and a trilogy, awesome!
i'd love a chance to win your book!!!
thanks so much, tina
stampitchick at yahoo dot ca
That was really interesting. I love hearing about different traditions. Are there any favorite desserts or types of cookies that you grew up with and always had at this time of the year?
I would love to read your book.
Hello, Marie.
I've had my eye on Blood on Silk for a while. If I don't get it for Christmas, I'm going to buy it for myself!
I think the cover is beautiful. How long did it take to create it? Did you works closely with the artist?
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
Wow the cover art is stunning!!! This book sounds terrific...my TBR list is outrageously huge and showing no signs of shrinking cause there are so many talented authors now days!
Thank you! Maria
Hello, Marie & Roxanne! Happy Holidays : ) Thank you for a fantastic giveaway and a wonderful interview! I loved hearing about the holiday customs and family traditions. Marie, from what I have read about "Blood and Silk" (including the excerpt), your "Awakened by Blood" series is off to a mesmerizing beginning! Your writing is vividly descriptive and quite sensually evocative. You are painting innocence and evil both with shaded strokes--very intriguing! "Blood on Silk" is definitely on my wish list, and I can't wait to read more about the series : )
US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Beautiful cover. I cannot wait to read this book! Thank you for the contest and the interview.
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
I enjoyed reading about your Scottish New Year traditions. Hubby and I visited Edinburgh in the summer and we loved it. (Now, if we can just get to the rest of the country!) Thanks for visiting. (Email in profile.)
Question for Marie: Do you think that your love of the gothic stemmed from your being Scottish or was it from another influence altogether?
Cherry Mischievous
cherrymischif-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com
I'm not big on the Christmas season. I love getting together with my family, but the rest of it can just go away as far as i'm concerned.
Marie: Where do you find your inspiration for your characters? Do they come to you whole or do you need to work at developing them?
Hi Marie and Happy Holidays! I absolutely love the cover of Blood on Silk, very classy. I can't wait to read it. Enter me in the contest please. bpatrick64113@sbcglobal.net
Great interview! I really enjoyed reading about your Scottish traditions. And the excerpt from the book really drew me in!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I loved reading more about the Scotish traditions. I should know more with a last name of McGeen but really dont know many. I think that i am going ot have to some research. Thanks!
Oh this sounds wonderful! I first ran across Ms. Treanor when she was writing e-books and have loved her works ever since.
Great interview. This is the first time I've heard of her book, but it sounds erally interesting. I'll have to check it out!
I love the sound of this series!
kissinoak at frontier dot com
Great interview! I am intrigued by the book and am excited to see that it will be a trilogy. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for sharing some of your holidays traditions and customs.
I love the cover for Blood on Silk.And it sounds really good.Looking forward to reading it
Oh wow, this is awesome! Thank you for sharing your traditions! Well I guess the only tradition we have is on actual Christmas morning, we wake up and open presents... of course letting my baby girl open her presents last, lol... and then I cook a late breakfast and we nap/play with presents, lol. Then... hang out the rest of the day!!!
Thanks you for this great giveaway!!!
Please include me in!
alliwantandmorebooks@ gmail.com
Great interview! I'd love to win this one, it sounds awesome!
follow on gfc
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
Blood on Silk has been on my wishlist since I first read the blurb and saw the cover. I don't usually get real excited about a cover but this one is one that I voted "Best Cover" on several blogs.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
I love your cover. Between the cover and the name alone I want to read this book! :) I love the holiday traditions too! :) How fun.
kittykelly28 @ hotmail.com
Thanks for the great giveaway! I've seen this book make the blog rounds but didn't really pay attention until now -- when I read the excerpt. Talk about hot! This is going on my TBR list (if I don't win it here first)! My question to Marie: I love this book cover! Do you have any input into the covers of your books?
This sounds like a very good series. I love the cover and the excerpt for the book.
It sucks that my family doesn't really have many traditions. Maybe I should make some up...
Btw, the cover is so pretty!
Wow, what a lot to catch up on! Thanks to everyone for the kind comments and for telling me about your traditions.
Debbie, for desserts, I always loved the creamy trifle my Mum used to make every Christmas and new Year! Also the traditional cloutie dumpling - although it wasn't so much the pudding I liked there but the trinkets and coins she hid in it for us to find :)
Hi Tracey - I'm not sure how long they took to make the cover! I know they had a conference about it when they discussed my ideas and my editor's, and then they came up with this! I believe my agent asked for a couple of small detail changes, but I didn't communicate directly with the artist at all. I am thrilled with the overall result :).
LSUReader, glad you liked Edinburgh! I lived there for about 10 years, still miss it sometimes :)
Hi Cherry - I think my love of Gothic stemmed more from the kind of books I read and enjoyed! Victoria Holt, Mary Stewart, Bram Stoker (of course!, EA Poe, the Brontes...
Scott, it varies :). Sometimes a character arrives in my head more or less fully formed - like Saloman. Others, like Elizabeth, need a little more thought. I usually have some idea about them, but some characters take more effort to flesh out than others.
Hello, Shaiha! Nice to see you here!
Laura, my input into cover art varies depending on the publisher, but since I'm not really artisitc in that way, it's usually minimal! For Blood on Silk, I discussed some ideas with my editor - basically that I wanted something atmospheric and vaguely gothic, and she took that forward to her meetings. But I certainly got lucky with the result :)
Wonderful interview .Thank you for sharing with us today .I love the
“first foot" tradition.I had never heard of this tradition before think I may have to start this one at my house .:)
I have to say that I am really looking forward to reading your book...
So my question is... What do you find is the hardest part of writting?
I am truly amazed at what goes on in an authors mind... I wish that I had that talent...
Thank you for a chance to win..
Kelly M
My husband and I spent our Honeymoon in Scotland. We stayed in Edinburgh and Dornach. We absolutely loved it there. We drove all over that country and I think we surprised the car rental agency when we brought their car back in one piece! I loved the excerpt! It left me wanting to read more! Thanks!
Since you have been interested in vampires ever since childhood, was it books, movies or television stories that caught your eye when introduced into this genre.
I loved hearing about your Christmas and New Year traditions. My family has never had too much in the way of tradition for the holidays except a nice Christmas dinner and presents at a family gathering.
I love Vampir ebooks and can't wait to read this one and I Just love the cover Art.Very nice.
Hi Wanda - glad you enjoyed the interview! And yes, go for it! More first-footing!
Thanks for the difficult question, Kelly :). I think for me the hardest part about writing can also be tthe most exciting - when the story or the characters just won't go where you want them! I can have had a big sacene in my mind since the beginning and then when I come to write it, realize it just doesn't work; my characters refuse to do or say what they should. Sometimes they just race off on their own and it's fun to go with it. Other times, I have to wrestle with the problem, work out what they should be doing instead of following my big, ruined plan, and that can change everything else.
Cindy, that's lovely - glad you enjoyed Scotland!
Hi Leni. I think it was probably films that got me interested and started me looking for books. I remember borrowing "Dracula" from the local library, and I suspect that was on a Saturday morning following the late Friday night horror film when I was allowed to stay up and watch it with my Dad :)
Thanks, Barbara! I think for most of us, Christmas is all about spending time with family. Have a great one this year :)
Thank you for sharing about Hogmanay and your Christmas traditions, I have Scottish heritage but I know very little about it. Being a foodie, of course my eye was drawn to the steak pie part! :D
Kate1485 at hotmail.com
Seems like we have the "first foot" tradition too in Romania :D
Question : It's true about Solomon or is just fiction ?( his "roumanian" history )
raluk.93 at gmail (dot) com
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