Thursday, January 1, 2009

Didn't Get My Books Yet

Can you believe my local Borders didn't have the books in that I wanted. They were released on December 30 which is the day I was in the store but the store had not received the shipment yet. The salesguy/clerk/whatever, who was very helpful by the way, said he didn't know if it was the holidays or the weather but the books were not at the store.

So I didn't get my copies of At Grave's End by Jeaniene Frost (the third book in the Night Huntress series) or The Witch's Grave ( the 6th book in the Abby and Ophelia Mysteries series) by Shirley Damsgaard. I guess I should have ordered them online I would have had them already. Oh well, I ordered then through the store.

Good thing I still have other books to finish reading.

The Bewitching series by Madelyn Alt is turning out to be quite good. I just finished the second book, A Charmed Death, and I am ready to start the third, Hex Marks the Spot. The newest book, the fourth in the series, No Rest for the Wiccan, came out in November. I'll have to find that one. When I checked these three out from the library they didn't have the fourth yet.

I like the Bewitching Series. Very paranormal chick lit mystery style. They are like the Abby and Ophelia Mysteries, which is actually how I found them. They were an Amazon recommendation that popped up when I was searching for the release date of The Witch's Grave months ago.

Anyway the Bewitching series has that irresistible charm of the outcast girl turned woman who lives alone and is not nor has ever been the popular center of attention type of girl. A little awkward and lacking self confidence she's always been different. Finding magick has made her realize she is not as different or alone as she thought. (this could describe the main protagonist in either the Bewitching series or Abby and Ophelia).

There's minimal bad language, no graphic sex (not any sex at all so far, hints and allusions to, but the main character is still untouched numerous books into the series) and just a hint of romance. But there's so much action going on, murders and mysteries to solve- who has time for romance- right?

Make time, I want to see these girls hook up. In the Bewitching series Maggie really needs to hook up with Marcus. Her current love interest, Tom, the cop, is all wrong. He is the guy her mother would choose for her. So far poor Maggs is still stuck in her old belief system and too blind to see the perfect man right in front of her face because she thinks he is taken. All signs I'm reading say he's not and that he's totally into her. Hopefully in the next books Maggie and Marcus will eventually hook up.

I've already shared the Abby and Ophelia series with my mom, I think she would love these books by Madelyn Alt. Most of what I read isn't her style, she can't stand the bad language or gratuitous sex. She's not much for major detailed violence either. But I am sure she would love the Bewitching series.

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