Monday, December 29, 2008

Final Book in The Gardella Vampire Chronicles, As Shadows Fade

Colleen Gleason's Gardella Vampire Chronicles is a series that I totally fell in love with, even though the vamps are the bad guys. No sexy vampires in her books but the story lines are fantastic, I love the Regency setting, and there are still plenty of hot guys to dream about.

I am sad to see the series end. As Shadows Fade is the last book in the Gardella Chronicles, at least the last one featuring Victoria and this cast of characters. There has been talk that more Gardella books may be in the future featuring Gardellas before Victoria. That I would love to see.

As Shadows Fade goes on sale March 3, 2009. I hope to make it to one of Colleen's signings this time. Last book I was on vacation so I missed her.

I've had the opportunity to meet her once at a signing. Being a fellow Michigan author she's one I actually get to see. No one else ever comes here to Michigan, at least not to Flint. (Hey authors you have fans in Flint, really you do, people do actually read here, no really we do).

Colleen is a vivacious, charismatic person who has no problem being the center of attention. She does great at signings. I do really hope to make it to one during the next tour.

Here's a little blurb from Colleen's website about As Shadows Fade, maybe it will tide you over until the book comes out.

"Directly descended from the very first vampire hunter in the Gardella family, Victoria knows she must continue the lineage so humanity will have protectors against the undead."

Coming March 3, 2009!

"While Sebastian Vioget appears to be both the perfect warrior and lover to ensure the Gardella Legacy, Victoria cannot forget Max Pesaro – the former slayer still haunted by the vampire queen Lilith's obsession with him."

"But it is Lilith's obsession that may save all of humanity. Demons, enemies of both mortals and the undead, have found their way to earth. To defeat them, vampires and slayers must fight side by side. But Lilith wants Max in return for her cooperation ‐ a small price for the world, but too high a price for Victoria."

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