My World with Vampires!
What kind of world would it be if vampires really existed? We have been brought into the cult following of watching the HBO show True Blood. There vampires are known to the public and it is met with both acceptance and hate. We find them sexy but they are truly predators, stronger faster and more of a hunter than any animal in the wild. Yet they are human just like us. They want love even though they feel they are not deserving of such an emotion. They want to find a connection with someone which we all at some point are looking for. So would they be really any different from us if they did exist? They are hunted and hated because in the world of fiction humans have become secondary on the food chain of life. The act of blood drinking is about feeding and retaining an essence for food. But when we read about that bite it becomes something sexual and passionate and we wish within ourselves we could experience it. So what if vampires were real would you be one of those lining up to take that immortal plunge into never ending life?
My name is Dahlia Rose and I like to think of myself as a fabulous freak of nature but I am also an author. I write interracial romance in genres from paranormal to contemporary. But what I am here to talk about today is... you guessed it, vampires. I love my vampires and I’m here to tell you about two of my books. In all my books I try to make my hero and heroines find that intense connection. The one that holds on to your heart and never lets go. My hero or heroine vampires are tortured souls looking for something to stave off the cold endless nights. Yes some of my vampires are females and they are no less dangerous even more so.
The Collette Trilogy is three novellas I wrote for Phaze publishing. Each stood alone but together they formed three vampire sisters who were entrusted with a quest no vampire would ever want…to save the human race. Sola, Luna and Willa were freaks of nature even to the vampire world. Born of an undead mother and father but perfect vampires all the same. Each had to find one piece of an amulet which would give vampires the ability to walk in the daylight. They were betrayed by one closest to them and loved by those they brought into the fold. Together they fought against the one enemy that would kill human and vampires alike for the sake of drinking blood and together they would win or lose. Each sister formed a bond and had to learn to get past years of being alone to trust someone else with all they held dear. I think that is what made the reviewers love this series and I hope you will too. The Collette trilogy is still on sale at Phaze (http://www.phaze.com/) in print and e-book and as one reviewer said get on the roller coaster and enjoy the ride, it never lets you go.
Love’s Eternal Bite is my second vampire and this book will debut with Sugar and Spice Press on August 22nd 2009! (http://www.sugarandspicepress.net/). This book is a complete turn around from the trilogy because this time my hero was to the point that eternity was more than he could bear. He didn’t want to pass on his gift; he missed the human existence he had even though it was five hundred years in the past. But then he met Alana, a witch with more power than even he realized. He saved her life by making her immortal but instead of thanking him she cursed him. Learning about her new immortal life showed Alana’s naivety and Christopher’s patience to teach her. But something was coming that they would have to stand together and fight. His sire carried something dark and evil inside him and this timeless evil thing Alana. In this book I showed how destiny and immortality combined to make a couple who would do anything for each other. They were vampires but still allowed to have a soul mate and not having to walk the world alone.
I hope these two books tinkled your intrigued button and has sent you careening into worlds where vampires exists. Love, erotic sexual encounters, danger and passion pours from every page and leaves you gasping in its wake. As I wrote these I found myself having take breaks because of the intensity of the relationships formed in the book. I hope it does the same for you too. But I will not leave and not give a little gift with my departure.
I will leave a contest for the reader of this fabulous blog. Visit either http://www.phaze.com/ for The Collette Trilogy or http://www.sugarandspicepress.net/ coming soon page for Love’s Eternal Bite and tell me the names of my hero’s and heroines in each book.
Email me with the words I Want To Be A Vampire in the subject line and you will be entered to win a decadent goodie bag plus a signed copy of each book! Email me at Dahliarose29@aol.com and on the day of Love’s Eternal Bite debut I will announce the winner here at Fangtastic Books!
Thanks for reading my blog and have a bite on me
Thanks for reading my blog and have a bite on me
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