So it's Monday again and I have loads of work to do to catch up on everything I haven't done in the past four days.
My mom made it through her first cataract surgery like a trooper, no problems. We go again this week for the second eye. She's doing great so far, vision is still a little blurry but no pain. Thank goodness. I didn't sleep the night before her surgery because I was so worried, I had no idea what to expect and well...I am just a compulsive worrier when it comes to my family.
My weekend was busy as far as family things go. It stormed practically the whole time then was hotter than hell yesterday for the first time all summer and wouldn't you know it it's the one day we had plans to be out all day. My family and some friends went to Crossroads Village and had a lot of fun but damn was it HOT!
The next couple of weeks I don't have too much planned here at FB.
Tomorrow we do have the wonderful Dahlia Rose dropping by for a fun guest blog and goodie bag giveaway.
Then I don't have any more authors dropping by until August 26 when Jade Twilight will be stopping in for a guest post and then on August 27 Susan Squires will be dropping in to talk about her newest book Time for Eternity.
I will try to fill in with reviews, news, and Free Book Friday events but can't promise anything since I have assignments, edits, and a few stories that need to be attended to plus I am going to try my hand at making a book trailer. This will be a first and I have no idea what I am doing or if I'll even be able to do it. I am a hands on type of girl, a total DIYer at heart but I am not so good with the technical stuff, so we'll see.
I am open to having authors drop in for guest blogs, book promo days and contests. If any author is interested in joining us here at FB for promoting their paranormal or urban fantasy book please contact me, I have plenty of openings throughout the month of August and still some openings in September. This offer is for print or ebook authors.
I already have some fab authors joining us in September and October including: Kimberly Frost (September 1), Michelle Rowen (September 3), Terry Spear (September 8), Evie Byrne (September 24), Chloe Neill (October 6), and Linda Wisdom (October 23). And the schedule is still wide open for more. Whether you have a new release or an old one it is never too late to promote yourself and your work.
This Fall we are going to have a lot of fun at Fang-tastic Books between all the authors dropping by for guest blogs, giveaways and more and my newest release, Eternal Desire, will be out in October plus I just love Halloween and will be sponsoring several events around the web to celebrate my new release and Halloween.
I've been stocking up on a few Fang-tastic goodies plus I am seeking sponsors if anyone would like to contribute books, DVDs, and any other vampire/paranormal goodies to the giveaways. Anyone who donates prizes will get links and promotion to their websites and books/products.
Stick with me through the slow time this August and be ready for this Fall because it will be Fang-tastic!
The upcoming guests are going to be amazing!!! I'm so glad your mom is recovering from her surgery and I know what you mean about the worrying stuff. My mom is tough as nails, but I still get freaked out when she goes for a doctor's visit.
Thanks for the well wishes.
I know my mom is tough as nails too, but she is almost 72 though you would never know it from looking at her or talking to her, plus she's my MOM, so I have to worry about her.
Same as I worry about my kids or her worrying about me. It's all part of the whole love/family thing.
I am so glad to hear that things went well for your mom!!
And wow - you do have a great lineup in the next few months!
Hmm - I contacted the Hatchette Book Group about being one of the blogs that does giveaways for them and they were receptive. I think they have regular paranormal releases, too. Might be worth a shot!
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