Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Musing August 31, 2009

The last day of August, fall is almost here and in a week the kids will be back to school. It's a bittersweet time of year.

Today is my grandma's birthday, I miss her very much. As of September 2 she'll have been gone from this world for 12 years but I still miss her like crazy. See my grandma helped raise me, it was always just me, my mom and my grandma-three women against the world. So I was really close to her. I wish she would have gotten to see my two youngest kids. She loved my oldest to death- he was her baby, such a grandma's boy. Hopefully she can see us all from the other side. Hope I am doing her proud.

Today is also my best friend's birthday. If she wasn't thousands of miles away from me in Texas we'd be going out for a drink or something. I better give her a call and wish her a Happy Birthday.

So onto happier thoughts, this week Kimberly Frost and Michelle Rowen will be joining us this week and giving away copies of their books. Woo Hoo! So in addition to Free Book Friday you'll have the chance to win two other books this week, too.

Did you watch the season finale of Being Human? George finally embraced his inner wolf. So cool. Looks like it is going to get interesting next season. I really hope it comes back-soon. I am so in love with Mitchell. Isn't he the epitome of the dark and brooding vampire? He's a little thin for my taste but so yummy, dark and dangerous- and Irish-do you hear the Irish accent sneaking out of him? Sometimes it is more obvious than other times but it is so there. Two accents that totally just do it for me are Scottish and Irish accents- not the whole leprecaun type accent but the slight Irish accent-like what Mitchell (Aidan Turner) has.

Vampire Diaries starts next week! I've heard mixed reviews about it. I am looking forward to it just because it's a vamp show. I already have the season set to record on my DVR. I am also looking forward to the new seasons of Bones, Castle, House and Dexter- and my secret guilty pleasures Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. And of course I watch CSI and Smallville (the show has started sucking but I have to see Tom Welling he is sooo drool worthy).

I want to thank whoever invented the DVR because before we had it I couldn't watch anything. Between the kids and my husband controlling the remote...I missed so much. Now I can watch my shows after everyone goes to bed or whenever I want. And the best part- fast forwarding through commercials. LOL.

Onto book news and writing related stuff.

I was checking out next year's RT convention and it is going to be in Columbus, Ohio. That's only five hour drive from me. See I don't fly and hate the thought of driving extremely far away. So one hurdle down- now I just have to figure out how to afford to go and who will watch my kids while I am gone.

Plus my daughter's birthday is that Sunday, May 2. I'll have to come home on Saturday and plan all her b-day stuff in advance or hubby will be dealing with tons of screaming girls Saturday all on his own, which would be fine because he is so much better with kids than I am. But the organizing and planning are what he totally sucks at.

I hope I can go for a few days, I have never went before so I have no idea what to expect but really want to go to some of the workshops and meet with all the writers I love. Don't they also have dances, Balls and themed dinners and stuff? Are those extra or part of the package price?

So those are my random Monday Musings everyone, now I am off to write.

Oh, my novella, Eternal Desire comes out in a little over a month-October 7th.

1 comment:

Debbie F said...

What about Supernatural?! That show is great and has TWO hot guys! LOL!