Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday Musings: The End of Summer Looms Ahead

A restless night has left me thoughtful, melancholy and just plain tired. I think I'll have to pump twice as much caffeine into myself to make it. Perhaps I should just mainline the coffee and be done with it?

So perhaps my restless night has left me with evil humor today as well, don't know but the weird dreams and strange noises that kept me awake, or at least somewhere between restful slumber and wide awake, were so odd.

All night I was plagued with weird dreams of blood, tomatoes, and really strange music. I suppose I have been reading too much then my gardening comes to play in my dreams as well. The music, no clue.

At one point I awoke, or thought I did because strange music was playing, of course it could have been dream on dream. I know I woke up several times hearing odd noises that I think (hope) was just the wind but who knows.

Then the sirens...arg. I live close by two fire stations whose haunting wailing sirens sound very mournful and scary in the middle of a quiet night, especially when the air is just right. My daughter used to wake up terrified when she would hear those sirens. I know why because they scare me a little as well, the sound, it is just...odd. Anyway those damn sirens went off two or three times during the night adding to the weird atmosphere of my sleep.

It's all left me feeling off today.

Then I realized there's very little left to summer and that just depressed me. The end of summer looms- just there in the distance, so close, so sad.

I always mourn the end of summer even though Fall is my favorite time of year. The Celtic New Year, harvest time, apples, squash, Halloween...I am an Autumn child but summer ending always makes me melancholy.

So I am officially a sap today. Perhaps I can channel that darkness into something weird and frightful.

Hmm, enough about me.

So anyone watch Being Human? After the first episode I did keep watching and am now totally hooked and totally pissed this week will be the season finale already. What six episodes? They must have been testing the waters to see how we Americans took to it. I hope to see more.

My husband is thrilled Robin Hood is coming back. Blah never really got into it. It's like been there, done that in 100 ways, ya know? I liked Being Human because it was new and, of course, paranormal.

What is everyone reading these days? I am reading Jenna Black's Morgan Kingsley series right now, totally fab, on book 3. Sexy, hot, and with enough mystery and suspense to make me wonder what everyone is up to and why, I can't wait to see where she takes the story.

I finished Jeaniene Frost's Destined for an Early Grave the other night. I'll have a review up this week. I just have to say, wow. Frost never disappoints me. I love Cat and Bones they are a great power couple.

Speaking of Frost, I read Kimberly Frost's newest, Barely Bewitched. Another big WOW. That review will also be up this week and Kimberly will be here guest blogging on September 1st and we'll be giving away a copy of Barely Bewitched to one lucky reader.

OK so I have nothing really fabulous to chat about so I'll be off to work for now and posting reviews for everyone soon.

3 comments: said...

I'm a Being Human fan too! Wish there were more of it.

I'm sad over the end of summer too, even though Fall's also my favorite season. There's still something sad about it. I'm not sure what.

Barbara said...

I like Being Human too. I'm glad I stuck in and of course I babbled about it on my blog. Well it does have a second season so it will be back. Americans just have longer seasons so 6 is like our version of 13 since some shows just have that in the first season. I don't know why they do that but they also call a season a series which leads to confusion too.

The library is being very uncooperative because I've been wanting to read Kimberly Frost. Yes I'll admit I saw the cover and thought I have to read it but it also sounds like a good book too.

I have weird dreams too. The computer has done the fire alarm thing. There is this alarm siren or whatever it is that goes off that drives me nuts but so far it's only been in the daytime. Things do sound spookier and louder at night which is why if I happen to be online a little bit at night I'll put the sound down so I'm not startled and stuck on the ceiling.

Kytaira said...

I'm watching Being Human also. I guess I missed one. There was George becoming friends with another werewolf. Annie finding out about her death. Mitchell becoming friends with the boy. And the one with Mitchell's girlfriend from the 60s dying of cancer.