Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Musings November 30, 2009

Hello all. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, or just a wonderful weekend in general.

So this past week was a busy one with the holiday, my son's birthday and lots and lots of writing for me. I still feel like I got nothing accomplished. I am one of those crazy people that can't check something off my list until it is completely finished.

I saw New Moon with the hubby last week. I liked it. I feel like it skimmed over everything though. It's like yes it showed this and that but it didn't dig deep enough into everything to be satisfying. Staring at Jacob's abs helped make the movie bearable. In the scene where he first took his shirt off the whole movie theater erupted in female screams of appreciation. I felt like a total cougar drooling over a kid that is younger than my oldest son. ( I kept having to remind myself of that so my thoughts didn't go from aesthetic appreciation to total no no land :-)
Anyway New Moon was good but I think Twilight was better, this movie just felt too rushed. I hope they delve more into the plot, feelings and emotions in Eclipse and not make it so rushed-but it is so hard to put all that you find on the page into a movie.

So I stuffed myself on Thanksgiving and spent the rest of the weekend working, no shopping for me. I'll finish shopping later.

This week kicks off the 25 Paranormal Days of Christmas here at Fang-tastic Books starting tomorrow. And The 25 Naughty Days of Christmas at Roxanne's Realm.

Tomorrow we have a fun guest blog here about Christmas and Zombies along with a free read.

At Roxanne's Realm I'll be giving away a signed print copy of my story Tasty Christmas Treats so please drop by and enter that contest by leaving a comment.

So let's have a lot of fun and usher in the holiday season with the first day of December.

And for all of you writers and aspiring writers out there check out Michelle Rowen's holiday short story contest!


Kris said...

Ya know I couldn't figure out what exactly I didn't LOVE about New Moon but I think you just hit it on the head! They skimmed the whole book, that's what it was. I enjoyed it though. Yeah Jacob...The theatre did the same squealing appreciation the first time he took off his shirt LOL!

Ellz said...

I got my goodies. Thank you so much-love the T.

I am excited about your 25 days, sounds like fun.

Elie (Ellz Readz)

Roxanne Rhoads said...

Hi Ellie

Glad you finally received your goodies sorry it took so long to get them out

wcvamp said...

I personally loved NEw Moon and disliked Twilight, each their own

I am with you, i felt like a perv, drooling over that 17 yr old boy.... and he was actually 16 yr old when he filmed it... but yep the theater took a deep breathe when that shirt came off.

Barbara said...

I too drool over shirtless Jacob. There should be a club called Naughty Naughty He's Too Young To Be Drooling Over Club.

The Scarf Princess said...

Can't wait for the celebration to start! Thanks for everything you do for us readers!