February already? Wow that went fast, seems like just yesterday it was the new year. Guess I've been so busy time just slipped by.
That and half the time I was stuck in a sick, stuffed up, flu like haze. I think everyone in my household has been sick, at least twice in the past couple months. I really want to have one day when sinus pressure doesn't make my head feel like it is going to explode.
I am at a point in one of my WIP (work in progress) novels where I am stuck. I am not sure where I want the scene to go and how I want it all to play out. Hubby helped me out a little last night as we threw ideas back and forth so we'll see how those ideas work out on paper.
The other novel I pick at when I am stuck or sick of the other one. I am still not sure if I am ever going to finish an entire novel. I keep getting sidetracked by my short stories and novellas and my freelance work which pays the bills (kinda, it helps when my publishers actually pay me, I am sitting here still waiting on payment from one publisher for December, January and now February's work- which really sucks).
It amazes me the authors that can churn out several novels a year. But I guess once you get used to it and you don't have to worry about trying to make money to feed your family from other sources you can sit down and focus on just the books and get them done. I hope that day comes soon for me, I realize it will not if I can't ever finish one entire novel but I can't afford to put all my eggs in one basket right now. So that's the state of my writing life.
I caught up on some shows saved to my DVR finally this weekend. Watched the last episodes of Angel from the final season, now starting back from the beginning. Watched last week's episode of BBC America's Demons, the one with the vampires. I found this episode to be better than the others, I figured Mina had something to do with vampires because of her name, hello a Mina Harker that has nothing to do with vampires but works in the world of the paranormal (or half lifes as they call them on the show which really doesn't make sense to me but whatever).
I still have to watch this week's episode of Demons. I have to admit it is not high on my priority list. They say critics are hailing it as a new Buffy. Not so much for me. It doesn't hold the humor, the appeal, or any of the sexy chemistry between characters... and the old dude, Galvin is it? Can't freaking stand him at all. Not one bit. Someone needs to smite him. Maybe I just don't get it because I am not British.
Demons may be one of those shows that is too British for an American audience where Being Human held such universal appeal and very lovable characters that you can empathize with them and their stories. I really want Being Human back, Demons isn't holding my attention, even though there is nothing else on Saturday nights to watch. Is next week the series finale? Did they only plan on having 6 episodes? I wonder if it was a let's see how this does and if there's a positive response we'll do more type of thing.
So what's going on at Fang-tastic Books this week you may be wondering. Well Kathy Kulig will be here tomorrow, Terry Spear will be here on Thursday and Susan Blexrud will be here Friday- all with books to give away.
Be sure to get your entries in for all the contests from last week, they are open until tomorrow night. The poster contest is open until next week so be sure to get your entry in for that as well.
Hope you enjoyed the Vampire Valentine Gift Guide. If you have any other great vampire gift ideas be sure to post them in the comments with links.
And If you love erotica drop by Roxanne's Realm there are lots of erotica book giveaways still open from last week. Winners will be announced on Wednesday.
I hope everyone in your household is feeling better.
It sounds like a fun filled week; I look forward in "seeing" your guests.
Tracey D
I feeling better.Thanks,
Best Valentine gift
Man your house sounds like mine, sick since Christmas here 1 or another of us with allergies than stomach virus and what have you. Happy New Year not really yet! Good thoughts your way and hope it gets better for everyone in the house in the next few days and weeks!!!!
jackie b central texas
Thanks everyone for the well wishes the good postive vibes being sent this way mean a lot.
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