Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Review of Bound by Sin by Jenna Maclaine

Five Fangs for Bound by Sin

The first part of this book was so heart wrenching I cried for probably the first three or four chapters at least. Granted I was in a very melancholy mood when I started the book so the tears were ready to fall but the whole thing was very cathartic and I loved it. How can you not love a book that elicits such emotion?

Maclaine put such feeling and poignancy into Cin's struggle with letting go of everyone she loved as the years passed, they died and she stayed the same. It was very emotional.

Then Maclaine pushed Cin in a new direction, even into a new location sending her to America, a new setting for a new chapter in Cin's life. Of course the goddess Morrigan played her part orchestrating the whole thing. I wonder what that Goddess is up to because she sure seems to have her own motives for Cin and her family.

This book was action packed, filled with some steamy scenes and full of emotion. This is what drew me to this series to begin with. I remember how the first book pulled in me in, this one did that as well. Maclaine's mojo is back and this book is a hit.

I love Cin Craven the Red Witch of the Righteous.

I am glad Maclaine is pushing past the whole black and white, good and bad and delving into the gray area of reality. I also love the way she is pushing Cin and forcing her to grow as a character.

Fabulous book, now I really can't wait to read more in this series... and see what Morrigan is up to.

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